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NYT Mini Crossword January 18 2025 Answers (1/18/25)

Here’s our guide to the NYT Mini Crossword for 18th January 2025, designed to help if you’re stuck on any of today’s clues. The New York Times Mini Crossword is a compact yet engaging alternative to the full-sized version, perfect for those seeking a quick mental challenge. Despite its smaller grid and fewer clues, it delivers the same variety and intrigue as the standard crossword. Published daily in both print and online, the Mini Crossword offers varying levels of difficulty, much like its larger counterpart.

NYT Mini Crossword Solutions – 18th January 2025

If today’s Mini Crossword has you puzzled, we’ve compiled all the clues and answers to assist you. You can search for a specific clue to reveal its solution without exposing the rest of the puzzle, allowing you to enjoy the challenge while only getting the help you need!

1A Worked in Microsoft Word NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Word (noun)

  • The divine message or expression of God; the second person of the Trinity, embodied in Jesus.
  • News or information about recent and significant events.



Hint 2: Word (verb)

  • To express or articulate something in words or phrases.

6A With 14-Across, comedy writer who takes a road trip with Will Ferrell in a 2024 Netflix documentary NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Documentary (adjective)

  • Based on, related to, or derived from documents.
  • Referring to films, television, radio, or photography that portray real-life events using images or interviews with those involved.



Hint 2: Documentary (noun)

  • A film or television programme that presents factual information about a person or event.

8A Pseudonyms NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the following letters to get today’s answer:




10A Director Burton NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Burton (noun)

  • An English explorer, alongside John Speke, credited as the first European to explore Lake Tanganyika (1821–1890).
  • A Welsh film actor known for frequently co-starring with Elizabeth Taylor (1925–1984).



Hint 2: Director (noun)

  • A person who leads and guides a musical group.
  • Someone responsible for managing resources and overseeing expenditures.

11A “Oh, there ___ again!” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Again (adverb)

  • Anew



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the following letters to get today’s answer:


12A 10-legged marine crustacean NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Crustacean (adjective)

  • Relating to or belonging to the class Crustacea.



Hint 2: Crustacean (noun)

  • An aquatic arthropod, typically with a segmented body and a hard, chitinous exoskeleton.

14A See 6-Across NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • English writer (1672-1729)



Hint 2: Answers used in the past:

  • CULPA (5 letters)
  • GOALS (5 letters)
  • SCOUT (5 letters)
  • GARDE (5 letters)
  • WILDE (5 letters)
  • RINGS (5 letters)
  • SEACREST (8 letters)
  • TEXT (4 letters)
  • FROM (4 letters)

15A Like the firstborn of two children NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Firstborn (noun)

  • The child born first in the sequence of siblings.



Hint 2: Firstborn (adjective)

  • Being the first in the order of birth.

1D “___ all there is to it!” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: All (adverb)

  • To the fullest extent or completely (often informally replaced by “whole” for “wholly”).



Hint 2: All (adjective)

  • Fully devoted to or entirely engaged in something.
  • Used with mass or count nouns to refer to the total number, amount, or every member of a group.

2D Ivy Leaguers in Connecticut NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Connecticut (noun)

  • A river in the northeastern United States that flows south from northern New Hampshire, forming the border between New Hampshire and Vermont, and continues through Massachusetts and Connecticut before emptying into Long Island Sound.
  • A state in New England, known as one of the original 13 colonies.



3D Man or mandrill NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Mandrill (noun)

  • A baboon native to West Africa, known for its bright red and blue muzzle and blue-coloured hindquarters.



Hint 2: Man (noun)

  • A person serving in the armed forces; a member of a military organisation.
  • An adult male human, as distinct from a woman.

4D Org. concerned with clean air and water NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Concerned (adjective)

  • Involved in, affected by, or having a claim to or share in something.
  • Guiltily involved or responsible.



Hint 2: Water (noun)

  • The portion of the Earth’s surface covered by water, such as rivers, lakes, or oceans.
  • A facility that provides a supply of water.

5D Wished for NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Answer used in the past:

  • HOPED (5 letters)



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the following letters to get today’s answer:


7D Lavishly entertain (with) NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Lavishly (adverb)

  • In an extravagant or wasteful manner.
  • In a rich and opulent way.



Hint 2: Entertain (verb)

  • To consider or keep in mind.
  • To uphold or nurture a theory, thought, or feeling.

9D Not drinking any alcohol NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Drinking (noun)

  • The act of consuming alcoholic beverages in excess.
  • The act of consuming liquids.



Hint 2: Alcohol (noun)

  • A liquor or beverage containing alcohol as its active ingredient.
  • Any of a group of volatile hydroxyl compounds produced from hydrocarbons through distillation.

13D Collectible cartoon image sold at Disney World NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Collectible (adjective)

  • Subject to or requiring payment, typically as outlined or specified.



Hint 2: Collectible (noun)

  • Items regarded as worth collecting, which may not necessarily be valuable or antique.


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