In the vast world of Once Human, staying hydrated is crucial for survival, and ice cubes offer a refreshing and effective way to do so. Not only do they quench your thirst, but they also help maintain your sanity, making them a valuable resource in your journey. This guide will explore the different methods of obtaining ice cubes, their uses, and the recipes you can create with them.
What are Ice Cube used for in Once Human
Ice cubes are a great way to stay hydrated and remain sane. They’re perfect for keeping in your player and can help you feel more alert and focused. You will get pure water when ice melts. You will also be able to craft Coldium using Ice cubes which will greatly help you as a heat resistance item in hotter regions. You can also make these following recipes by using ice cubes which will help you throughout your journey.
- Bacon Burger
- Cold Pumpkin Soup
- Signature Ice Brew
- Whimsical Drink
- You can use Ice cubes to craft a weapon known as Frozen Tilapia B.P.
How to Get Ice Cube
Till now in the game you can get Ice cubes through these two methods
To make ice cubes in a fridge, you must use purified water. Connect the fridge to power and add purified water to the water tank. The fridge will then start producing ice cubes. If you don’t have purified water, you can purify dirty water by putting it in a water purifier. You’ll need to unlock a Water Collector, a Water Storage Tank, and an Osmosis Water Purifier before you can make Purified Water. Wait a few minutes for the water to be purified before making ice cubes.
To learn how to make a fridge, unlock Cooking II and Electric Stoves in the Memetics menu. To use your fridge, you’ll need a source of electricity. It requires 2 watts of power to run.
You can generate this power by building solar panels or other power-generating facilities. Once you’ve generated the power, you must set up pylons and terminals at your base to connect the power source to your fridge.
Once you do that, you can unlock the Refrigeration Memetic, which will give you the blueprint for crafting a fridge. You can keep your fridge in your base camp.
To create an Ice cube, press “G,” then click Purified Water to convert it to Ice cubes. Use your right-click to withdraw the amount of ice that you need from the fridge.
Vending Machines

You can easily find ice cubes in vending machines located all over the eastern and western parts of Wishland. With over 30 vending machines in the entire area, it’s easy to grab a bag of ice whenever you need it. To use the vending machine, press the “F” key to open the menu. On the right side of the menu, you’ll see what items are currently available to claim. Click on the “ice cubes” option to buy them. The price of the ice cubes is set by the player who owns the vending machine.
Q. Where can I find vending machines to buy ice cubes?
A. Vending machines are placed randomly throughout the eastern and western parts of Wishland. So, keep your eyes open for them while exploring the game world.
Q. What can I do with ice cubes besides using them in recipes?
A. Ice cubes can be used to craft the Frozen Tilapia B.P. weapon. Also, they can be melted down to get purified water, a valuable resource in the game.
Q. What is Coldium, and why is it important?
A. Coldium: It’s an item made with ice cubes that provides heat resistance. While exploring Once Human, the hotter places require one to have such items because it would reduce damage from heat and make survival in those conditions relatively easier. Stock up on Coldium before venturing into these regions.