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Sell Icon to Pomor or Return Icon to Mityay in Stalker 2 Poppy Field Mission

In the “Poppy Field” mission of Stalker 2, you are drawn into a hazardous journey through a deadly anomalous zone in search of a hidden root cellar where the Orthodox icon is located, one that has a mysterious past behind it- two to be precise. Pomor, a dubious character with unclear intentions toward the icon, collects it for his purposes. At the same time, Mityay, having lived a part of his life in the district, values it much as a desired family heirloom. The icon recipient will decide your reward, which is uniquely patterned according to your decisions in choosing the icon recipient.

Sell Icon to Pomor or Return Icon to Mityay

You’re on a quest to find a hidden root cellar in a poppy field where a man named Mityay used to live. But you’ll encounter a man named Pomor who has his plans for the place. You must find an Orthodox Icon inside the cellar and return it to Pomor. After that, you’ll face a choice, but it seems your decision won’t greatly impact the story.

To claim either reward, you’ll need to retrieve the Orthodox icon from the root cellar, which is located on the west side of the poppy field. Be cautious, though; the field is a dangerous anomalous zone that can trap anyone who stays there for a long time in an eternal sleep.

Don’t forget to pack plenty of energy drinks to stay alert in the sleep-inducing poppy field. Once inside the cellar, loot the body on the floor and grab the icon from the shelf. Then, leave the cellar and the field as quickly as possible to avoid the anomaly’s deadly effects.

Sell Icon to Pomor in Stalker 2 Poppy Field Mission

If you give the icon to Pomor, you’ll receive the Unknown Stalker’s AR416, a rifle known for its accuracy and rapid fire. This might be a valuable weapon, especially if you’re early in the game and haven’t yet found a 5.56×45 caliber rifle. However, the rifle is quite damaged, with only 10% durability, meaning it could break easily. You’ll need to have it fixed by a technician, but it will be quite expensive.

Return Icon to Mityay in Stalker 2 Poppy Field Mission

If you return the icon to Mityay, he will reward you with 1,350 coupons. This additional money can be used to upgrade your equipment or repair your weapons. Mityay especially wants the icon back because it reminds him of his family.


Ultimately, the choice of who to give the icon to is yours. Both rewards have their merits. There’s also a riskier option: trade the icon for the rifle with Pomor, then kill him. After killing Pomor, you can loot his body to get a few items, including a religious icon and a key. Use the key to unlock the door to the left of Pomor to find more valuable loot. You can then return the icon to Mityay for the 1,350 coupons.

ChoicesSell to PomorReturn to Mityay Kill Pomor and then return to Mityay 
RewardsAR4161,350 couponsAR416 and 1,350 coupons


Q. Is the AR416 really worth it?

A. While the AR416 is quite a powerful weapon, low durability makes it somewhat of a risk. If you’re really early in the game and need a reliable weapon, it might be good enough for you. But when you’re further in and you have better weapons, then maybe 1,350 coupons can be a more practical option for you.

Q. Does choosing one option over the other affect the main storyline?

A. No, the choice of who to give the icon to does not significantly impact the main storyline. However, it can affect your immediate gameplay experience and the rewards you receive.

Q. What happens if I don’t return the icon to Mityay after killing Pomor?

A. If you don’t return the icon to Mityay after killing Pomor, the game will likely proceed as if you never had the icon in the first place. You’ll miss out on the 1,350 coupons and any potential storyline developments related to Mityay.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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