After the update on Once Human has introduced a temperature mechanic that applies across all scenarios. There are now more types of weather, each with different environmental effects. Extreme weather conditions create a more challenging survival experience. Changes in weather, temperature, and other environmental factors will impact Metas, enemy units, and buildings and facilities in various ways.
In the Way of Winter, which is set in the far north, extreme temperatures make survival much tougher. The temperature system is based on two main factors: temperature and resistance. Temperature varies by region, weather, time of day, environment, and certain items, while resistance indicates how well you can handle extreme temperatures. The higher your resistance, the less you’ll feel the effects of scorching heat or freezing cold.
In this article, we will discuss on how to stay warm or cool in Way of Winter new mechanics.
Once Human The Way of Winter New Mechanics
In the Way of Winter scenario in Once Human, there are five different temperature statuses, each with its own effects:
- Frost: The Frost status activates when the temperature falls below -50°C. In this state, the character rapidly loses energy and their body temperature reduces. They accumulate a stack of Frozen every three seconds, resulting in a 5% HP loss per second and a slowdown in movement. If they reach four stacks of Frozen, they die instantly.
- Chilly: The Chilly status begins when the temperature is between -50°C and -20°C. In this state, the character loses energy quickly, and their body temperature drops gradually.
- Cozy: The Cozy status is important for survival in the Way of Winter scenario. You enter Cozy status when the temperature is between 20°C and 30°C. While this status is active, the character’s body temperature gradually returns to normal.
- Heat: The northern region of Nalcott is marked by volcanoes and snowy tundra. When you explore the hotter areas and get close to heat-producing resources or enemies, you’ll enter the Heat status if the temperature is between 30°C and 60°C. In this state, the character rapidly loses hydration, and their body temperature gradually rises.
- Blaze: The Blaze starts in when the temperature goes above 60°C. In this state, the character quickly loses hydration, and their body temperature rises dramatically. They gain a stack of Combustion every three seconds, resulting in a 5% HP loss per second and a 1% reduction in gear durability. If they reach four stacks of Combustion, they die instantly.
How to Stay Warm or Cool in Once Human Way of Winter
If you’re exposed to extreme heat or cold without enough resistance, your body temperature can drop, causing harm. The longer you stay in those conditions, the more severe the damage can become, leading to death. However, if you get back to a comfortable temperature, your body will recover, and any illness will heal. Cold Resist is a measure of how well a Meta can handle extremely low temperatures. Increasing Cold Resist helps Metas adapt better to frigid climates. For instance, a Meta with 10 points of Cold Resist won’t be affected in temperatures as low as -10°C. Following are the ways to resist extreme temperatures:
Craft Chaosium Lantern

Many things can provide cold resistance, and one of the first things you should consider is the Chaosium Lantern. You unlock this in the memetics in Infrastructure > Polar Expedition 2. Once unlocked, you can craft it at the Intermediate Supplies Workbench. You also need Chaosium in your inventory to fuel the lantern. Unlock it in Infrastructure > Chaosium Extraction. Once done, you can craft Chaosium at the Furnace with the crucial/new items: Cold Crystal Ore or Hot Rock Ore. Once you have the lantern and the Chaosium fuel. Place the fuel in inventory and click use on the lantern. You will now get +15 cold resistance. Combine this with Heatium, and you will have +25 cold resistance.
Do note that you will need a lot of Chaosium to fuel the lantern. So, ensure you farm enough cold crystal ore to make the fuel. The lantern will consume 10 Chaosium every 5 seconds. So, it’s an expensive resource you should use only when much needed.
Foods to resist extreme temperature
Crops grown in the Snowy Realm will help you resist extreme temperatures. Eating Spikemato, Sunny Ginger, or polar pepper will increase your Cold Resistance for 5 minutes, while Mint and Icemelon will increase your Heat Resistance. Dishes made with these ingredients will have even stronger resistance and can help regulate your body temperature or cure illness. These include salty-roasted Spikemato, all-weather stew, etc. The Onyx Tundra offers plenty of essential cold-resistance items like Spikematoes, making it a great starting location.
Items to withstand extreme temperatures – Heatium, etc.
The Way of Winter features a variety of tools and items designed to help you withstand extreme temperatures. For example, you can craft Heatium at the Supplies Workbench to increase your Cold Resistance, and the Frost Grenade can significantly lower the temperature in its blast radius. Some existing items have also been updated to include temperature effects. For instance, the Molotov Cocktail and Thermite Grenade now considerably raise the temperature in their blast areas. There are plenty of other ways to manipulate temperature that you can explore and experiment with on your own.
Gears to resist extreme temperature
Crafting tops or pants using hides that offer temperature resistance will aid your survival in the extreme conditions of the Snowy Realm. Additionally, the item used for repairing armor will switch from rawhide to a new type called leftovers, which can be crafted at the Supplies Workbench once you’ve learned the Leatherworking Memetic. Some existing weapons have also been updated with temperature effects, such as the Torch and Frozen Northern Pike. Holding these weapons will change the surrounding temperature, and using them in attacks will raise or lower the temperature of your target.
Early in the game, you can hunt Reindeer for their hides. Using Reindeer Hides, when crafting new armor, will give you gear that increases your Cold Resist. Once you have some essential cold protection, you can head to the eastern part of Wish Land (2360, 6650) to hunt mutated Bears or Flamingos. Armor made from Bear Skins or Flamingo Feathers can significantly enhance your Cold Resist.
Craft Rustic B.P Set
The blueprint for this set is available by default if memory serves me right. I want you to craft this particular jacket because it allows you to have two slots to choose the fabric and material you use to make the jacket. You need to choose a type of hide and a fabric. Most animals hide in the new content provides cold resistance, except for cows and a few others. Make sure to choose a hide that provides cold resistance, and for Cotton Fabric, select a Rustic Snowland Set. Craft the jacket, shoes, pants, and gloves, all using a cold-resistant hide, and you will have 20 cold resistance permanently until you need to repair the armor. Add this with the Heatium, and all areas in Phase One will be accessible.
Temperature Control Facilities
In The Way of Winter, you unlock temperature control facilities through Memetics. It will now alter the ambient temperature around you as long as you provide the fuel. All existing facilities; bonfires and burning oil drums have also been updated with the temperature effects. Be careful not to get scorched by these things while exploring. You can also use the simple vintage stove to adjust the surrounding temperature based on the type of fuel used. Its heating effect stops once the fuel runs out. Also carrying Heatium can help you to resists low temperature. Combine Charcoal and Thermoium at a Supplies Workbench to make Heatium. The effects of Heatium last for 60 minutes and can’t be stacked.
Body Sizes and Dampened State
In Way of Winter, changes in body size will affect your temperature resistance. Swimming in water will put you in the Dampened state, which boosts your Heat Resistance but lowers your Cold Resistance.
Thermal Tower
The Thermal Tower is a unique Wonder that can change the temperature and environment over a wide area, impacting the world around it. You can unlock the Thermal Tower under Memetics after the Way of Winter enters its second seasonal phase. Unlike regular buildings, the Thermal Tower must be constructed outside your territory and cannot be placed nearby other Thermal Towers, as their effective areas cannot overlap. Once built, a Thermal Tower cannot be relocated, so it’s important to choose its location wisely. Each player is allowed to build only one Thermal Tower.
Once you’ve placed a Thermal Tower, you can upgrade its technology. The Tower has four modules: the Reactor, Thermostatic Cover, Defense Structures, and Radiator. Each module offers eight different tech upgrades. After upgrading, the Thermal Tower will have improved temperature control and offer various bonuses. The Thermal Tower also functions as a Depot, allowing you to store important resources. The costs for tech upgrades and operations will be deducted from the resources in its Depot. The Thermal Tower operates on Chaosium. The more powerful its temperature effects and radiation range, the quicker it uses up Chaosium. If the Depot runs out of Chaosium, the Thermal Tower will cease to function.