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HomeGuidesThick Reptilian Tail and Reptilian Butcher Location in Throne and Liberty

Thick Reptilian Tail and Reptilian Butcher Location in Throne and Liberty

Saurodoma Island in Throne and Liberty is shrouded in ancient mysteries, including the power to summon the legendary Reptilian Butcher. In this guide, we have mentioned what you need to do to locate the Reptilian Butcher and how to find the Thick Reptilian Tail in order to perform the ritual of summoning. 

Thick Reptilian Tail and Reptilian Butcher Location

The Brazier of Resurrection

The Brazier of Resurrection, which is important for the summoning ritual, can be found in several places on Saurodoma Island. These act as gateways to summon the Reptilian Butcher, giving players different options for performing the ritual of the summoning. To use the Brazier of Resurrection, you’ll need a thick reptilian tail.

Lizard Monsters Tails

To gather the lizard tails needed for the summoning ritual, players must track down lizard monsters scattered across the island. Defeating them will yield thin reptilian tails, which are vital for the summoning process. It’s important to act quickly, as the thin tails will vanish after a short time.

Tail Collector

Before starting the summoning ritual, parties or guilds need to assign one player to collect the thin reptilian tails. This player should be the one to deliver the final blow to lizard monsters to successfully obtain the tails. Good coordination and teamwork are key for effective tail collection.

The Thick Reptilian Tail

Once you collect 20 thin reptilian tails, they will automatically transform into a thick reptilian tail, which is the main offering for the summoning ritual. You’ll then need to go to the Brazier of Resurrection to summon the Reptilian Butcher and defeat it.

Universal Drops of Reptilian Butcher 

Item NameDescriptionQuantity
World Tree LeafHeals the adventurer1
Malevolent StaffDungeon Point1
Staff of Lucid LightDungeon Point1
Phantom Wolf BreechesDungeon Point1
Precious Polished CrystalUsed for crafting equipment.1
Precious Base Material Chance ChestDungeon Point1
Rare RubrixUsed to craft Weapon Growthstones.1
Rare Rubrix OreUsed to craft Weapon Growthstones.1
Crossbows of Infinite SteelDungeon Point1
Rare StalonUsed to craft Armor Growthstones.1
Rare Stalon OreUsed to craft Armor Growthstones.1
Precious StalonUsed to craft Armor Growthstones.1
Precious Stalon OreUsed to craft Armor Growthstones.1
Rare EmeretUsed to craft Accessory Growthstones.1
Rare Emeret OreUsed to craft Accessory Growthstones.1
Precious EmeretUsed to craft Accessory Growthstones.1
Precious Emeret OreUsed to craft Accessory Growthstones.1
Rare MarindUsed to craft Active and Passive Skill Growth Books.1
Rare Marind OreUsed to craft Active and Passive Skill Growth Books.1
Precious MarindUsed to craft Active and Passive Skill Growth Books.1
Precious Marind OreUsed to craft Active and Passive Skill Growth Books.1
Quality ParchmentUsed to craft Active and Passive Skill Growth Books.1
Rare ParchmentUsed to craft Active and Passive Skill Growth Books.1
Abyssal AggregateDungeon Point1
Precious ParchmentUsed to craft Active and Passive Skill Growth Books.1
Precious Omnipotence ParchmentUsed to craft Special Skill Growth Books.1
Quality Natural EssenceUsed to make Remedies.1
Rare Natural EssenceUsed to make Remedies.1
Lizard EggLow in fat and high in protein.1
Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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