Our NYT Mini Crossword January 31, 2025, answers guide is here to assist you if you’re stuck on a clue while solving today’s puzzle. The New York Times Mini Crossword is a compact yet engaging version of the newspaper’s renowned daily crossword. It offers a quick mental challenge for solvers who don’t have time for a full puzzle but still want a satisfying experience. Despite its smaller size, the Mini Crossword retains the same level of difficulty as its full-sized counterpart. It is published daily, both in print and online.
NYT Mini Crossword January 31, 2025 Answers
If you need help with the NYT Mini Crossword for 1/31/25, we’ve listed all the clues below so you can easily find the answer(s) you need. This way, if you’re only looking for assistance with specific clues, you won’t accidentally see answers to others you’re still working on!
1A Like a dry-cleaned shirt or fresh sheets NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: (Adjective)
- Refreshingly cool and energising.
- Clearly distinct in appearance or sound.
Hint 2: (Noun)
- A thin, crunchy potato slice deep-fried until crisp.
6A Weapon used on horseback NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Horseback (adverb)
- Riding on a horse
Hint 2: Horseback (noun)
- A narrow ridge of hills
- The back of a horse
7A One of a potential 13 for “Emilia Pérez,” as announced last week NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Announced (adjective)
- Publicly declared or widely shared.
Hint 2: Potential (noun)
- The voltage difference between two points in a circuit.
- The innate ability or possibility for development or existence.
8A Movie double’s responsibility NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Responsibility (noun)
- A quality of reliability, involving accountability for one’s actions.
- A social obligation that compels adherence to specific actions.
Hint 2: Double (adjective)
- Referring to homologous chromosomes paired during synapsis.
- Made up of or involving two parts, typically in pairs.
9A The “blue marble” NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Marble (noun)
- A durable crystalline metamorphic rock that can be highly polished, used in sculpture and construction.
- A sculpture made from marble.
Hint 2: Marble (verb)
- To paint or stain in a way that resembles marble.
1D In the ballpark NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Ballpark (noun)
- An estimated range or approximation of something.
- A venue designed for playing ball games, especially baseball.
2D Someone who might smoke ganja as a sacrament, informally NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Sacrament (noun)
- A formal religious ritual that bestows a specific grace on participants. In Protestantism, it includes baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, seven sacraments are traditionally recognised: baptism, confirmation, Holy Eucharist, penance, holy orders, matrimony, and extreme unction.
Hint 2: Informally (adverb)
- Using casual or colloquial language.
3D Run up, as debt NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Debt (noun)
- An obligation to repay or perform something.
- Money, goods, or services owed by one individual to another.
Hint 2: Run (noun)
- A small stream of water.
- A line of unraveled stitches.
4D Meager NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: (Verb)
- To provide in limited or restricted amounts.
- To work quickly or carelessly, handling something inadequately or superficially.
Hint 2: (Adjective)
- Less than the proper, legal, or full amount, often intentionally.
5D Capital of Western Australia NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Australia (noun)
- A country occupying the entire Australian continent, believed to have been first inhabited by Aboriginal tribes who migrated from Southeast Asia around 20,000 years ago. The first Europeans were British convicts sent there as a penal colony.
- The smallest continent, located between the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
Hint 2: Capital (noun)
- The upper section of a column that supports the entablature.
- The central governing authority of the United States.