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HomeCrosswordNYT Crossword January 29 2025 Answers (1/29/25)

NYT Crossword January 29 2025 Answers (1/29/25)

Our NYT Crossword Answers Guide for January 29, 2025, is here to help if you’re stuck on a tricky clue. The New York Times Crossword is a daily puzzle that challenges solvers with clever wordplay and a rich vocabulary. As one of the most popular crosswords in the world, it appears both in the print edition of The New York Times and online.


NYT Crossword January 29, 2025 – Answers

If you’re looking for help with today’s puzzle, we’ve listed all the crossword clues below. You can search for a specific clue and select it to reveal the answer. This way, you can find help for only the clues you need without accidentally seeing solutions for others you’re still working on!

1A Home of Spaceship Earth NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Earth (noun)

  • The third planet from the sun, home to human life.
  • A link between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the Earth, which is considered to have zero voltage.



Hint 2: Earth (verb)

  • To connect to the Earth.
  • To take refuge underground, like a hunted animal.

6A Kimono sash NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Sash (noun)

  • A strip of material worn around the waist to reinforce a skirt or trousers.
  • A frame that holds the panes of a window within the window frame.



Hint 2: Kimono (noun)

  • A loose-fitting robe, originally inspired by traditional Japanese garments.

9A To date NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Date (noun)

  • A person involved in a date.
  • A specific day of the month.



Hint 2: Date (verb)

  • To go out regularly with someone; maintain a steady relationship.
  • To mark with a date.

14A Author Novik of the “Scholomance” trilogy NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Trilogy (noun)

  • A series of three literary or dramatic works connected by subject or theme.



Hint 2: Author (noun)

  • A person who creates, originates, or initiates something.
  • A professional writer who produces books, stories, articles, or similar works for payment.

15A Kiddie NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Verb)

  • To calculate the total of.



Hint 2: (Noun)

  • A young child.
  • A small portion, especially of a drink.

16A Cherish NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Answers used in the past:

  • PRIZE (5 letters)
  • VALUE (5 letters)
  • TREASURE (8 letters)
  • HOLD (4 letters)



17A Direction toward the very top of the world NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Direction (noun)

  • The act of determining and maintaining a course.
  • The focus of attention or energy on something.



Hint 2: World (noun)

  • A group of people, often distinguished by a shared interest or characteristic.
  • Humanity as a whole.

19A Testify (for) NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Testify (verb)

  • To present evidence in support of something.
  • To provide testimony in a court of law.



20A “Game of Thrones” actress Diana NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Actress (noun)

  • A female performer in films, plays, or television.



Hint 2: Diana (noun)

  • An English aristocrat and the first wife of Prince Charles, whose death in a car accident in Paris led to widespread national mourning (1961–1997).
  • In Roman mythology, the virgin goddess of the hunt and the Moon, equivalent to the Greek goddess Artemis.

21A Appropriate for all gamers NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Appropriate (verb)

  • To allocate or assign a resource to a specific person or cause.
  • To seize possession of, often by force, as in the case of an invasion.



Hint 2: Appropriate (adjective)

  • Fitting or suitable for a particular person, place, or situation.

23A West Coast team, on scoreboards NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Coast (noun)

  • The action of gliding smoothly along a surface while staying in contact with it.
  • The land along the edge of a sea or ocean.



Hint 2: Coast (verb)

  • To move effortlessly, typically using the force of gravity.

24A Characteristic of a fork in the road NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Fork (noun)

  • The area where two branches meet, forming an angle.
  • The angle formed by the inner sides of the legs where they connect to the human trunk.



Hint 2: Fork (verb)

  • To lift using a pitchfork.
  • To split into two or more branches, creating a fork-like shape.

26A Margarine NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Margarine (noun)

  • A spread primarily made from vegetable oils, often used as a substitute for butter.



27A Minnesotan trio? NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Minnesotan (noun)

  • A person born in or living in Minnesota.



Hint 2: Trio (noun)

  • A group of three similar things regarded as a single unit.
  • Three people grouped together as a unit.

28A Armenia, e.g., until 1991: Abbr. NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Armenia (noun)

  • A landlocked republic in southwestern Asia, formerly part of the Soviet Union. Modern Armenia represents only a small part of ancient Armenia, one of the world’s oldest civilizations. Over the past 2,500 years, the Armenian people have faced invasions and oppression by neighbouring forces.



29A Snack whose name translates as “breaded” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Snack (verb)

  • To eat a small amount of food casually or lightly.



Hint 2: Snack (noun)

  • A light, informal meal or bite to eat.

31A “Star Wars” heroine NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Heroine (noun)

  • A woman with heroic qualities or one who has accomplished heroic deeds.
  • The primary good female character in a work of fiction.



Hint 2: Star (verb)

  • To mark with an asterisk.
  • To take the leading role in a performance.

33A Shape of the Stade de France NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: France (noun)

  • A French author known for his refined novels and short stories (1844-1924).
  • A republic in Western Europe, the largest country entirely within Europe.



Hint 2: Shape (noun)

  • The outward appearance or form of something or someone.
  • A perceptual structure or configuration.

35A Ctrl-Alt-___ NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Alt (noun)

  • The angular distance of a celestial object above the horizon.



36A Break a sweat NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Sweat (verb)

  • To release perspiration through the skin’s pores.



Hint 2: Sweat (noun)

  • The distress or anxiety caused by active worry.
  • The salty fluid produced by sweat glands.

38A Gemma’s role in “Crazy Rich Asians” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Gemma (noun)

  • A small asexual reproductive structure in plants like liverworts and mosses, which detaches from the parent and grows into a new individual.



Hint 2: Crazy (adjective)

  • Experiencing madness or insanity.
  • Acting foolishly or completely irrational.

42A Like fake nails, typically NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Like (verb)

  • To prefer or desire to do something.
  • To feel or think about something in a particular way; to evaluate or regard.



Hint 2: Like (adjective)

  • Resembling or similar; sharing some or all of the same characteristics, often used in combination.
  • Conforming in every way to a particular standard or type.

43A One of a wide pair for snow sports NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Pair (noun)

  • A group of two similar items considered together as a unit.
  • Two items of the same kind.



Hint 2: Pair (verb)

  • To organize or arrange into pairs.
  • To form a pair or multiple pairs.

45A Setting for Cape Cod at Christmas, in brief NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Christmas (noun)

  • The period from December 24 to January 6.
  • A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; also a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland.



Hint 2: Setting (noun)

  • The context and surroundings in which something occurs.
  • The arrangement of scenery and props to depict the location of a play or movie.

46A Tegan’s pop music bandmate NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Music (noun)

  • A form of punishment for one’s actions.
  • Any sounds that are pleasant, harmonious, or enjoyable to listen to.



47A “___ Him Back!” (Olivia Rodrigo hit) NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Back (noun)

  • A support that provides stability when sitting.
  • The side that is typically not visible or is positioned at the rear.



Hint 2: Back (verb)

  • To offer support or approval.
  • To affirm or validate as authentic or genuine.

48A Zoom past NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Zoom (verb)

  • To ascend quickly.
  • To move at a high speed.



Hint 2: Zoom (noun)

  • The action of moving upward into the air.
  • A rapid ascent or increase.

51A Farm share inits. NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Farm (verb)

  • To cultivate and grow crops, often using agricultural methods to enhance productivity.
  • To work as a farmer.



Hint 2: Farm (noun)

  • A place where farming activities occur, including farm buildings and cultivated land as a whole.

53A Class for a pre-med student NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Student (noun)

  • A person enrolled in an educational institution to learn.
  • A scholar, particularly in the humanities, who has gained expertise through extensive study in one or more fields.



Hint 2: Class (noun)

  • A group of students who graduate together.
  • People who share the same social, economic, or educational status.

54A Ending with new or teen NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Ending (noun)

  • An event that marks the conclusion of something.
  • The final part of a word, such as a suffix or inflectional ending.



Hint 2: Teen (adjective)

  • Referring to someone aged between 13 and 19.

55A Chore-doing robot brand NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Chore (noun)

  • A specific task or duty that must be completed, often for a set fee.



58A ___ up (get hyped) NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • A nucleotide present in muscle cells that plays a key role in metabolism; it can be reversibly converted to ADP and ATP.
  • The basic unit of electric current, as defined by the International System of Units (SI).



59A Professor’s goal NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Goal (noun)

  • The desired outcome that a plan aims to achieve, which, when reached, ends the efforts aimed at achieving it.
  • The designated endpoint, such as the finish line in a race or the destination in a journey.



Hint 2: Professor (noun)

  • A member of the faculty at a college or university.

61A Goes a-courting? NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Courting (noun)

  • A man’s pursuit of a woman’s affection, typically with the intention of marriage.



62A “Same here” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Same (noun)

  • A member of an indigenous nomadic group in northern Scandinavia who traditionally herds reindeer.
  • The language spoken by the nomadic Sámi people in northern Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula.



Hint 2: Same (adjective)

  • Equal in amount, value, or degree.
  • Very similar or comparable in kind, quality, quantity, or degree.

64A Merchandise with logos for “Baienglaca” or “Guddi,” e.g. NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Logos (noun)

  • The divine word of God; the second person of the Holy Trinity, incarnate in Jesus.



Hint 2: Merchandise (verb)

  • To engage in the trade or sale of goods.

66A Justice Kagan NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Justice (noun)

  • The quality of being fair and impartial.
  • The U.S. federal department responsible for upholding federal laws, including civil rights legislation, established in 1870.



67A Environmentally friendly prefix NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Prefix (noun)

  • An affix added to the beginning of a word.



Hint 2: Prefix (verb)

  • To attach a prefix to a word.

68A “Priscilla” director Coppola NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Coppola (noun)

  • An American filmmaker, born in 1939.



Hint 2: Director (noun)

  • The leader of a musical ensemble.
  • A person responsible for overseeing the management of resources and expenditures.

69A “Ladies and ___ …” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the following letters to solve today’s answer:




70A Org. for care in the U.K. NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Care (verb)

  • To desire or prefer to do something.
  • To be concerned with or pay attention to.



Hint 2: Care (noun)

  • The act of providing treatment or attending to someone or something.
  • Caution or prudence in avoiding harm or danger.

71A Togetherness NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • A state of undivided or unbroken completeness, with nothing lacking.
  • The quality of being unified or whole.



1D Ledger item NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Ledger (noun)

  • A record used to document commercial accounts.
  • A physical accounting journal.



Hint 2: Item (noun)

  • A specific instance of a type of symbol.
  • A distinct element that can be identified separately in a list or group of things.

2D 2024 Olympics host NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Olympics (noun)

  • The modern revival of the ancient games, held every four years in a selected country.



Hint 2: Host (noun)

  • A person who serves as the master of ceremonies at formal events, making introductory speeches and introducing other speakers.
  • In computer science, a computer that provides client stations with access to shared resources like files and printers on a network.

3D *Remedy for a cold NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Remedy (verb)

  • To provide relief or assistance for a problem.
  • To correct or fix something.



Hint 2: Remedy (noun)

  • The act of correcting a mistake, fault, or harm.
  • A medicine or treatment that cures illness or alleviates pain.

4D Some sorority members, informally NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Sorority (noun)

  • A social organization for female college or university students.



Hint 2: Informally (adverb)

  • Using casual or colloquial language.

5D “Cat on a Hot ___ Roof” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Hot (adjective)

  • Producing a burning sensation on the taste buds.
  • Characterized by intense and forceful activity or movement.



Hint 2: Cat (noun)

  • A large tracked vehicle, often used in construction and farming, propelled by two continuous metal belts.
  • A feline mammal, typically with thick, soft fur, and lacking the ability to roar; includes both domestic cats and wildcats.

6D ___ vez (again, in Spanish) NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Spanish (noun)

  • The people of Spain.
  • The Romance language spoken in most of Spain and in the countries formerly colonized by Spain.



Hint 2: Again (adverb)

  • Once more; anew.

7D Event that might feature unlimited mimosas … or a literal description of the answers to the starred clues NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Unlimited (adjective)

  • Having no boundaries or restrictions in range or scope.
  • Without reservation or exception.



Hint 2: Description (noun)

  • A statement that explains or represents something in words.
  • A type or variety of something.

8D What might be necessary after a crash NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Necessary (noun)

  • Anything that is essential or indispensable.



Hint 2: Necessary (adjective)

  • Absolutely essential or required.
  • Unavoidably determined by previous circumstances.

9D *Help avoid disaster NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Disaster (noun)

  • A state of extreme ruin or misfortune, often irreversible.
  • An event that causes significant loss or harm.



Hint 2: Help (noun)

  • A person who assists in fulfilling a need or advancing a goal.
  • A means or method of providing assistance.

10D Prefix with -meter NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Prefix (noun)

  • An affix added at the beginning of a word.



Hint 2: Prefix (verb)

  • To add a prefix to a word.

11D Received a card, say NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Received (adjective)

  • Conforming to the standard language usage of educated native speakers.
  • Widely accepted as true or credible.



Hint 2: Card (noun)

  • A menu listing the dishes available at a restaurant.
  • A printed or written greeting left to show that you have visited.

12D Major or minor part of a tarot deck NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Major (noun)

  • A British statesman who served as prime minister from 1990 to 1997 (born in 1943).
  • A commissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marines, ranking below lieutenant colonel and above captain.



Hint 2: Major (adjective)

  • Larger in number, size, or amount.
  • Referring to a scale or mode with half steps between the third and fourth degrees and the seventh and eighth degrees.

13D *Go over again NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Again (adverb)

  • Once more; anew.



Hint 2: Over (adjective)

  • Having been brought to a conclusion; finished.

18D Mined find NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Mined (adjective)

  • Extracted from a natural source, such as minerals from the earth.



Hint 2: Find (noun)

  • The act of discovering something.
  • A valuable or insightful discovery.

22D Bad thing on a live broadcast NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Broadcast (verb)

  • To make something widely known.
  • To transmit over the airwaves, such as on radio or television.



Hint 2: Broadcast (noun)

  • A radio or television programme.
  • A message transmitted via radio or television.

25D *Raise one’s glass NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Glass (noun)

  • A mirror, typically a lady’s dressing mirror.
  • A small refracting telescope.



Hint 2: Glass (verb)

  • To enclose or cover with glass.
  • To become glossy or take on a glass-like appearance.

29D Kernel locale NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Kernel (noun)

  • The most essential or vital part of an idea or experience.
  • The inner, typically edible part of a seed, grain, nut, or fruit stone.



Hint 2: Locale (noun)

  • The location or setting of an event or action, particularly where a meeting takes place.

30D Vocal range for Amy Winehouse NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Vocal (adjective)

  • Inclined to express oneself openly or forcefully.
  • Filled with the sound of voices.



Hint 2: Vocal (noun)

  • A short musical piece with lyrics.
  • Music designed to be performed by one or more singers, typically accompanied by instruments.

31D World of Warcraft or Rune, in brief NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: World (noun)

  • People collectively, particularly a specific group sharing a common interest.
  • Humanity as a whole.



Hint 2: World (adjective)

  • Relating to the entire Earth; global in scope, not restricted to a specific area or group.

32D Flotsam or Jetsam, in “The Little Mermaid” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Jetsam (noun)

  • The floating wreckage of a ship.
  • Items of a ship’s equipment or cargo thrown overboard to lighten the load during a storm.



Hint 2: Mermaid (noun)

  • A mythical creature that is half woman, half fish, and lives in the sea.

34D Retro, maybe NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Maybe (adverb)

  • Possibly; by chance.



Hint 2: Retro (adjective)

  • Relating to or affecting things from the past.

37D Person using a crystal ball NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Using (noun)

  • The act of exploiting or unfairly treating someone.



Hint 2: Crystal (noun)

  • Colorless glass made from nearly pure silica.
  • A protective cover that shields the face of a watch.

39D *Little scamp NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Scamp (noun)

  • A person who is playfully mischievous.



Hint 2: Scamp (verb)

  • To perform something hastily and without care.

40D Anger NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anger (verb)

  • To become angry.
  • To cause someone to become angry.



Hint 2: Anger (noun)

  • The state of being angry.
  • A strong emotion directed towards a real or perceived grievance.

41D Toxic insecticide NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Insecticide (noun)

  • A chemical substance used to kill insects.



Hint 2: Toxic (adjective)

  • Relating to or caused by a toxin or poison.

44D “Eloise” author Thompson NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Author (noun)

  • A person who creates or initiates something.
  • Someone who writes books, stories, articles, or similar works professionally, for pay.



Hint 2: Author (verb)

  • To be the creator or writer of something.

48D Light as a feather, e.g. NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Feather (noun)

  • The act of turning an oar parallel to the water between strokes.
  • The light, waterproof structure that forms the outer covering of birds.



Hint 2: Feather (verb)

  • To grow feathers.
  • To turn the paddle in canoeing.

49D Biggest hits NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer.




50D Popular logic puzzle NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Puzzle (verb)

  • To be mysterious or confusing.
  • To feel uncertain about or think deeply without fully understanding or deciding.



Hint 2: Puzzle (noun)

  • A challenging problem that is believed to have a correct solution.
  • A game designed to test one’s ingenuity.

52D “You’re already leaving?” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Leaving (noun)

  • The act of departing or going away.



53D *No-goodnik NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Answers used in the past:

  • SOANDSO (7 letters)
  • BADEGG (6 letters)
  • RAT (3 letters)
  • LOUSE (5 letters)
  • CAD (3 letters)



55D Video camera button NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Button (noun)

  • A device that activates part of a mechanism when pressed.
  • An electrical switch that is operated by pressing.



Hint 2: Button (verb)

  • To fasten with buttons.
  • To add buttons to something.

56D Suit NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Suit (verb)

  • To improve the appearance of.
  • To be agreeable or acceptable to.



Hint 2: Suit (noun)

  • A man’s courtship of a woman, typically with the intention of marriage.
  • A legal action in which an individual seeks a remedy in court.

57D Analyze, as 18-Down NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Analyze (verb)

  • To subject to psychoanalytic treatment.
  • To break down into components or essential features.



Hint 2: Down (noun)

  • The English physician who first described Down’s syndrome (1828-1896).
  • Soft, fine feathers.

60D Large Aussie animals NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Aussie (noun)

  • A native or resident of Australia.



Hint 2: Large (adverb)

  • In a boastful or exaggerated manner.

63D Explosive material NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Explosive (adjective)

  • Likely to cause sudden change or violence.
  • Characterized by explosion or a sudden outburst.



Hint 2: Explosive (noun)

  • A chemical substance that undergoes rapid chemical change, producing gas, when heated or struck.

65D N.C.A.A. Wildcats, in brief NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Brief (noun)

  • A document outlining the facts and legal points of a client’s case.
  • A condensed summary or abstract.



Hint 2: Brief (adjective)



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