Our guide to the NYT Crossword answers for February 3, 2025, is here to help if you’re stuck on a tricky clue. The New York Times Crossword is a daily challenge that tests solvers’ knowledge and vocabulary, renowned for its clever wordplay and difficulty. It appears in the print edition of The New York Times and is also available online.
NYT Crossword Answers – February 3, 2025
If you need assistance solving today’s NYT Crossword (2/3/25), we’ve listed all the clues below so you can easily find the answers you need. Simply search for a specific clue and select it to reveal the solution—this way, you can get help with just the clues you’re struggling with without spoiling the rest of the puzzle!
1A Make reference to NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Reference (noun)
- A formal endorsement from a previous employer to a prospective employer, highlighting an individual’s qualifications and reliability.
- A cited work or excerpt from a publication.
Hint 2: Reference (verb)
- To mention or refer to something.
5A Person with a twisted mind NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Twisted (adjective)
- Altered or misrepresented from its original meaning.
Hint 2: Person (noun)
- A human being.
- A grammatical category used to classify pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms based on whether they refer to the speaker, the listener, or a third party.
10A Uncomfortable health class subject, for short NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Uncomfortable (adjective)
- Causing or experiencing mental distress.
- Leading to or feeling physical discomfort.
Hint 2: Health (noun)
- A state of well-being, free from illness.
- The overall condition of the body and mind.
14A Onetime “Jeopardy!” host Trebek NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Jeopardy (noun)
- A potential source of danger or risk of loss and misfortune.
Hint 2: Onetime (adjective)
- Relating to a past time or former status.
15A Stared creepily NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer.
16A Dorito, e.g. NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: (Noun)
- The act of breaking off a small piece of something.
- A small, disk-shaped token used as currency in gambling.
Hint 2: (Verb)
- To remove a fragment from a larger whole.
- To create a small cut or notch.
17A Obsolescent classroom wall fixture NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Classroom (noun)
- A designated room in a school where lessons are conducted.
Hint 2: Obsolescent (adjective)
- Gradually becoming outdated or no longer in use.
19A Give a makeover NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Makeover (noun)
- A thorough transformation or renovation of something.
- A comprehensive beauty treatment, including hairstyle, cosmetics, and clothing, aimed at enhancing a person’s appearance.
20A Gone up NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Gone (adjective)
- Depleted of energy or effectiveness; utterly exhausted.
- Belonging to the past; former.
21A Drink of choice for Captain Jack Sparrow NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Captain (noun)
- The leader of a group.
- The pilot responsible for an airship.
Hint 2: Captain (verb)
- To serve as the leader of a sports team.
22A Martial art that uses bamboo swords NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Bamboo (noun)
- The strong, woody stems of bamboo plants, used in construction, crafts, and fishing poles.
- A type of tropical grass with hollow, woody stems, with mature canes often used in construction and furniture making.
Hint 2: Martial (adjective)
- Suitable for or characteristic of a warrior.
- Relating to war or military life.
23A Chilly treat NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Chilly (noun)
- A type of extremely hot, finely tapering pepper known for its strong pungency.
Hint 2: Chilly (adjective)
- Notably or uncomfortably cold.
- Lacking warmth or affection in demeanor.
25A Hopscotch locale NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Hopscotch (noun)
- A children’s game where a stone is tossed into a drawn area, and the player hops through it and back to retrieve the stone.
Hint 2: Locale (noun)
- The location or setting where an event or action takes place, especially a meeting.
27A Slimeball NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Answer used in the past:
- CREEPO (6 letters)
29A Rather warm, as a firelit room NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Warm (adjective)
- Easily stimulated or excited.
- Marked by intense enthusiasm.
Hint 2: Warm (adverb)
- In a manner that is warm.
30A U.F.O. crew NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Crew (noun)
- A casual group of friends.
- A coordinated team of workers.
Hint 2: Crew (verb)
- To work as a member of a crew.
31A Mouse’s bigger cousin NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Cousin (noun)
- The child of your aunt or uncle.
Hint 2: Mouse (verb)
- To move quietly or secretly.
- To control a computer’s mouse.
33A Burden NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Burden (verb)
- To load down with a heavy weight.
- To assign a task or responsibility.
Hint 2: Burden (noun)
- The main message or theme of a speech or literary work.
- A weight or responsibility to be carried or conveyed.
34A Achieved, as a victory … or how you might describe 17-, 25-, 47 and 55-Across NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Describe (verb)
- To provide a detailed account or explanation.
- To identify or classify, especially in fields like botany or biology.
37A Stadium chants NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Stadium (noun)
- A large, open-air structure designed for sports or entertainment events.
38A “Wise” bird NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Wise (noun)
- A Jewish leader in the United States (born in Hungary, 1874–1949).
- A religious leader in the United States (born in Bohemia, 1819–1900) who unified Reform Jewish organizations.
Hint 2: Wise (adjective)
- Unnecessarily forward or bold.
- Demonstrating knowledge gained from insider information.
39A Brand of motor oil NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Motor (adjective)
- Relating to the transmission of information from the central nervous system to the muscles.
- Capable of causing motion or movement.
Hint 2: Motor (verb)
- To travel or be transported in a vehicle.
42A Frog sounds NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Frog (noun)
- A person of French origin.
- Any of several tailless, stout-bodied amphibians with long hind legs for jumping, found in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.
Hint 2: Frog (verb)
- To hunt frogs for food.
44A Name on dictionaries NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Name (verb)
- To assign a specific (often proper) name to something or someone.
- To list or identify individually by name.
Hint 2: Name (noun)
- A family lineage traced through male descent.
- A defamatory or insulting word or phrase.
47A Need for playing pool NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Playing (noun)
- The act of performing a role in a drama.
- Engaging in a game, sport, or other recreational activity.
Hint 2: Pool (noun)
- A collection or accumulation that resembles a pool of liquid.
- An association of companies formed for a specific purpose.
49A Overthrow NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Overthrow (noun)
- The disruption or disturbance of the mind or body.
- The removal or end of a ruler or institution, typically by force.
Hint 2: Overthrow (verb)
- To bring about the downfall of a ruler or leader.
- To rule against or reject.
50A Slender instruments NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Slender (adjective)
- Having a delicate or slim build.
- Extremely narrow in width.
51A Female name that’s a body part spelled backward NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Backward (adverb)
- In a way or direction opposite to what is usual or normal.
- Moving toward a previous time or past.
Hint 2: Backward (adjective)
- Delayed in intellectual development.
- Directed or positioned toward the back or rear.
53A Strategically taps the ball into the infield NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Infield (noun)
- The part of a baseball field enclosed by three bases and home plate.
Hint 2: Taps (noun)
- A military signal indicating it is time to turn out the lights.
54A Slimming surgery, for short NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Surgery (noun)
- A hospital room designed for conducting surgical procedures.
- A medical operation involving an incision, performed to repair damage or treat disease in the body.
Hint 2: Short (adjective)
- Insufficient in quantity to meet a requirement.
- Characterized by rude or abrupt behavior.
55A Recreational rock climbers NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Recreational (adjective)
- Done for enjoyment or as a leisure activity.
Hint 2: Rock (verb)
- To move back and forth or side to side.
- To cause something to move in a back-and-forth motion.
57A “Q ___ queen” NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Queen (noun)
- A female monarch or sovereign ruler.
- A female cat.
Hint 2: Queen (verb)
- To ascend to the position of a queen.
- To promote a pawn to a queen in chess.
58A “Remember the ___!” NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Remember (verb)
- To retain something in your mind for attention or consideration.
- To retrieve information from memory or have a recollection of it.
59A “___ dat” NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: (Verb)
- To make something even, aligned, balanced, or concentric.
Hint 2: (Adjective)
- Precisely fitted or level.
- Genuine; sincerely felt or expressed.
60A Captain Hook’s right-hand man NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Right-hand (adjective)
- Designed for use with the right hand.
- Positioned to the right or facing right.
Hint 2: Captain (noun)
- The leader of a group or team.
- The pilot responsible for commanding an airship.
61A Poet whose first two initials stand for “Thomas” and “Stearns” NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Thomas (noun)
- A U.S. clockmaker who pioneered mass production (1785–1859).
- A Welsh poet (1914–1953).
62A IDs written on applications, for short NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Written (adjective)
- Composed or scripted for a film, play, or broadcast.
- Recorded or documented in writing using various methods.
Hint 2: Short (adjective)
- Lacking the required amount or quantity.
- Characterized by brusque or abrupt behavior.
1D Trip in a taxi NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Trip (verb)
- To become intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
- To set something into motion or cause action.
Hint 2:Trip (noun)
- A mechanism that functions as a switch.
- A misstep that may lead to a fall, either threatening or causing it.
2D Not allowed NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Answer used in the past:
- VERBOTEN (8 letters)
3D Enticing ad promotions NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Enticing (adjective)
- Extremely appealing and capable of stimulating hope or desire.
4D Besides NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Besides (adverb)
- As well as; in addition.
- Adding another point; anyhow.
5D Weep loudly NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Loudly (adverb)
- In a way that draws attention.
- At a relatively high volume.
Hint 2:Weep (verb)
- To shed tears due to sadness, anger, or pain.
6D Lab assistant often depicted with a hunched back NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Hunched (adjective)
- With the back and shoulders curved; not upright.
Hint 2: Depicted (adjective)
- Represented visually through sketches, designs, or lines.
7D Name on a mailbox at the North Pole NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Mailbox (noun)
- A personal box for receiving mail.
- A public box for depositing mail.
Hint 2: Name (verb)
- To assign a specific (usually proper) name.
- To create or provide a list of names; to mention individually.
8D ___ the Frog NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Frog (noun)
- A person of French heritage.
- Any tailless, stout-bodied amphibian with long hind limbs for jumping, found in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.
Hint 2: Frog (verb)
- To hunt frogs for consumption.
9D Abnormal NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Abnormal (adjective)
- Not typical or usual; deviating from what is considered normal or standard.
- Diverging from the usual in areas like intelligence or development.
10D Makes an oopsie NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Answers used in the past:
- GOOFS (5 letters)
- ERRS (4 letters)
11D Washington’s M.L.B. team, informally NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Informally (adverb)
- Using casual or colloquial language.
Hint 2: Washington (noun)
- A state in the northwestern United States, located on the Pacific.
- An American educator born a slave, who became educated and founded Tuskegee University in Alabama (1856–1915).
12D ___-squat (a whole lot of nothing) NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Nothing (noun)
- A quantity that holds no significance or value.
Hint 2: Squat (adjective)
- Having a low centre of gravity; built close to the ground.
- Short and stocky, often with short legs and heavy musculature.
13D Give the heebie-jeebies NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: (Noun)
- A mental image of a disturbing experience.
- A person who is unpleasantly odd or eccentric.
Hint 2: (Verb)
- To frighten or intimidate, often leading to a violent reaction.
18D Door opener NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Opener (noun)
- A person who unfastens, unwraps, or opens something.
- A tool used to open sealed containers, such as bottles or cans.
Hint 2: Door (noun)
- The opening in a wall that allows entry or exit from a room or building; the area a door can close.
- Anything that provides a means of access or escape.
22D Reeves of “The Matrix” NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Matrix (noun)
- The substance in the body where tissue cells are embedded.
- An environment or structure in which something originates or develops (derived from the Latin word for womb).
24D Go down the slopes with a chute NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Chute (noun)
- A rescue device that inflates with air to slow your fall.
- A sloping channel through which objects can move downward.
Hint 2: Chute (verb)
- To jump from an airplane and descend using a parachute.
26D Drew funny little pictures NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Funny (noun)
- A story or account of an amusing event, often ending with a punchline.
Hint 2: Funny (adjective)
- Unusual or different from what is expected.
- Not as anticipated or predictable.
28D Lass NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Lass (noun)
- An unmarried girl or young woman.
32D One end to a boxing match, for short NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Boxing (noun)
- The act of enclosing something in a box or package.
- A form of fighting using the fists.
Hint 2: Match (noun)
- A person who is of equal standing or ability to another in a group.
- A small, thin stick of wood or cardboard tipped with a combustible substance, igniting through friction.
34D “Phew!” NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Answers used in the past:
- IMADEIT (7 letters)
- CLOSECALL (9 letters)
- THANKGOODNESS (13 letters)
35D Warms up NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Answer used in the past:
- THAWS (5 letters)
36D “Gro-o-oss!” NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the following letters to solve today’s answer:
37D Black-and-white dessert that’s sliced NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Black-and-white (adjective)
- Lacking color or unable to produce colors.
- Referring to a situation divided into clear, opposing categories.
Hint 2: Sliced (adjective)
- Prepared by cutting into pieces.
- (For meat) cut into portions for serving.
39D Pot smokers NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Pot (noun)
- Slang for a protruding abdomen (paunch).
- A plumbing fixture used for defecation and urination.
Hint 2: Pot (verb)
- To plant something in a pot.
40D Experimental effort NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Experimental (adjective)
- Based on observation or experimentation.
- Pertaining to or involving an experiment.
Hint 2: Effort (noun)
- Diligent and purposeful activity aimed at achieving a goal.
- The application of physical or mental energy; hard work.
41D Pushes down, as with the thumb NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Thumb (verb)
- To flip through a book or other written material.
- To feel or manipulate with the fingers.
Hint 2: Thumb (noun)
- A convex molding with a cross-section resembling a quarter circle or ellipse.
- The thick, short innermost digit of the hand.
42D Style for Picasso NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Picasso (noun)
- A highly productive and influential Spanish artist who lived in France (1881–1973).
Hint 2: Style (verb)
- To assign an identifying term.
- To adapt or present in a particular fashion or style.
43D Use TikTok, say NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Say (verb)
- To express or convey using specific wording or form.
- To give instructions or direct someone authoritatively.
Hint 2: Say (noun)
- The opportunity to speak.
45D Spanish newborn NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Newborn (noun)
- A baby from birth up to four weeks old.
Hint 2: Newborn (adjective)
- Recently created or come into existence.
- Just born.
46D Small gushes NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Small (adjective)
- Not large, but adequate in size or amount.
- Lowercase.
Hint 2: Small (noun)
- A clothing size for a person of smaller stature.
- The narrow part of the back.
47D Coke and Pepsi, but not Sprite NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Sprite (noun)
- A small, playful being with human-like form and magical abilities.
Hint 2: Coke (noun)
- Slang terms for cocaine.
- A trademarked brand of cola (Coca-Cola).
48D Oahu neighbor NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Neighbor (verb)
- To live or be situated next to someone.
- To be located near or adjacent to something.
Hint 2: Neighbor (noun)
- A nearby object of the same type.
- A person who lives or is situated close to another.
52D Tickle Me ___ NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Tickle (verb)
- To experience a sudden, intense sensation or emotion.
- To lightly touch a body part, stimulating surface nerves and causing discomfort, laughter, or spasmodic movements.
Hint 2: Tickle (noun)
- The action of tickling.
- A skin sensation often caused by light stroking.
55D Sweetie NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Sweetie (noun)
- A person who is loved or cherished by another.
56D One of three in an ellipsis NYT Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Ellipsis (noun)
- The omission or suppression of parts of words or sentences.
Hint 2: Three (adjective)
- A number that is one greater than two.