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HomeGuidesHow to Stun Sabyr Boar in Wuthering Waves

How to Stun Sabyr Boar in Wuthering Waves

Sabyr Boars are formidable opponents in Wuthering Waves, known for their aggressive charges and powerful tusks. This guide will walk you through the steps to effectively stun these beasts, a crucial technique for surviving encounters and completing the ‘Hogs of War’ Dream Patrol challenge. We’ll cover the prerequisites for unlocking the challenge, the specific steps to stun a Sabyr Boar, and provide helpful tips for success.

How to Start the Sabyr Boar Mini quest

To start the mini side quest you have to first play the Dream Patrol: Hogs of War. It is present in the Rinascita Ragunna Nimbus Sanctum. It is a dreamscape node present in the Nimbus Sanctum area. Complete the challenges to get dream samples and rewards. It is a time limit challenge having to complete few mini challenges to complete the side quest. You need to:

  • You need to reach battle rank S before the ending of challenge.
  • Have Sabyr Boar stun itself from ramming 2 times
  • Perform dodges 6 times and defeat all enemies in the limited time. 

How to Stun the Sabyr Boar

To stun the Sabyr Boar you have to first stand in front of one of the pillars and let it charge towards you. Since the Sabyr Boar charges only in a straight line it can’t change the direction in mid charge. When the Sabyr Boar is near you just move aside and let it hit the pillars. After the Sybye Boar hits the pilaar it will stuns itelself. You will have to do it two times, so that it stuns itself two times to complete the mini side quest. 

Sybr boars, often found in wooded areas, are known for their easily agitated temperament. When threatened or feeling territorial, they become aggressive and will charge at anything they perceive as a danger. Their sharp tusks are their primary weapon in these situations.  

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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