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HomeGuidesHow to Get All New Unique Items in Diablo 4 Season 7

How to Get All New Unique Items in Diablo 4 Season 7

Diablo 4 Season 7 brings several exciting new Unique Items, each with its powerful abilities to enhance your character’s abilities and gameplay. Rare pieces of equipment, these items stand out not only because of their unique effects but also because they provide a huge advantage over regular Legendary gear. To obtain these much-needed items, players will need to farm for drops on Ladder and Uber Bosses and high-level content in the form of Nightmare Dungeons, Whisper Caches, Helltide events, and World Boss fights. Furthermore, players will also receive a Unique Ring upon completing the main quest line. 

How to Get All New Unique Items

To obtain Unique Items in Diablo 4, you can target specific drops by farming Ladder and Uber Bosses, which allow you to focus on acquiring particular Uniques. High-level content such as Nightmare Dungeons, Whisper Caches, Helltide, and World Bosses has a good chance of dropping these rare items, so try to engage in these events frequently to boost your chances. 

Completing the main quest will award you a Unique Ring upon the defeat of the final boss. Unique Items are highly powerful, much rarer than Legendaries, with fixed stat affixes and a Unique Effect. Often these items define the build of your character and are of more significant advantages compared to random affixes on Legendary Gear.

All New Unique Items

Unique ItemItem Details
Strike of Stormhorn (Focus)Effect: Ball Lightning splashes on contact, increasing damage by 60-100% and stunning enemies for 1 second if it reaches maximum range. Super Ball Lightnings are larger, deal 125% more damage, have a higher Lucky Hit Chance, and stun for 3 seconds.
Drops: Beast in Ice
Sustained War-Crozier (Quarterstaff)Effect: Your Focus Skills benefit from all their Upgrades, and they also boost the damage of your Potency Skills by 10-20% for 8 seconds, up to a maximum of 100-200%.
Drops: Varshan
Mantle of the Mountain’s Fury (Chest Armor)Effect: Hammer of the Ancients creates a seismic line, damaging enemies and slowing them by 60-80% for 4 seconds. The Earthquakes it triggers explode with their full damage, and are consumed in the process.
Drops: Beast in Ice
Malefic Crescent (Amulet)Effect: Lupine Ferocity’s consecutive Critical Strike Damage is boosted to 150-200% when striking enemies repeatedly with Critical Hits.
Drops: Lord Zir
Kessime’s Legacy (Pants)Effect: Blood Wave now sends out waves from each side, which converge at your feet, pulling in surrounding enemies and exploding for damage. Each enemy hit by the wave takes 5-10% more damage from subsequent Blood Waves, stacking up to 150-300%.
Drops: Lord Zir
Indira’s Memory (Pants)Effect: Blood Wave becomes a Bone Skill that creates a Bone Prison at its endpoint, while boosting your Blood Skill damage by 40-80% for 8 seconds upon activation. Bone Spear is also treated as a Blood Skill, draining 10% of your Maximum Life with each cast after hitting an enemy, consuming a nearby Corpse to launch a new Bone Spear.
Drops: Beast in Ice
Assassin’s Stride (Boots)Effect: Mobility Skills are always enhanced by 40-80% increased potency through Shadow Imbuement. Lucky Hit: When a Mobility Skill hits an Elite or Boss, there’s a 40-80% chance it triggers a free Shadow Imbuement explosion instantly.
Drops: Lord Zir
Okun’s Catalyst (Focus)Effect: Ball Lightning orbits around you, creating a static field that damages all nearby enemies for 140-180% of Ball Lightning’s damage per active ball, and grants Unhindered status while the field is active.
Drops: Lord Zir
Barbarian Unique ItemsItem Details
Fields of Crimson(2H Sword) Effect: When damaging an enemy with Rupture, a blood pool is created that inflicts Bleeding damage. Enemies standing in the pool take increased damage.
Drops: Varshan, Beast in Ice
Rage of Harrogath(Chest Armor) Effect: Lucky Hit: Inflicting Bleeding on enemies has up to a 20 – 60% chance to reduce the cooldowns of your Skills by 1 second.
Drops: Lord Zir, Grigoire
100,000 Steps(Boots) Effect: Activating or refreshing the full Walking Arsenal Key Passive triggers Ground Stomp and grants 50 – 100 Fury. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.
Drops: Varshan, Beast in Ice
Gohr’s Devastating Grips(Gloves) Effect: Whirlwind explodes every 2 seconds, dealing 50 – 80% of its base damage as Fire damage to nearby enemies.
Drops: Lord Zir, Varshan
Azurewrath(1H Sword) Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to 20% chance to freeze enemies for 3 seconds and deal 6,015-12,030 Cold damage.
Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Mantle of the Mountain’s Fury(Chest Armor) Effect: Hammer of the Ancients creates a seismic line that deals damage and slows enemies. Earthquakes it passes through explode for total damage.
Drops: Beast in Ice
The Third Blade(1H Sword) Effect: Weapon Mastery Skills are now Core Skills with no Cooldowns but cost Fury, dealing 50 – 70% of normal damage. Fury costs reduced by 5 for additional Charges.
Drops: N/A
Ancients’ Oath(2H Axe) Effect: Steel Grasp launches 2 additional chains. Enemies hit by Steel Grasp take 40 – 60% more damage from you for 5 seconds.
Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
Ramaladni’s Magnum Opus(1H Sword) Effect: Skills using this weapon deal 0.2 – 0.5% more damage per point of Fury, but you lose 10 Fury every second. Drops: Lord Zir, Grigoire
Arreat’s Bearing(Pants) Effect: Ancients you summon gain new powers. Korlic causes Earthquake; Talic leaves behind Dust Devils; Mawdac burns the ground with additional damage. Drops: Lord Zir
Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty(Helm) Effect: Gaining Berserking while already Berserk gives you a 40 – 60% chance to become more enraged, boosting damage, Fury, and Cooldown Reduction. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Battle Trance(Amulet) Effect: Increases Frenzy’s max stacks by 2. At max stacks, you deal 15 – 30% more damage and gain 35 – 55% increased Attack Speed. Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
Ugly Bastard Helm(Helm) Effect: Explodes when activating Wrath of the Berserker, dealing Fire damage. While Berserking, damage dealt is converted to Fire damage. Drops: N/A
Unbroken Chain(Amulet) Effect: Casting Steel Grasp reduces Iron Maelstrom’s cooldown by 3.3 – 10 seconds. Enemies hit by Iron Maelstrom deal 10-30% less damage for 6 seconds. Drops: N/A
Hellhammer(2H Mace) Effect: Upheaval ignites the ground, causing enemies to burn for additional damage, with the damage increasing by 25% per 100 Strength. Drops: Beast in Ice
Overkill(2H Mace) Effect: Death Blow creates a shockwave, dealing 60-80% of base damage to enemies. Enemies that die to this effect reset Death Blow’s Cooldown. Drops: Lord Zir
Twin Strikes(Gloves) Effect: After using Double Swing 4 times, the next Double Swing hits 2 additional times, each dealing 50 – 80% more damage. Drops: Grigoire
Ring of the Ravenous(Ring) Effect: Increases Rend’s duration by 4 – 8 seconds. Damaging enemies with Brawling Skills applies 2 stacks of Rend’s Bleed. Drops: Beast in Ice
Druid Unique ItemsItem Details
Wildheart Hunger(Boots) Effect: Shapeshifting into a new animal form boosts Bestial Rampage bonuses by 2.0 – 5.0%, up to 20 – 50%. The bonus decays by 2% per second. Drops: Lord Zir
Mjolnic Ryng(Ring) Effect: While Cataclysm is active, you gain unlimited Spirit and 40 – 100% increased damage. Drops: Grigoire
The Basilisk(Staff) Effect: The first Earth Skill you use will Petrify an enemy for 3 seconds. Petrifying an enemy deals 4,412 – 26,472 Physical Damage. Drops: N/A
Tempest Roar(Helm) Effect: Lucky Hit: Storm Skills have a 15 – 35% chance to grant 4 Spirit. Your base Storm Skills are now also Werewolf Skills. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Waxing Gibbous(1H Axe) Effect: Killing an enemy with Shred grants you Stealth for 2 seconds. Breaking Stealth with an attack guarantees Critical Strikes for 1 – 4 seconds. Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
Fleshrender(1H Mace) Effect: Activating a Defensive Skill deals 4,050 – 8,100 damage to nearby Poisoned enemies, with an additional 50% bonus for every 100 Willpower you possess. Drops: Lord Zir
Insatiable Fury(Chest Armor) Effect: Werebear form is now your true form, and you gain 2 – 5 additional Ranks to all Werebear Skills. Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
Greatstaff of the Crone(Staff) Effect: Claw transforms into a Storm Skill and casts Storm Strike at 170 – 250% of its normal damage. Drops: Lord Zir, Varshan
Mad Wolf’s Glee(Chest Armor) Effect: Your Werewolf form becomes your true form, granting 4 – 7 extra Ranks to all Werewolf Skills. Drops: Varshan, Lord Zir
Stone of Vehemen(Totem) Effect: While Channeling Stone Burst and for 2 seconds after, you gain 15% Damage Reduction. The final explosion of Stone Burst deals an additional 15-20% damage, and the damage increases by 15-20% for each size increase. Drops: N/A
Hunter’s Zenith(Ring) Effect: After spending 30 seconds in an animal form, your next Core Skill will automatically Overpower and Critical Strike, dealing 30 – 60% extra damage. Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
Vasily’s Prayer(Helm) Effect: Your Earth Skills are also considered Werebear Skills and grant Fortify equal to 2 – 5% of your Maximum Health. Drops: Lord Zir, Varshan
Earthbreaker(Ring) Effect: Landslide casts leave behind Tectonic Spikes, dealing 1,215 – 2,430 Physical damage over 2 seconds. If a Landslide pillar spawns within Tectonic Spikes, there’s a 20 – 30% chance that two will spawn instead. Drops: Grigoire
Dolmen Stone(Amulet) Effect: When you cast Boulder while Hurricane is active, the Boulder will rotate around you. Its damage increases by 20 – 40% for each Boulder currently in rotation. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Malefic Crescent(Amulet) Effect: Consecutive Critical Strikes with Lupine Ferocity increase Critical Strike Damage to 150-200% against enemies. Drops: Lord Zir
Necromancer Unique ItemsItem Details
The Mortacrux(1H Dagger) Effect: Consuming a Corpse gives a 20 – 40% chance to create a decaying Skeletal Simulacrum that seeks out enemies but cannot attack. When it dies, it explodes for 5,514 Shadow damage. Drops: N/A
Kessime’s Legacy(Pants) Effect: Blood Wave forms waves on both sides of you that converge at your feet, pulling in surrounding enemies and causing them to take 5 – 10% more damage from your Blood Waves. Drops: Lord Zir
Cruor’s Embrace(Gloves) Effect: Blood Surge consumes nearby Corpses, causing mini novas that deal 6 – 10 damage. The damage increases by 10% per enemy drained by the initial cast, up to 50%, and 20% per Corpse consumed. Drops: Lord Zir
Deathless Visage(Helm) Effect: Bone Spear creates explosive echoes that deal 20 – 36 Physical damage, boosted by 5% for every 20% Critical Strike Damage you possess. Drops: Lord Zir, Varshan
Indira’s Memory(Pants) Effect: Blood Wave becomes a Bone Skill that spawns a Bone Prison at its endpoint and enhances your Blood Skill damage by 40 – 80% for 8 seconds. Bone Spear also drains 10% of Max Life each cast to consume a nearby Corpse and launch a new Bone Spear. Drops: Beast in Ice
Bloodless Scream(2H Scythe) Effect: Darkness Skills chill enemies up to 100% and deal 100 – 200% more damage to Frozen enemies. Lucky Hit: Darkness Skills have up to 100% chance to generate 15 – 25 additional Essence against Frozen enemies. Drops: Varshan, Beast in Ice
Lidless Wall(Shield) Effect: While Bone Storm is active, hitting an enemy outside it has a 15 – 45% chance to create an additional Bone Storm at their location. Each active Sacrifice bonus increases this chance by 25% and the maximum Bone Storms by +1. Drops: Lord Zir
Howl from Below(Gloves) Effect: Instead of detonating immediately, Corpse Explosion summons a Volatile Skeleton that charges toward a random enemy and explodes. The damage is boosted by 50 – 90%. Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
Greaves of the Empty Tomb(Boots) Effect: Sever leaves behind Desecrated Ground, inflicting 79 – 317 Shadow damage over 2 seconds. Drops: Lord Zir, Grigoire
Blood Moon Breeches(Pants) Effect: Your Minions’ attacks have a 3 – 7% chance to inflict Decrepify or Iron Maiden. You gain a 100 – 150% damage boost for Overpower against enemies under Curses. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Ring of Mendeln(Ring) Effect: Every 6th attack from your Minions is empowered, causing an explosion that deals 206 – 356 Physical damage. Drops: Beast in Ice
Black River(1H Scythe) Effect: Consuming up to 4 additional Corpses near the initial Corpse during Corpse Explosion increases damage by 120 – 160% and size by 10.5 – 12.5% per consumed Corpse. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Deathspeaker’s Pendant(Amulet) Effect: Blood Surge generates a mini nova on your Minions, dealing 11 – 23 damage. The damage is amplified by 10% for each target drained by the initial cast, up to 50%. Drops: Varshan, Beast in Ice
The Unmaker(Helm) Effect: Soulrift’s duration extends by 0.5 seconds for every 30 Essence you use while it’s active, up to a total of 8 seconds. It deals 100 – 200% of its Shadow damage per second to surrounding enemies for every 30 Essence gained while active. Drops: Beast in Ice
Path of Trag’Oul(Boots) Effect: Bone Prison now traps a larger area and shoots 20 – 35 Bone Splinters at enemies trapped inside. Each time the Splinters hit an enemy, your Maximum Essence increases by 2 for 8 seconds. Drops: Grigoire
Mutilator Plate(Chest Armor) Effect: Blood Lance Fortifies you for 1 – 4% of your Max Life instead of dealing damage to you, with a 10% chance to create a Blood Orb. Blood Lance damage is increased by 10 – 40%. Drops: Beast in Ice
Ebonpiercer(Amulet) Effect: Blight also releases 4 smaller projectiles that pierce enemies, dealing 79 – 396 Shadow damage over 3 seconds. Drops: Grigoire
Blood Artisan’s Cuirass(Chest Armor) Effect: Collecting 10 – 3 Blood Orbs spawns a free Bone Spirit that deals bonus damage based on your current Life percentage. Drops: Lord Zir, Grigoire
Rogue Unique ItemsItem Details
Condemnation(1H Dagger) Effect: Core Skills deal 50 – 70% more damage when spending 3 Combo Points. Basic Skills with this weapon have a 50% chance to generate 3 Combo Points. Drops: Varshan, Beast in Ice
Windforce(Bow) Effect: Barrage hits have a 30 – 50% chance to deal triple damage and Knock Down enemies. Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
Saboteur’s Signet(Ring) Effect: Using a Core Skill has a 15 – 45% chance to throw Stun Grenades, dealing 46 – 72 Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second. Stun Grenades gain 5% Lucky Hit Chance. Drops: Grigoire
Scoundrel’s Leathers(Chest Armor) Effect: With unlimited Energy from Inner Sight, casting a Core Skill has a 60 – 80% chance to spawn Caltrops, Poison Trap, or Death Trap. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
The Umbracrux(1H Dagger) Effect: Subterfuge Skills summon an attackable Shade Totem for 3 – 8 seconds. Any damage taken by the totem is reflected onto nearby enemies at 20% effectiveness. Only one Shade Totem can be active at a time. Damage counts as a Trap Skill. Drops: N/A
Beastfall Boots(Boots) Effect: Using an Ultimate skill makes your next Core Skill consume all Energy, boosting damage by 0.25 – 0.75% for each Energy consumed. A Cooldown restores 25 Energy. Drops: Beast in Ice
Grasp of Shadow(Gloves) Effect: Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Marksman or Cutthroat Skill has a 24 – 44% chance to summon a Shadow Clone that mirrors that Skill. Drops: Lord Zir, Grigoire
Asheara’s Khanjar(1H Dagger) Effect: Each hit with this weapon boosts your Attack Speed by 4 – 8% for 4 seconds, stacking up to 30 – 50%. Drops: Lord Zir
Cowl of the Nameless(Helm) Effect: Increases your Lucky Hit Chance by 20 – 40% against enemies that are Crowd Controlled. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Pitfighter’s Gull(Ring) Effect: Casting Smoke Grenade boosts your Critical Strike Damage by 45% for 3 – 6 seconds and creates a shadow cloud. Stealth is gained once per second inside the cloud. Drops: Lord Zir
Skyhunter(Bow) Effect: The first direct damage dealt to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. Consuming Precision while casting a Skill increases its Critical Strike Damage by 20 – 60% and restores 30 – 60 Energy. Drops: Lord Zir, Varshan
Shroud of Khanduras(Chest Armor) Effect: Dark Shroud grants immunity for 3 seconds but increases Evade Cooldown by 3 – 9 seconds. Evading while Dark Shroud is active creates an explosion that deals Shadow damage and pulls enemies in. Drops: Grigoire
Word of Hakan(Amulet) Effect: Rain of Arrows is always Imbued with all Imbuements and benefits from your Arrow Storm effects. Drops: N/A
Eaglehorn(Bow) Effect: Penetrating Shot inflicts Vulnerable on enemies for 3 seconds. Every 4th cast of Penetrating Shot bounces off walls, dealing 50 – 150% additional damage. Drops: Beast in Ice
Assassin’s Stride(Boots) Effect: Mobility Skills are always Shadow Imbued with 40 – 80% enhanced potency. Lucky Hit: Hitting an Elite or Boss with a Mobility Skill triggers a free Shadow Imbuement explosion with a 40 – 80% chance. Drops: Lord Zir
Eyes in the Dark(Pants) Effect: Death Trap causes 50 – 150% more damage and can rearm itself once after activation. Drops: Lord Zir, Varshan
Sorcerer Unique ItemsItem Details
Flamescar(Wand) Effect: While Channeling Incinerate, you shoot embers at enemies, each causing 1,838 – 3,676 Fire Damage. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Raiment of the Infinite(Chest Armor) Effect: After using Teleport, enemies nearby are Pulled to you and Stunned for 2 – 3 seconds, but Teleport’s Cooldown increases by 20%. Drops: Varshan, Lord Zir
Flameweaver(Gloves) Effect: Fire Bolt cast through your Firewall splits into 3 bolts, each dealing 30 – 100% more damage. Drops: Grigoire
Sidhe’s Bindings(Gloves) Effect: Familiar now summons all three elemental variants at once. Its duration is extended by 25 – 50%, its Cooldown reduced by 2 seconds, but it has 1 fewer Charge. Drops: N/A
Iceheart Brais(Pants) Effect: Enemies that die while Frozen have a 21 – 40% chance to trigger a Frost Nova. Drops: Lord Zir, Grigoire
Starfall Coronet(Helm) Effect: Meteor’s Mana cost is replaced by a 10 – 3 second Cooldown with 3 total Charges. Casting Meteor drops 3 additional Meteors around the target. Enchantment and Enhancement drop 1 extra Meteor. Drops: N/A
Esadora’s Overflowing Cameo(Amulet) Effect: Collecting Crackling Energy gives a 15% chance to release a lightning nova, dealing 42 – 86 Lightning Damage, with a 60% bonus for every 100 Intelligence. Drops: Lord Zir
Esu’s Heirloom(Boots) Effect: Your Critical Strike Chance is boosted by 20 – 40% based on your Movement Speed bonus. Drops: Varshan, Beast in Ice
Strike of Stormhorn(Focus) Effect: Ball Lightning splashes on contact, increasing damage by 60 – 100%, and Stuns enemies for 1 second if it reaches Maximum Range. Super Ball Lightnings are larger, deal 125% more damage, have a higher Lucky Hit Chance, and Stun for 3 seconds. Drops: Beast in Ice
Vox Omnium(Staff) Effect: Casting a Core Skill also fires 2 instances of Fire Bolt, Frost Bolt, or Spark, matching the elements of your last 2 non-Core Skill casts. These projectiles deal 30 – 90% more damage. Drops: N/A
Blue Rose(Ring) Effect: Lucky Hit: There is up to a 30% chance to create an Ice Spike that explodes, dealing 19 – 37 Cold Damage. This chance triples if the enemy is Frozen. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Axial Conduit(Pants) Effect: Chain Lightning alternates between surrounding you and targeting up to 3 enemies. It drains 6 Mana for each active Chain Lightning. After draining 66 Mana, the bolt explodes for 150% – 600% Lightning Damage. If there’s insufficient Mana, Chain Lightning expires. Drops: Grigoire
Staff of Lam Esen(Staff) Effect: Charged Bolts have a 40 – 80% chance to be attracted to enemies and last 300% longer. Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
The Oculus(Wand) Effect: Gain Teleport Enchantment’s effect for free. When you Evade using Teleport Enchantment, you’re taken to a random location. Drops: Beast in Ice
Gloves of the Illuminator(Gloves) Effect: Fireball bounces and explodes upon hitting the ground, dealing 70 – 100% of normal damage. Drops: Grigoire, Beast in Ice
Fractured Winterglass(Amulet) Effect: Casting Frozen Orb has a 35 – 65% chance to create a random Conjuration upon explosion. Lucky Hit: Conjurations have a 50 – 90% chance to shoot a Frozen Orb at nearby enemies. Drops: Lord Zir
Spiritborn Unique ItemsItem Details
Peacemonger’s Signet(Ring) Effect: While you have at least 4 stacks of Ferocity, gain 1 – 7 Vigor per second. Gaining Ferocity also provides Resolve. Drops: Grigoire
Scorn of the Earth(Boots) Effect: Your Evade is now Soar, increasing its damage by 10 – 50%. Drops: Beast in Ice
Jacinth Shell(Chest Armor) Effect: Every second, each active Cooldown drains 10% of your Maximum Life to reduce its duration by 3 seconds. Drops: Lord Zir
Rod of Kepeleke(Quarterstaff) Effect: Your Core Skills are now also Basic Skills and free to cast, but their damage is reduced by up to 30% based on their Vigor Cost. At Maximum Vigor, Core Skills consume all Vigor for full damage, larger size, and guaranteed Critical Strikes. Drops: Andariel, Duriel
Sustained War-Crozier(Quarterstaff) Effect: All Focus Skills benefit from their Upgrades, and they boost the damage of your Potency Skills by 10 – 20% for 8 seconds, up to 100 – 200%. Drops: Varshan
Craze of the Dead God(Gloves) Effect: Direct damage is converted into Poisoning over 10 seconds, with a 30 – 0% increase. Lucky Hit: Direct damage has a 25% chance to infect an enemy with Touch of Death based on your Poisoned Life percentage. Drops: Varshan
Harmony of Ebewaka(Helm) Effect: Based on your secondary Spirit Hall selection, your Skills gain Jaguar, Eagle, Gorilla, or Centipede types, increasing damage by 10 – 30% for each Spirit type. Drops: Beast in Ice
Wound Drinker(Ring) Effect: Every time you deal Thorns damage, gain 1 – 7 Vigor. Also grants the Passive Effect of Toxic Skin. Drops: Beast in Ice
Nesekem, The Herald(Glaive) Effect: Every 2 seconds, a nearby enemy is randomly marked. Marked enemies become Vulnerable, and your attacks against them will always Critically Strike and Overpower. Hitting a marked enemy 10 times removes the mark. Drops: N/A
Protection of the Prime(Pants) Effect: While moving, you gain 10 – 30% Dodge Chance. After standing still for 2 seconds, you become Unstoppable until you move. Drops: Grigoire
Ring of Writhing Moon(Ring) Effect: Every 10 seconds, a Pestilent Swarm spawns, dealing 228 – 423 Poison damage per hit. These Pestilent Swarms now orbit around you and generate 1 Vigor per hit. Drops: Varshan
Ring of the Midnight Sun(Ring) Effect: Critical Strikes restore 20 – 50% of the Vigor spent in the last 2 seconds. Grants the Passive Effect of Counterattack. Drops: Grigoire
Band of First Breath(Ring) Effect: Casting Evade consumes 1 stack of Resolve, generating 20 – 40 Vigor. Also grants the Passive Effect of Armored Hide. Drops: Lord Zir
Wushe Nak Pa(Glaive) Effect: Casting an Ultimate Skill activates or amplifies its corresponding Primary Spirit Hall Bonus with 50 – 100% potency for 15 seconds. Each Ultimate Skill gains an additional Skill Type: The Seeker is a Focus Skill, The Hunter is a Mobility Skill, The Devourer is a Potency Skill. Drops: Lord Zir
Sepazontec(Quarterstaff) Effect: Your Basic Skills deal 50 – 100% increased damage and always perform their 3rd attack. Every 3rd cast of a Basic Skill hits three times. Drops: Andariel, Duriel
Loyalty’s Mantle(Helm) Effect: When your Spirit Hall choices match, their bonuses are amplified by 100%, and Base Spirit Skills gain 20 – 60% reduction in Vigor Cost and Cooldown. Drops: Grigoire
Ring of the Midday Hunt(Ring) Effect: Increases your Maximum Vigor by 50%, and killing an enemy restores 1 – 7 Vigor. While Ferocity is active, your Poisoning effects deal their damage across 33% of the normal duration. Drops: Varshan
Scorn of the Earth(Boots) Effect: Your Evade is now Soar, increasing its damage by 10 – 50%. Drops: Beast in Ice
All Class UniqueItem Details
Shroud of False Death(Chest Armor) Effect: If you haven’t dealt damage in the past 2 seconds, you gain Stealth and 40% Movement Speed. Drops: N/A
Soulbrand(Chest Armor) Effect: Your Healing Potion no longer heals instantly; instead, it grants a Barrier for 200% of the original healing for 4 seconds. Gain 10 – 30% Damage Reduction while the Barrier is active, and you may drink Healing Potions at full Life. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Temerity(Pants) Effect: Effects that Heal you beyond 100% Life grant you a Barrier up to 40-100% of your Maximum Life that lasts for 8 seconds. You may now drink Healing Potion while at full Life. Drops: Lord Zir
Tassets of the Dawning Sky(Pants) Effect: When taking damage from Non-Physical sources, gain +8 – 15% Maximum Resistance to that damage type for 6 seconds. This effect only applies to one damage type at a time. Drops: Beast in Ice
Ring of Misfortune(Ring) Effect: Lucky Hit: Has a 100% chance to lose all of your Resource. Drops: N/A
Shard of Verathiel(1H Sword) Effect: Basic Skills deal 50-200% more damage but cost 25 Primary Resource more. Drops: N/A
Paingorger’s Gauntlets(Gloves) Effect: Damaging enemies with a Non–Basic Skill marks them for 3 seconds. When a Basic Skill hits a marked enemy, the Basic Skill’s damage is echoed to all marked enemies, dealing 100-200% more damage. Drops: Beast in Ice
Flickerstep(Boots) Effect: Every enemy you Evade through shortens your active Ultimate Cooldown by 2-4 seconds, up to a total of 10 seconds. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Godslayer Crown(Helm) Effect: Stun, Freeze, or Immobilize an Elite to Pull in all nearby enemies and deal 30-60% more damage to them for 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 12 seconds. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Penitent Greaves(Boots) Effect: Leave a trail of frost that Chills enemies. Deal 12-25% more damage to Chilled enemies. Drops: Lord Zir, Grigoire
Banished Lord’s Talisman(Amulet) Effect: After using 275 of your Primary Resource, your next Core Skill will Overpower. Critical Strikes from Overpower inflict 20-60% more damage. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
The Grandfather(2H Sword) Effect: Increases Critical Strike Damage by 100%. Other properties of this weapon may roll higher than usual. Drops: N/A
Locran’s Talisman(Amulet) Effect: Your skills gain 0.10 – 0.40% Critical Strike Chance bonus per point of Primary Resource, up to 10 – 40%. Each point of Primary Resource over 100 grants 0.2% Critical Strike Damage instead. Drops: N/A
Frostburn(Gloves) Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to a 20-60% chance to Freeze enemies for 3 seconds. Drops: N/A
Razorplate(Chest Armor) Effect: Thorns have a 10% chance to deal 100-200% more damage. Drops: Lord Zir
Shattered Vow(Polearm) Effect: Enemies suffering more Damage over Time than their remaining Life are Executed. Drops: N/A
Rakanoth’s Wake(Boots) Effect: Casting a Skill with a Cooldown causes you to explode, dealing Fire damage. Drops: N/A
XX’Fal’s Corroded Signet(Ring) Effect: Lucky Hit: Your damage over time effects have up to a 75% chance to erupt, dealing 356-515 damage of the same type to nearby enemies. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Yen’s Blessing(Boots) Effect: Casting a Skill has a 40-60% chance to cast a Non-Mobility, Non-Ultimate Skill that is on Cooldown. This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds. Drops: Lord Zir
Crown of Lucion(Helm) Effect: Each time a Skill with a Resource Cost is used, gain 5 – 15% increased damage, while the Resource Cost rises by 30% for 4 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Drops: N/A
Heir of Perdition(Helm) Effect: Yield to hatred and earn Mother’s Favor, boosting your damage dealt by 60%. Steal Mother’s Favor from nearby allies by slaying enemies. Drops: N/A
Tibault’s Will(Pants) Effect: Deal 10-20% more damage while Unstoppable and for 5 seconds after. Gain 50 Primary Resource when becoming Unstoppable. Drops: Duriel, Andariel
Mother’s Embrace(Ring) Effect: If a Core Skill hits 4 or more enemies, 30-60% of the Resource cost is refunded. Drops: Varshan, Beast in Ice
The Butcher’s Cleaver(1H Axe) Effect: Lucky Hit: Critically Striking an enemy has up to a 100% chance to Fear and Slow them by 61-90% for 4 seconds. Drops: N/A
Endurant Faith(Gloves) Effect: When receiving damage that would be at least 40% of your Maximum Life at once, the damage is spread over the next 3 seconds and reduced by 10 – 30%. Drops: N/A
Mythic UniquesItem Details
Melted Heart of Selig(Amulet) Effect: Grants 60 maximum Resource. When you take damage, 75% of the damage is drained as 2 Resource for each 1% of Maximum Life lost. Drops: N/A
Ahavarion Spear of Lycander(Staff) Effect: After defeating an Elite enemy, gain a random Shrine effect for 20 seconds. This can occur once every 30 seconds. Drops: N/A
Harlequin Crest(Helm) Effect: Provides 20% Damage Reduction and grants +4 Ranks to all Skills. Drops: N/A
Doombringer(1H Sword) Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to a 25% chance to inflict 12,030 Shadow damage to surrounding enemies and reduce their damage by 20% for 5 seconds. Drops: N/A
Ring of Starless Skies(Ring) Effect: Reduces resource costs and boosts your damage by 10% for 3 seconds after spending resources, stacking up to 50%. Drops: N/A
Andariel’s Visage(Helm) Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to trigger a poison nova, dealing 37,740 Poisoning damage over 5 seconds to nearby enemies. Drops: N/A
The Grandfather(2H Sword) Effect: Increases Critical Strike Damage by 100%. Other properties of the weapon can roll higher than usual. Drops: N/A
Malignant RingsItem Details
Airidah’s Inexorable Will(Ring) Effect: Casting an Ultimate Skill, followed by another within 5 seconds, pulls in distant enemies and inflicts 2,298 – 9,193 Physical damage. The damage increases by 10% for each point of Willpower you possess. Drops: Varshan
Writhing Band of Trickery(Ring) Effect: When you cast a Subterfuge Skill, it creates a Decoy Trap that Taunts and attracts enemies. After 2 seconds, the trap detonates, inflicting 11,951 – 21,143 Shadow damage. Only one Decoy Trap can be active at a time, with a 6-second cooldown between activations. Drops: Varshan
Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul(Ring) Effect: Automatically activates the following Skills on Corpses nearby: Raise Skeleton every 2 – 1 seconds, Corpse Explosion every 2 – 1 seconds, and Corpse Tendrils every 12 – 6 seconds. Drops: Varshan
Ring of Red Furor(Ring) Effect: After spending 100 Fury within 3 seconds, your next cast of Hammer of the Ancients, Upheaval, or Death Blow within 5 seconds will critically strike and deal 50 – 80% bonus Critical Strike Damage. Drops: Varshan
Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop(Ring) Effect: Each time you cast a Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill, your damage increases by 10 – 25% for 85 seconds, stacking for each element. Recasting a skill will refresh all bonuses if the previous one was a different element. Drops: Varshan
Damsel in her own distress, abodes in her imaginary world, and enchanted by the magical realms of Elden Ring. A professional overthinker who loves to weave captivating stories, and is fascinated by the art of doing nothing. When not lost in thought, paints canvases that echo her wildest daydreams!


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