The 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft has brought with it a treasure trove of nostalgic rewards and hidden secrets. Among these secrets are nine elusive Celebration Crates, scattered across the vast expanse of Azeroth. Each crate offers unique rewards and contributes to the completion of the “No Crate Left Behind” achievement. Join us as we delve into the locations of these hidden gems and guide you through the quest to claim them all. As the event goes on, we expect to find more crates. So far, we’ve found 9 out of an anticipated total of 11.
All 9 Secret Celebration Crate
There are special crates hidden all over Azeroth as part of the Guest Relations event. Finding these crates will help you complete the Crate Insurance Agent and No Crate Left Behind achievements. Bringing a crate to Alyx will also reward you with either Bronze Celebration Tokens or Timewarped Badges, depending on if it’s your first character or not.
1. Dirt-Caked Celebration Crate Location

Go to the Karazhan Crypts, which is west of the main castle. Follow the path down and take the first right. Keep following the path, staying left until you reach a large room called the Forgotten Crypt. Cross this room and swim through The Upside-down Sinners to reach The Slough of Dispair. The Dirt-Caked Celebration Crate is in the back left corner of this room.
2. Mildewed Celebration Crate Location

Go to Thunder Peak, the mountain in Ashenvale where Lord Magmathar lives. Drink the Potion of Truth from the blue bottle on the peak behind the fire elemental. This potion will let you see a special crate for 30 minutes. Don’t use any portals or flight paths during this time. Fly to Feralas and look for the Mildewed Celebration Crate in Eldreth Row, the entrance to Dire Maul. It’s hidden in a corner.
3. Hazy Celebration Crate Location

Go to the Kodo Graveyard in Desolace. Look for a glowing green spot amidst some small trees. However, you’ll only be able to see the crate if you’re a ghost. To become a ghost, simply fall off your flying mount and run from the nearby graveyard. Once you’re a ghost, loot the Hazy Celebration Crate before you revive.
4. Sandy Celebration Crate Location

Go to the Sunken Dig Site in Thousand Needles. You’ll find the entrance to an underwater silithid cave. Follow the tunnel down, staying to the right until you reach a dead end. There, you’ll find a Water-Resistant Receipt of Sale on the ground. Loot this receipt to obtain a Water-Resistant Receipt. Next, travel to Azsuna in the Broken Isles. Look for Vashti the Wandering Merchant, who patrols the northeast road between The Ruined Sanctum and Farondale. If you have the Water-Resistant Receipt, he’ll sell you a Sandy Celebration Crate for 500 gold.
5. Soggy Celebration Crate Location

Go to The Dive Bar, located underwater in the river southwest of Dazar’alor in Zuldazar. Find Nikto and buy a Clam Digger from him for 2 gold 50 silver. Next, look for a clam named Gerald on a shelf above and behind Nikto. Interact with Gerald to use the Clam Digger and open his shell, revealing the Soggy Celebration Crate inside.
6. Battered Celebration Crate Location

You can either use your Tricked-Out Thinking Cap to follow the clues on the Torn Notes, or you can skip to the final location. If you choose to follow the clues, you’ll first go to the Conquest Hold Gate in Grizzly Hills. Then, you’ll go to a tree stump southwest of Forest’s Edge Outpost. The final location is a cave just inside Howling Fjord. The Battered Celebration Crate is hidden between the rocks at the cave entrance.
7. Waterlogged Celebration Crate Location

Head towards the southeast direction from the Caverns of Time. You’ll find two structures submerged in the water near the coast. Dive into the water and enter the taller of these two structures. You’ll see an elevator shaft moving up and down. Swim up through this shaft to the top floor. Once you reach the top, search for a crate near one of the beds. This crate, filled with waterlogged items, is what you’re looking for.
8. Charred Celebration Crate Location

Head to the Hyjal zone in Kalimdor. You can reach this zone by using one of the Cataclysm portals in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Once there, fly to The Whistling Grove, located in the far northwest corner of the zone, past the Grove of Aessina. You’ll find a leather trampoline used for a daily quest to rescue bear cubs. At the base of this trampoline, you should spot a charred crate. This is the Charred Celebration Crate you’re looking for.
9. Crystallized Celebration Crate Location

First, go to your city’s portal room and take the portal to Outland. Once in Outland, travel to Nagrand. Head to the far left side of the map and look for a large, crystal-like structure. The entrance to this structure is located to the north of it. Enter the structure and follow the path straight ahead until you reach a small turn. After the turn, go left and follow the path downwards until you reach a circular chamber. On the right side of this chamber, in the far corner, you’ll find the Crystallized Celebration Crate on the ground.