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HomeGuidesHow to Get Vamp Personality in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake

How to Get Vamp Personality in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake

In Dragon Quest 3 Remake, each character’s personality affects their stat growth, so some personalities are better suited to different playstyles. The Vamp personality, for example, provides significant boosts to Agility and Luck, making it ideal for players who want to excel in combat and dodge attacks more effectively. However, Vamp is only available to characters with Appearance B, the female Heroine, so it’s a great option for players aiming for a fast, agile playthrough. In contrast, the male counterpart Lothario doesn’t provide the same stat advantages, so if you’re looking to maximise Agility and Luck, Vamp is the superior choice.

How to Get Vamp Personality

To get the Vamp personality, you’ll need to complete a specific path in the initial personality quiz. The quiz is fairly complex and branches in different directions depending on your answers, but there are a few consistent routes that lead to The Queen’s Treachery.

Based on the first question of the quiz, select the following answers:

First Question

Answer (based on the first question)
Is it better to have fine weapons and armour than fine companions?

Answer 1. NO
Answer 2. NO
Answer 3. NO
Answer 4. YES
Answer 5. YES
Answer 6. NO
Answer 7. NO
Answer 8. YES
Do you believe that victory can be won on the field of battle?
Answer 1. YES
Answer 2. NO
Answer 3. YES 
Answer 4. NO
Answer 5. YES
Answer 6. YES 
Answer 7. NO
Answer 8. NO
Answer 9. YES
Do you find adventure to be more of a chore than a pleasure?
Answer 1. YES 
Answer 2. YES
Answer 3. NO
Answer 4. NO
Answer 5. YES
Answer 6. NO
Answer 7. YES
Answer 8. YES
Answer 9. NO
Answer 10. NO
Answer 11. YES
Do you believe that the sun in the sky above is the king of all nature?
Answer 1. YES 
Answer 2. 2. YES 
Answer 3. NO
Answer 4. YES 
Answer 5. YES 
Answer 6. NO 
Answer 7. NO 
Answer 8. YES
Do you find life to be dull and uninteresting?
Answer 1. NO
Answer 2. NO
Answer 3. NO
Answer 4. NO
Answer 5. YES
Answer 6. NO
Answer 7. YES
Answer 8. YES
Answer 9. NO
Answer 10. NO 
Answer 11. YES

For example, for the first question: “Do you find life to be dull and uninteresting?” you will get the following series of questions:

Question no.
1Do you find life to be dull and uninteresting?No
2Upon seeing a troubled soul, is it your first urge to go to their aid?No
3Do you prefer the mountains to the sea?No
4If you find yourself with nothing to do, does the lack of activity drive you to distraction?No
5Do you dream often?Yes
6Do you ever dream of being pursued?No
7Do you enjoy physical pursuits?Yes
8Can even the most minor of matters irritate you?Yes
9When inspiration strikes, are you likely to spring into action straight away?No
10Once you begin a task, do you find that all else around you pales into insignificance?No
11Is there something in your life you would protect at the expense of all else?Yes

The Queen’s Treachery

Once you answer these questions correctly you will proceed to The Queen’s Treachery. When you reach The Queen’s Treachery, you’ll come across several important characters. First, enter the door and speak with the queen. Next, move into the following room and talk to the king:

King’s Dialogue 
Listen, men! Those dastardly criminals from across the border are readying an assault!
But thanks to my dear wife, we have been lucky enough to learn of their wicked plan. ahead of time!
They cannot be allowed to invade our beloved motherland! Therefore, we must strike first!
Is that not so, General Hannibal?
Yes, Your Majesty! If this information is correct, it will indeed be in our best interests to strike first.
Ho ho ho! You need not worry on that score, Hannibal! What could my dear wife hope to gain from lying?
She has no conceivable motive for deceiving us. Or do you believe otherwise? Hm?
N-No, Your Majesty!
Very well, then. Go forth, men! For the honour of our beloved realm!
Yes, Your Majesty!

Hm? I do not recall your face, soldier. Is there something you wish to say to me?

Then what are you waiting for!?Quick, off to battle with you! The others left some time ago!

Then, approach the King’s Chancellor, who’s standing to the right of the carpeted path. The Chancellor will ask you two questions:

Question no.
1They are still the King’s orders, and must be obeyed, correct?Yes
2Really? You truly believe the orders of a King to be set in stone?Yes

By following these steps, you’ll unlock the Vamp personality for all female protagonists in the Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

How to Change to Vamp Personality 

If you begin with a different personality or want to change your character’s personality later, there are two ways to switch to Vamp:

  • Guns n’ Buns Book: For a permanent personality change to Vamp, you’ll need to find the Guns n’ Buns book. This rare item is dropped by Xenion, a tough post-game boss located on the top floor of Cloudsgate Citadel. Once you have the book, reading it will permanently change a female character’s personality to Vamp. 
  • Garter Accessory: You can equip the Garter accessory in the main slot of any female character to temporarily adopt the Vamp personality. To get the Garter, return five Mini-Medals to Manny in Mini-Medal Manor, which is located at the bottom of the Aliahan well.

As you continue through the game, you might discover other Garters or ways to obtain the Guns n’ Buns book, but for now, these are the methods for switching to a Vamp personality.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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