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HomeGuidesPoE2 Act 2 Bosses, Locations, and Rewards

PoE2 Act 2 Bosses, Locations, and Rewards

Path of Exile 2 boasts a wide array of bosses throughout each Act, providing some of the game’s best rewards and items. Conquering these bosses typically yields rare gear, powerful weapons, and permanent stat increases, significantly enhancing your character as you move toward the endgame.

To help you prepare for the challenges of Cruel difficulty, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide listing all the Act Two bosses, their locations, and the rewards they drop, ensuring a smoother journey ahead.

List of All the Act 2 Bosses in Path of Exile 2

  • Rathbreaker
  • Rudja, the Dread Engineer
  • Balbala, the Traitor
  • L’im, the Impaler
  • Jamanra, the Risen King
  • Iktab, the Deathlord & Ekbab, the Ancient Steed
  • Kabala, the Constrictor Queen
  • The Ninth Treasure of Keth
  • Azarian, the Forsaken Son
  • Rattlecage, the Earthbreaker
  • Zalmarath, the Colossus
  • Watchful Twins
  • Tor Gul, the Defiler
  • Jamanra, the Abomination


RathBreaker is the first boss you’ll encounter in Act Two of Path of Exile 2. You’ll battle him and his pack of hyenic raiders soon after entering the desert.


Rathbreaker commands a raiding party in the Vastiri Outskirts, where Act Two begins. Zarka will assign you to track him down during the “Earning Passage” quest. You’ll have to scour the desert to locate him and his group.


Rathbreaker drops randomized loot, but the true reward is earning Zarka’s respect. In gratitude for defeating the beast, she will offer you a place in her caravan.

Rudja, the Dread Engineer 

Rudja, the Dread Engineer, is a deranged mechanic you’ll face in Act Two of Path of Exile 2. She resides deep within the Mawdun Mine, where she guards a crucial prisoner you must meet.


You’ll come across Rudja in the Mawdun Mine during the Trail of Corruption Pt 2, where she’s guarding Risu, a prisoner you must free to progress through Act Two.


Rudja drops randomized loot, but the true reward is her captive, Risu, whom you must rescue to progress in The Trail of Corruption Pt 2.

Balbala, the Traitor 

After completing Earning Passage, you’ll face Rathbreaker (a challenging fight) before Act 2 fully opens, offering larger, more engaging zones and a sense of choice. As part of this journey, you’ll encounter Balbala, The Traitor, in a fierce battle. While tough at first, Balbala can be defeated with a few helpful tips.


Balbala, the Traitor, can be found in the Traitor’s Passage in Act 2. To reach her, explore the area until you come across the Six Sisters location. Continue searching until you find a closed door leading to the Prison of the Disgraces. Interact with the Ancient Seal to unlock the door, then remove all three Runic Seals to free Balbala.


Defeating Balbala rewards you with Balbala’s Barya, a key item for Ascension. With this item, you can speak to Zarka aboard the Caravan to start the Ascent to Power quest, ultimately unlocking your Ascendancy Class.

L’im, the Impaler

L’im, the Impaler is an optional boss in Act 2 of Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2).


L’im, the Impaler can be found at the Forward Command Tents, near the end of the Halani Gate area in Act 2.


Defeating L’im, the Impaler rewards players with Rare Items, either as direct drops or as a quest completion bonus.

Jamanra, the Risen King

Jamanra, the Risen King, is unquestionably tough, with burst damage capable of killing you in an instant and rapid-fire attacks that are extremely difficult to avoid.


Jamanra, the Risen King, can be found at the Infested Tower, located at the end of the Halani Gate area in Act 2, as part of the Main Quest.


Defeating Jamanra, the Risen King, rewards players with the Uncut Skill Gem and progression in The Trail of Corruption main quest.

Iktab, the Deathlord & Ekbab, the Ancient Steed

In Act Two of Path of Exile 2, you’ll face Ekbab & Iktab, a dynamic duo that will alternate between crushing and electrocuting you in a tight pit with limited space to move.


You’ll encounter Ekbab & Iktab in The Bone Pits during A Theft of Ivory. Iktab is in the process of animating Ekbab, and you arrive just as the spell is completed.


Defeating Ekbab and Iktab rewards you with the Mastodon Tusks, which are required to complete The Trail of Corruption Pt 2.

Kabala, the Constrictor Queen 

Kabala is an optional boss that can be found in the Venom Pit within the Keth area in Act 2.


In Keth, you’ll come across the Venom Pit, a small, circular arena embedded in the sand, surrounded by broken walls and temples along its outer edge. It’s evident that a boss fight is imminent, and soon enough, Kabala, the Constrictor Queen, emerges from beneath the sand to challenge you.


Upon defeating Kabala, the Constrictor Queen, you will receive the following quest reward:

  • Book of Specialization – +2 Weapon Set Passive Skill Points.

The Ninth Treasure of Keth

The Ninth Treasure of Keth is an optional boss in Act 2 of Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2).


The Ninth Treasure of Keth is an optional boss that can be found in The Galleria, located at a random spot within The Lost City in Act 2.


Defeating The Ninth Treasure of Keth rewards you with random Jewels.

Azarian, the Forsaken Son

Azarian, the Forsaken Son, is a towering, bloated humanoid with a troubled family history. He is the son of Halani, the Water Goddess, and their relationship is far from cordial. You will encounter him in Act Two of Path of Exile 2 during The City of Seven Waters.


Azarian can be found in the Halani Shrine, located at the lowest level beneath Keth, the city you visit to complete The City of Seven Waters.


Upon Azarian’s defeat, he drops minimal loot, but the door to the next room opens, where you’ll find your objective for The City of Seven Waters.

Rattlecage, the Earthbreaker

At the end of floor 1 in Path of Exile 2’s Trial of Sekhemas, you must face Rattlecage the Earthbreaker. While optional, this fight is highly challenging and essentially a DPS race. If your build isn’t strong enough, don’t hesitate to return after gaining a few levels. Relying solely on powerful potions or energy shields won’t be enough, as taking damage reduces your Honor Meter.


Rattlecage is the boss of the first floor of the Trial of Sekhemas in Act 2. You can access this area by obtaining a Barya and completing the Ascent to Power quest.


Defeating Rattlecage, the Earthbreaker grants players the completion of the Trial of the Sekhemas on Floor 1.

Zalmarath, the Colossus 

Zalmarath, the Colossus, is a giant automaton you’ll face in Act Two of Path of Exile 2, encountered while completing the quest A Crown of Stone in the Valley of Titans.


Zalmarath can be found in The Titan Grotto while completing A Crown of Stone. This is one of three quests you must finish before progressing to The Trail of Corruption Pt 2.


Upon Zalmarath’s defeat, it will drop randomized loot as well as The Flame Ruby, which is required to complete A Crown of Stone.

Watchful Twins 

Act 2 of Path of Exile 2 introduces several frustrating bosses, with the Watchful Twins being among the most aggravating. Hunin, Storm Caller, and Mugin, Frost Bringer, are two rare bird-like creatures.


The Watchful Twins, Hunin, Storm Caller, and Mugin, Frost Bringer, are located in the Forgotten Corpses area, situated at the outskirts of Deshar in Act 2.


Defeating the Watchful Twins in Path of Exile 2 rewards you with several prizes, including Djinn Barya, which unlocks the Trial of the Sekhemas.

Tor Gul, the Defiler 

Tor Gul the Defiler is a skeletal abomination you’ll encounter in Act Two of Path of Exile 2, during the quest The Trail of Corruption Pt 2.


You’ll face Tor Gul in The Spires of Deshar during The Trail of Corruption Pt 2, where Jamanra summons it to distract you while he escapes once again.


Upon Tor Gul’s death, it will make a final, desperate crash before collapsing into its hole. It will drop some randomized loot, but nothing specific.

Jamanra, the Abomination 

Around the midpoint of Act 2, you’ll confront Jamanra, the Risen King, at the Hilani Gates. When near death, Jamanra will retreat, summoning a powerful sandstorm that prevents you from progressing. To continue, you’ll need to craft the Horn of Vastiri to dispel the storm.


You’ll encounter Jamanra at the end of The Trail of Corruption Pt 2, where you’ll board The Dreadnought and fight your way through it to reach him in the Hilani Gates area after the Traitor’s Passage.


Jamanra drops randomized loot, but he can also drop items that won’t appear until Act Three, such as the Cultist Bow. On top of that, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’ve freed the Vasiri Desert from the rule of the evil Faridun tyrant. And that’s pretty rewarding, too.

All Permanent Boss Upgrades in Act 2 of Path of Exile 2

In Path of Exile 2, while most bosses drop quest-related items or Uncut Skill Gems, several optional bosses reward you with items that provide permanent character upgrades, such as an increase in Spirit. It’s a good idea to prioritize these bosses in both the regular and Cruel difficulty levels.

On the world map, their skull icon will be marked with a small ‘+’ symbol. Here’s a more detailed guide on where to find them in Act 2:

  • Balbala the Traitor, located in the Traitor’s Passage, will grant an item that allows you to complete your first Trial and unlock the quest to access your Ascendancy (subclass) when you speak to Zarka at the caravan. Balbala can be found after the stairs in Traitor’s Passage, just before reaching the Hilani Gates. When she vanishes and begins spawning poison in the room, look for the spot where she turns invisible to stop it.
  • Kabala, the Constrictor Queen, is found in Keth, just before entering The Lost City. The battle begins when you enter a small pit where she summons numerous undead snakes to attack you. In our experience, this pit is typically located in the southeast corner of the map. Upon defeat, she drops a Book of Specialization, granting +2 passive skill points.

And that’s everything you need to know about the Act 2 bosses in Path of Exile 2 as of the Early Access release.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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