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HomeGuidesNYT Mini Crossword January 30 2025 Answers (1/30/25)

NYT Mini Crossword January 30 2025 Answers (1/30/25)

Our NYT Mini Crossword January 30, 2025, answers guide is here to help if you’re stuck on a clue while solving today’s puzzle. The New York Times Mini Crossword is a compact, fast-paced version of the newspaper’s renowned daily crossword. It’s perfect for solvers who want a quick mental challenge without dedicating too much time to a full puzzle. Though smaller in size, the Mini Crossword maintains the same level of difficulty as its full-sized counterpart. It is published daily, both in print and online.

NYT Mini Crossword January 30, 2025 Answers

If you need assistance with the NYT Mini Crossword for 1/30/25, we’ve listed all the clues below so you can easily find the answer(s) you’re looking for. This way, if you only need help with a few clues, you won’t accidentally see answers to others you’re still working on!

1A Soft rock NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Rock (verb)

  • To sway or move gently back and forth or side to side.
  • To cause something to sway or move back and forth.



Hint 2: Rock (noun)

  • A solid, brightly coloured stick of candy, often peppermint-flavoured.
  • A sudden, unstable tilting or lurching motion.

5A First-string squad NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: First-string (adjective)

  • Being a regular member of a team.
  • Referring to team members who are not substitutes.



Hint 2: String (verb)

  • To thread onto or as if onto a string.
  • To add things in a sequence, as if on a string.

7A Soft rock? NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Rock (verb)

  • To move back and forth or side to side.
  • To make something move back and forth.



Hint 2: Rock (noun)

  • A hard, brightly coloured stick of candy, usually peppermint-flavoured.
  • A sudden, dangerous tilting or swaying motion.

8A Tissue layers, e.g. NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Tissue (noun)

  • A soft, thin, and often translucent piece of paper.
  • A part of an organism made up of a collection of cells with a similar structure and function.



Hint 2: Tissue (verb)

  • To weave strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton, into a piece of cloth.

9A Fiona Apple and Tracy Chapman, vocally NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Chapman (noun)

  • A United States pioneer (1774–1845) known for planting apple trees during his travels.
  • An old-fashioned term for a travelling merchant or peddler.



1D Florida’s so-called “Cigar City” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: So-called (adjective)

  • Questionable or of doubtful authenticity.



Hint 2: Florida (noun)

  • A southeastern U.S. state located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico; formerly a Confederate state during the American Civil War.

2D To any degree NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Degree (noun)

  • A distinct position within a sequence, continuum, or process.
  • A unit of measurement for angles and arcs.



3D Not sketchy, colloquially NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Sketchy (adjective)

  • Providing only key details; lacking thoroughness.



Hint 2: Colloquially (adverb)

  • Using informal or conversational language.

4D Brief role in a movie NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Movie (noun)

  • A form of entertainment that tells a story through sound and a series of images, creating the illusion of continuous motion.



Hint 2: Brief (noun)

  • A document outlining the facts and legal points of a client’s case.
  • A concise written summary or overview.

6D Midnight ___ (Christmas service) NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Service (verb)

  • To engage in mating with.
  • To be utilised by, as a utility.



Hint 2: Service (noun)

  • A method or act of serving.
  • A complete set of tableware, such as silver or dishware, for use at the table.


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