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NYT Crossword January 20 2025 Answers (1/20/25)

The New York Times Crossword for January 20, 2025, can be tricky, but our answers guide will help you navigate through the puzzle. As one of the most popular crosswords in the world, it challenges solvers with its clever clues and wordplay. Available both in print and online, it offers a daily mental workout for puzzle enthusiasts. Below, we’ve listed all the clues from today’s crossword, making it easy for you to find the answers you need. If you’re stuck on a specific clue, you can search for it directly without revealing answers to other clues you’re still solving!


1A Unwanted piece of mail NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Unwanted (adjective)

  • Not desired or needed.



Hint 2: Mail (verb)

  • To send or direct something to another location.
  • To dispatch via the postal service.

5A Took to court NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Court (noun)

  • An Australian tennis player, born in 1947, who won numerous major championships.
  • A room where legal proceedings take place.



Hint 2: Court (verb)

  • To attempt to gain someone’s favour.
  • To pursue someone romantically.

9A Blog addition NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Addition (noun)

  • Something extra added to what already exists.
  • A component included to enhance or improve something.



Hint 2: Blog (noun)

  • An online journal where individuals share entries about their personal experiences and interests.

13A Written legal argument NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Legal (adjective)

  • Having authority or validity under the law.
  • Permitted by official regulations.



Hint 2: Written (adjective)

  • Composed for a film, play, or broadcast.
  • Recorded or documented in written form.

15A Red carpet hairstyle, often NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Hairstyle (noun)

  • The way hair is styled or arranged, particularly for women.



Hint 2: Carpet (noun)

  • A thick, heavy fabric used as a floor covering, typically with a nap or pile.
  • A natural object that looks or serves as a carpet.

16A Sephora rival NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Rival (verb)

  • To match in quality or ability.
  • To compete with someone or something.



Hint 2: Rival (noun)

  • A competitor you aim to surpass or defeat.

17A Only U.N. member whose name starts with Q NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Whose (pronoun)

  • The possessive form of “who” or “which.”



Hint 2: Member (noun)

  • A euphemism for the male reproductive organ.
  • An individual belonging to or participating in a social group or organisation.

18A Places that are off-limits NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Off-limits (adjective)

  • Restricted or prohibited for a specific group.



20A Path of advancement for a lawyer NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Lawyer (noun)

  • A licensed professional who practices law, handles legal cases, or provides legal advice.



Hint 2: Path (noun)

  • A designated route or means of travel or access.
  • A chosen direction or way of behaving.

22A High-pitched bark NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: High-pitched (adjective)

  • Describing sounds or voices that are high in pitch or frequency.
  • Positioned at a steep or elevated angle.



Hint 2: High (noun)

  • An elevated location.
  • A public secondary school typically covering grades 9 to 12.

25A Since, informally NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Informally (adverb)

  • Using casual or colloquial language.



Hint 2: Since (adverb)

  • From a specific point in the past up to the present.

26A Sending a chill up one’s spine NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Sending (noun)

  • The act of dispatching something, particularly messages.



Hint 2: Spine (noun)

  • A sharp, pointed projection resembling a spike, typically on a stem or leaf.
  • The column of vertebrae that forms the backbone and safeguards the spinal cord.

27A Position for Steph Curry or Caitlin Clark NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Position (noun)

  • A particular state or situation in which one is found.
  • A job or role within an organisation.



Hint 2: Position (verb)

  • To place something in a specific location or context.
  • To arrange or align something in a suitable place, state, or relationship.

32A Like Easter eggs or purple hair NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Purple (noun)

  • A shade or pigment of purple.
  • In ancient Rome, a symbol of imperial authority.



Hint 2: Purple (adjective)

  • A colour that lies between red and blue on the spectrum.
  • Associated with or fit for a supreme ruler.

33A Speaking platforms NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Speaking (noun)

  • Delivering a speech or address to an audience.
  • The act of producing intelligible speech.



Hint 2: Speaking (adjective)

  • Able to produce or involving speech.

34A Antidrug cop, informally NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Informally (adverb)

  • Using casual or colloquial language.



Hint 2: Cop (noun)

  • A derogatory term for a police officer.

36A Go along with prevailing wisdom NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Prevailing (adjective)

  • The most frequent or widespread.



Hint 2: Wisdom (noun)

  • The ability to apply knowledge and experience with good judgment and insight.
  • The quality of being prudent and sensible.

42A Athletic gear that comes in pairs NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Athletic (adjective)

  • Energetically active and engaged in physical activity.
  • Having a strong, well-proportioned physique.



43A “Too rich for my blood” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Blood (noun)

  • A man of immoral or decadent behaviour in fashionable society.
  • The descendants of a particular individual.



Hint 2: Blood (verb)

  • To smear with blood, often as part of a hunting initiation ritual, where a person’s face is covered with the blood of the kill.

45A Pride parade inits. NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Parade (verb)

  • To march in a procession.
  • To walk in a showy or ostentatious manner.



Hint 2: Parade (noun)

  • A ceremonial procession with people marching.
  • A lengthy and often extravagant display of people or things.

49A Manual for consistency in writing NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Consistency (noun)

  • The quality of maintaining structure and shape.
  • A harmonious uniformity or agreement between elements or parts.



Hint 2: Writing (noun)

  • The work produced by a writer; anything conveyed through written letters, especially when evaluated for style and impact.
  • The act of composing or creating written content.

52A Helpful NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Helpful (adjective)

  • Offering assistance or serving a practical purpose.



54A Composer ___-Manuel Miranda NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Composer (noun)

  • A person who professionally creates or arranges music.



55A Was first to play a card NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Card (noun)

  • A menu listing the dishes available at a restaurant.
  • A printed or written greeting left to show you’ve visited.



Hint 2: Card (verb)

  • To separate the fibers of a material.
  • To request someone’s ID to verify their age for alcohol consumption.

56A Do one’s job to the point of exhaustion … or a hint to the ends of 20-, 27-, 36- and 49-Across NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Exhaustion (noun)

  • Severe depletion of energy and strength.
  • Intense fatigue.



Hint 2: Across (adverb)

  • In a transverse direction.

61A”Biscuit” for cookie or “chips” for fries NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Biscuit (noun)

  • A type of small, flat, sweet cake (the British term).
  • A small round bread leavened with baking powder or soda.



Hint 2: Cookie (noun)

  • The cook at a ranch or camp.
  • A type of small, flat, sweet cake (commonly referred to as a biscuit in British English).

62A Novices, informally NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Informally (adverb)

  • Using casual or conversational language.



66A Frozen treats NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Frozen (adjective)

  • Lacking warmth or friendliness; showing unfriendliness or disdain.
  • Completely motionless.



67A Utah winter resort NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Winter (verb)

  • To spend time during the winter season.



Hint 2: Winter (noun)

  • The coldest season of the year, typically spanning from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere.

68A “Laters!” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Answer used in the past:

  • TATA (4 letters)



69A Host’s place, usually, on a late-night talk show NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Usually (adverb)

  • Under typical circumstances.



Hint 2: Place (noun)

  • A position or role within an organisation.
  • A specific location defined by the surface features of a region.

70A Expresses silent agreement NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Agreement (noun)

  • A declaration (oral or written) outlining a mutual exchange of promises.
  • The harmony or consistency of observations.



Hint 2: Silent (adjective)

  • Implied or understood through actions or statements.
  • Not speaking or communicating when expected.

71A Not discard NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Discard (noun)

  • The act of disposing of something considered useless or unwanted.
  • Anything that has been thrown away or discarded.



Hint 2: Discard (verb)

  • To throw away or cast aside.

1D Roasting event, for short NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Roasting (noun)

  • Cooking meat using dry heat in an oven, often with added fat.



Hint 2: Event (noun)

  • A phenomenon that occurs as a result of a previous one.
  • A particular set of circumstances or happening.

2D Reflective Glass on the radio NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Reflective (adjective)

  • Characterised by deep or serious thought.
  • Able to reflect light or sound.



Hint 2: Glass (noun)

  • A mirror, typically used by women for dressing.
  • A small telescope that uses refraction to magnify objects.

3D Hoppin’, in slang NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Slang (verb)

  • To deceive or trick.
  • To use coarse or offensive language.



Hint 2: Slang (noun)

  • A distinctive language used by a specific group, such as among criminals.
  • Informal language made up of words and expressions not suitable for formal settings, often vulgar or critical.

4D Hop NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Hop (verb)

  • To jump lightly or with a quick motion.
  • To jump over or across.



Hint 2: Hop (noun)

  • Twining perennial plants with heart-shaped leaves and cone-like flower spikes, whose dried flowers are used in brewing beer to impart a bitter taste.
  • An informal dance accompanied by popular music.

5D Chinese general who wrote “The Art of War” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: General (noun)

  • A high-ranking military officer of the highest level.
  • The leader of a religious order or congregation.



Hint 2: General (adjective)

  • Having a global scope or application.
  • Impacting the whole body.

6D “Once ___ a time …” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Time (noun)

  • A specific point in time as indicated by a clock.
  • The rhythm created by dividing time into equal intervals.



Hint 2: Time (verb)

  • To measure the duration or timing of an event or action, or the person performing it within a given period.
  • To adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the intended moment.

7D Rim NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Rim (noun)

  • The upper edge of a container or vessel.
  • A protrusion added for strength or to connect with another object.



Hint 2: Rim (verb)

  • To add a rim to something.
  • To move or roll around the edge of.

8D “Let’s Make a Deal” option NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Make (verb)

  • To organize or tidy up.
  • To eliminate urine.



Hint 2: Make (noun)

  • The act of shuffling cards randomly.
  • A distinct or identifiable type.

9D Made contented sounds like a cat NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Contented (adjective)

  • Feeling satisfied or showing contentment with the current situation.



Hint 2: Made (adjective)

  • Created through a manufacturing process.
  • Successful or confident in achieving success.

10D Kevin of “Shark Tank,” also known as “Mr. Wonderful” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Wonderful (adjective)

  • Exceptionally good or impressive; often used for emphasis.



Hint 2: Shark (noun)

  • A type of long, carnivorous fish, mostly marine, with a heterocercal tail fin and rough skin covered in small tooth-like scales.
  • A person who is ruthless, greedy, and dishonest.

11D Tween sister of Barbie NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Sister (noun)

  • A female who shares the same parents as another person.
  • A female member of a sorority, labour union, or similar group.



12D Assigned a job NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Assigned (adjective)

  • Designated for a particular post or duty.



Hint 2: Job (noun)

  • A specific task or piece of work to be completed, often for a fee.
  • A criminal act, such as a robbery.

14D Geometric figures whose subparts mimic the full shape NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Geometric (adjective)

  • Defined by simple geometric shapes in design and decoration.
  • Relating to or determined by the principles of geometry.



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:


19D Had a meal NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Meal (noun)

  • The food served and consumed during a specific time.
  • Any occasion for eating that occurs regularly at set times, by custom or habit.



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:


21D Toupee, in slang NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Slang (verb)

  • To deceive or trick.
  • To use offensive or coarse language.



Hint 2: Slang (noun)

  • A distinctive language used by a specific group, such as criminals.
  • Informal language with words and expressions inappropriate for formal contexts, often vulgar or insulting.

22D Roblox or TikTok NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:




23D T-top, for one NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Top (verb)

  • To be the peak or final event.
  • To pass over, under, or by without touching.



Hint 2: Top (noun)

  • The first part of an inning, when the visiting team is batting.
  • A canvas tent used to shelter the audience during a circus performance.

24D Stereotypical canine name NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Stereotypical (adjective)

  • Lacking originality, spontaneity, or individuality.



Hint 2: Canine (noun)

  • A type of fissiped mammal, often with non-retractable claws and a long muzzle.
  • One of the four pointed teeth (two in each jaw) situated between the incisors and premolars.

28D Zero NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Zero (adjective)

  • Indicating the complete absence of any units being considered.
  • Having no measurable or identifiable value.



Hint 2: Zero (noun)

  • A mathematical value that, when added to another number, does not change it.
  • The reference point on a scale from which positive or negative values are measured.

29D Impatient NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Impatient (adjective)

  • Full of eagerness, often with a desire for immediate action.
  • Restless or irritable when faced with delays or obstacles.



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:


30D When doubled, gung-ho NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Doubled (adjective)

  • Twice the amount or size.



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:


31D Hip-hop’s Dr. ___ NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Hip-hop (noun)

  • A genre of African-American music from the 1980s and 1990s where rhyming lyrics are spoken over a musical background; several rap styles have developed from this.
  • An urban youth culture linked with rap music and the fashion trends of African-American communities in inner-city areas.



Hint 2: Hip (noun)

  • The part of the vertebrate skeleton that supports the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or similar structures in other vertebrates.
  • The ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum.

35D Hair knots with a French name NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: French (noun)

  • The people of France.
  • An American sculptor known for creating the seated marble statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. (1850-1931).



Hint 2: French (adjective)

  • Relating to France or its people.

37D Gives a thumbs up NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Answer used in the past:

  • AGREES (6 letters)



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:


38D Clever humor NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Humor (noun)

  • The quality of being amusing or entertaining.
  • The liquid substances found in the body.



Hint 2: Humor (verb)

  • To make someone feel cheerful or in a positive mood.

39D Large bird that lays green eggs, which are incubated by the male NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Green (noun)

  • An area of closely mown grass surrounding the hole on a golf course.
  • A public open space for recreation in an urban environment.



Hint 2: Green (adjective)

  • A color between blue and yellow in the spectrum, resembling the shade of fresh grass.
  • Naive or easily tricked, lacking experience or sophistication.

40D Stir up NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Stir (verb)

  • To call into action or create, often seemingly magically.
  • To provoke or influence emotionally.



Hint 2: Stir (noun)

  • A quick and active disturbance or movement.
  • A noteworthy or sensational news event, usually brief in duration.

41D “Bruh” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • A man who is highly concerned with his clothing and appearance.
  • An informal term used to address a man.



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:


44D ___ Talks NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • A rebellious young man from the 1950s and 1960s, often dressed in Edwardian-style clothing.



Hint 2: Talks (noun)

  • A discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.

45D Likely winner of a construction contract NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Contract (verb)

  • To shrink or pull together.
  • To enter into a formal agreement.



Hint 2: Contract (noun)

  • In contract bridge, the highest bid determines the contract, setting the required number of tricks for the bidder to win.
  • A type of bridge where the bidder earns points only for the number of tricks they bid.

46D Sensation of acceleration NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Acceleration (noun)

  • The process of speeding up; the increase in velocity.
  • An increase in the rate of change.



Hint 2: Sensation (noun)

  • A person who is exceptionally skilled in a particular field.
  • A basic, raw awareness of sensory stimulation.

47D Represses, as a bad memory NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Memory (noun)

  • The ability to retain and recall past experiences.
  • An electronic device used for storing information.



Hint 2: Bad (adverb)

  • With considerable intensity (nonstandard form of “badly”).
  • To a great extent; strongly.

48D “Bad you!” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Bad (adverb)

  • With considerable intensity (informal variant of “badly”).
  • To a great degree; strongly.



Hint 2: Bad (noun)

  • Something that falls below the expected standard or moral decency.

50D Pack animals that can spit up to 10 feet when irritated NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Irritated (adjective)

  • Provoked to impatience or anger.



Hint 2: Pack (verb)

  • Compress tightly.
  • Carry with oneself; have in one’s possession.

51D Festival at the end of Ramadan NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Ramadan (noun)

  • An Islamic fast observed from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar; it is the holiest period for Muslims.



Hint 2: Festival (noun)

  • A planned sequence of events and performances, typically held at one location.
  • A designated day or period for feasting and celebration.

53D Retired QB Manning NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Retired (adjective)

  • No longer engaged in one’s occupation or career.



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:


57D Volunteer’s words NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Volunteer (noun)

  • An individual who offers their services without compensation.
  • A person who willingly joins the military or a service organization.



Hint 2: Volunteer (verb)

  • To willingly offer one’s services.
  • To participate in unpaid work.

58D Unit of smuggled drugs NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Smuggled (adjective)

  • Illegally transported or traded.



Hint 2: Unit (noun)

  • A component of a larger organization or system.
  • A standard measurement or quantity used for exchange or comparison.

59D Abbr. before a year on a cornerstone NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Cornerstone (noun)

  • The essential basis or foundation upon which something is built or developed.
  • A stone placed at the junction of two intersecting walls in masonry.



Hint 2: Before (adverb)

  • At an earlier time; prior to.
  • In front or ahead of something.

60D Eccentric expert NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Expert (adjective)

  • Demonstrating proficiency, skill, and aptitude through knowledge and expertise.
  • Relating to something that requires specialized knowledge to understand.



Hint 2: Expert (noun)

  • A person possessing specialized knowledge or abilities, performing with skill in a particular field.

63D Itsy-bitsy NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Verb)

  • Discharge urine.



Hint 2: (Adjective)

  • Extremely small (informally).
  • Occurring very early.

64D “Ta-ta” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • A progression to the next round in a tournament without competing against an opponent.
  • A parting statement.



Hint 2: Answers used in the past:

  • CHEERIO (7 letters)
  • CIAO (4 letters)
  • SEEYA (5 letters)
  • ADIEU (5 letters)
  • IHAVETOGO (9 letters)
  • IMOFF (5 letters)

65D Drain the energy from NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Drain (verb)

  • Cause liquid to flow away slowly
  • Weaken or deplete



Hint 2: Drain (noun)

  • A pipe used for carrying off liquids
  • The act of emptying by letting liquid escape


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