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NYT Crossword January 18 2025 Answers (1/18/25)

Stuck on the NYT Crossword for January 18, 2025? Don’t worry—our answers guide is here to rescue you! The NYT Crossword is a daily brain-teaser that challenges your knowledge and vocabulary with its witty clues and wordplay. Whether you’re solving in the paper or online, it’s a puzzle that keeps you on your toes. We’ve listed the clues from today’s crossword below, so you can quickly find the answers you need without spoiling any other parts of the puzzle. Happy solving!


1A Famous palindrome starter NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Palindrome (noun)

  • A word or phrase that reads identically forwards and backwards.



Hint: Famous (adjective)

  • Recognised and admired by many people.

16A “Is there more?” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: More (adjective)

  • (used with mass nouns) Referring to a greater size, amount, extent, or degree.
  • (used with count nouns) Referring to a greater number.



Hint: More (noun)

  • An English statesman who opposed Henry VIII’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon, leading to his imprisonment and execution. He is also remembered for his concept of “Utopia,” the ideal state.

17A It can be infectious after Thanksgiving NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Infectious (adjective)

  • Caused by or capable of causing an infection
  • Easily transmitted



Hint: Thanksgiving (noun)

  • A brief prayer of gratitude said before a meal
  • Observed on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States and the second Monday in October in Canada; it marks the feast held in 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag.

18A Coloring sometimes confused with dun NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Coloring (noun)

  • A substance that can be consumed to add colour to food
  • The action or process of altering the colour of something



Hint: Confused (adjective)

  • Lacking clear structure or coherence
  • Perplexed by numerous contradictory situations or statements; filled with uncertainty or bewilderment

19A Female rapper with the 2008 hit “Paper Planes” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Female (adjective)

  • Pertaining to or typical of a woman
  • Referring to the sex (of a plant or animal) that produces fertilizable eggs (ova) from which offspring develop



Hint: Female (noun)

  • A person belonging to the sex capable of bearing offspring
  • An animal that produces eggs (ova) which can be fertilised by male sperm cells (spermatozoa)

20A Makes a move NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Move (verb)

  • To provide motivation for action
  • To be in a state of activity



Hint: Move (noun)

  • The act of relocating from one place to another
  • The process of changing one’s residence or place of work

21A Lead-in to day, way or more NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Lead-in (noun)

  • The opening part of a story
  • A wire that connects an antenna to a receiver or a transmitter to a transmission line



Hint: Lead (verb)

  • To be responsible for or in charge of
  • To guide someone to a particular place

22A Love interest of Peter in the “Spider-Man” universe NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Interest (verb)

  • To occupy someone’s thoughts
  • To be significant or important



Hint: Interest (noun)

  • A motive for desiring something to be done
  • A pastime or activity that engages one’s time and attention, often with enjoyment

24A Informal preposition NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Preposition (noun)

  • A function word that combines with a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase, which can have an adverbial or adjectival relationship to another word
  • In linguistics, the placement of one linguistic element before another, such as positioning a modifier before the word it modifies or attaching an affix before the base word



Hint: Informal (adjective)

  • Characterized by or promoting a warm, friendly, and casual atmosphere
  • Not officially recognized or regulated

26A Fish with a shy-sounding name NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Sounding (adjective)

  • Seemingly as described, often used in combination forms
  • Having volume or depth



Hint: Sounding (noun)

  • A measurement of water depth taken with a sounding line
  • The process of measuring water depth, typically using a sounding line

27A It’s the word NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Word (noun)

  • The divine utterance of God; the second person of the Trinity (incarnated in Jesus)
  • Information about significant and current events



Hint: Word (verb)

  • To express or articulate in words

28A ___-Cat NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Cat (noun)

  • A large, tracked machine powered by two continuous metal belts, commonly used in construction and agricultural work for moving earth
  • A feline mammal, typically with thick, soft fur and unable to roar, including both domestic cats and wildcats



Hint: Cat (verb)

  • To vomit
  • To strike with a cat-o’-nine-tails

31A One of 12 for Katharine Hepburn NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Hepburn (noun)

  • An American film actress known for her many films alongside Spencer Tracy (1907–2003)



Hint: One (adjective)

  • (Informally) used to emphasize something, meaning “very”
  • Having the characteristic of being a single, indivisible unit

37A Dish that’s different from its cousins by the inclusion of potatoes NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Inclusion (noun)

  • The state of encompassing or containing something
  • A small intracellular entity found within another, typically associated with certain diseases



Hint: Different (adjective)

  • Distinct from all others; unconventional
  • Clearly separate from the first or original

38A Catchers of waves NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • Devices used for receiving signals, often associated with satellite television systems



39A Vein output NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Vein (noun)

  • A blood vessel that transports blood from the capillaries to the heart
  • One of the rigid, horn-like structures that support and stiffen an insect’s wing



Hint: Vein (verb)

  • To create a pattern resembling veins

40A Constellation with the star Regulus NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Regulus (noun)

  • A genus of birds in the Sylviidae family, known as kinglets
  • The brightest star in the Leo constellation



Hint: Constellation (noun)

  • A grouping or arrangement of parts or elements
  • A pattern of stars observed from Earth

41A Informal hookups NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Informal (adjective)

  • Characterized by or promoting a relaxed, friendly atmosphere
  • Not officially acknowledged or regulated



Hint: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer.


42A Half a candy bar? NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Half (noun)

  • One of the two equal portions of a divisible whole
  • One of the two segments into which certain games or performances are split, typically separated by an interval



Hint: Half (adjective)

  • Comprising one of two equal parts in value or quantity
  • Partial or incomplete

43A Reasonable NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Adjective)

  • Characterised by sound reasoning or good judgment
  • Mentally stable; free from mental illness or disorder



Hint: Answer used in the past:

  • SENSIBLE (8 letters)

45A Initials for a 20th-century president (and his wife) NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: President (noun)

  • The official who leads and oversees the meetings of an organisation
  • The individual who holds the position of head of state in the United States government



48A Avian symbol of good fortune in Celtic culture NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Culture (noun)

  • A specific society or group at a given time and location
  • A state of advanced development or refinement, characterised by flawless or exceptional quality



Hint: Culture (verb)

  • To grow or develop in a specialised medium or environment

51A Throne NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Throne (noun)

  • A plumbing fixture used for urination and defecation
  • A ceremonial seat or chair for a monarch, bishop, or similar figure



Hint: Throne (verb)

  • To crown or install a monarch
  • To assume the position of rulership by sitting on the throne

52A Uncover NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Uncover (verb)

  • To expose or reveal by removing a cover
  • To disclose information to the public that was previously secret or known only to a select few



Hint: Answers used in the past:

  • EXPOSE (6 letters)
  • LAYBARE (7 letters)

53A Hit 1976 album whose title track won the Grammy for Record of the Year NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Record (verb)

  • To electronically register or document
  • To show a specific reading on gauges or instruments



Hint: Record (noun)

  • A sound recording stored on a disk with a continuous groove, used to play music when rotated and read by a phonograph needle
  • A collection of verified information or facts about something or someone

58A Yogi Berra or Joe DiMaggio, e.g. NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: DiMaggio (noun)

  • An American professional baseball player renowned for his exceptional batting skills (1914–1999)



Hint: Berra (noun)

  • An American baseball player (born 1925)

59A Sent out feelers, so to speak NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Speak (verb)

  • To communicate by exchanging thoughts or conversation
  • To use language to express oneself



Hint: Sent (noun)

  • A unit of currency in Estonia, where 100 senti equals 1 kroon

1D City that’s the “heart of Africa’s art scene,” per National Geographic NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Geographic

  • Pertaining to or influenced by geography
  • Relating to the field of geography.



Hint 2: National

  • An individual who is a subject or citizen of a particular nation and owes loyalty to it.

2D Capital and second-largest city of Minorca NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Capital (noun)

  • The upper section of a column that supports the entablature.
  • The central government of the United States.



Hint 2: Capital (adjective)

  • Written in uppercase letters.
  • Of the highest quality or rank.

3D Range NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Range (verb)

  • To assign a rank or rating to something.
  • To cover or extend over a certain area.



Hint 2: Range (noun)

  • The extent of capability or capacity.
  • The boundaries within which something can be effective.

4D How to turn down a Hamburger NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Hamburger (noun)

  • Ground beef.
  • A sandwich made with a fried patty of minced beef, typically served on a bun with additional ingredients.



Hint 2: Down (noun)

  • An English physician who first identified Down’s syndrome (1828–1896).
  • Soft, fine feathers, especially those found on birds.

5D They share keys with 2’s NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Share (noun)

  • The contribution made by a person towards achieving a result.
  • Assets that belong to, are due to, or are contributed by an individual or group.



Hint 2: Share (verb)

  • To distribute as one’s portion or contribution.
  • To have, give, or receive a portion of something.

6D Nursery purchase NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • Slang term for a large belly or paunch.
  • A plumbing fixture used for defecation and urination.



Hint 2: (Verb)

  • To plant something in a pot.

7D “I can handle this!” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Handle (verb)

  • To touch, lift, or hold something with the hands.
  • To manage or deal with something effectively.



Hint 2: Handle (noun)

  • The part of an object designed to be held in order to use or move it.

8D ___ LeRoy Locke, “Father of the Harlem Renaissance” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Renaissance (noun)

  • The revival of learning and cultural development.
  • The period in European history marking the end of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world, spanning from the 14th to the mid-17th century.



Hint 2: Harlem (noun)

  • A neighbourhood in Manhattan, now primarily known as a historically Black community.

9D Org. with a climate research program NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Climate (noun)

  • The long-term average weather conditions in a specific location.
  • The dominant psychological atmosphere or mood.



Hint 2: Research (verb)

  • To investigate or inquire into.
  • To systematically and scientifically attempt to discover information.

10D Required safety feature on cars, in brief NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Required (adjective)

  • Mandated by rules or regulations.
  • Essential for providing relief or fulfilling a need.



Hint 2: Feature (noun)

  • A notable attribute or characteristic of something.
  • The main (full-length) film in a movie theatre program.

11D 13-Down, e.g. NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Down (noun)

  • An English physician who first identified Down’s syndrome (1828–1896).
  • Soft, fine feathers, especially those found on birds.



Hint 2: Down (adjective)

  • Fully understood or comprehended.
  • Moving or extending from a higher position to a lower one.

12D It preceded Calibri as Microsoft’s default font NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer.




13D Kilo finder NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Finder (noun)

  • An optical device that aids in locating a target of interest.
  • A person who is the first to discover or observe something.



Hint 2: Kilo (noun)

  • A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams, part of the International System of Units (SI).

14D Plugging away NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Away (adverb)

  • Out of the way, especially removed from one’s thoughts.
  • Not in one’s possession.



Hint 2: Away (adjective)

  • (In baseball) Describing a pitch that is on the far side of the home plate from the batter.
  • Not present, having left.

15D Some do-overs NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer.




22D Chest-beating sort NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Beating (noun)

  • The act of administering corporal punishment through repeated blows.
  • The act of surpassing or defeating someone or something.



Hint 2: Chest (noun)

  • The front part of the torso, from the neck to the abdomen.
  • A piece of furniture with drawers used for storing clothes.

23D Kate who won an Academy Award for “The Reader” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Reader (noun)

  • A person who reads proof to identify errors and mark corrections.
  • A person who reviews manuscripts to assess their suitability for publication.



Hint 2: Academy (noun)

  • An institution dedicated to the advancement of art, science, or literature.
  • A scholarly institution focused on the progress of knowledge.

24D On the right radio frequency NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Frequency (noun)

  • The number of occurrences within a specific time frame.
  • The number of observations within a particular statistical category.



Hint 2: Radio (noun)

  • An electronic device that receives, demodulates, and amplifies transmitted signals.
  • A medium used for communication.

25D Cry after a close shave NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Close (verb)

  • To stop functioning or cause something to stop operating.
  • To bring to an end.



Hint 2: Close (adjective)

  • Near in time, space, degree, or circumstances.
  • Pertaining to textiles, often describing a tight or compact weave.

26D Memorable title role of a 1941 film NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Memorable (adjective)

  • Worthy of being remembered.



Hint 2: Title (noun)

  • A heading that identifies a statute or legislative bill, often providing a brief summary of its contents.
  • A legal document that is signed, sealed, and delivered to transfer property and establish legal ownership.

27D Handy person? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Handy (noun)

  • A United States blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (1873–1958).



Hint 2: Handy (adjective)

  • Convenient and easy to access.
  • Skilled at working with the hands.

28D Dark Lord of the ___ (“Star Wars” title) NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Lord (noun)

  • A titled noble or peer in the realm.
  • A person who holds general authority or control over others.



Hint 2: Lord (verb)

  • To grant someone the title or status of a lord.

29D Pay attention to NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Attention (noun)

  • The process of focusing on certain aspects of the environment while excluding others.
  • The act of providing care or attending to someone or something.



Hint 2: Pay (verb)

  • To settle or discharge a debt.
  • To dedicate time or effort to something.

30D Stack of Monopoly bills NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Monopoly (noun)

  • A board game where players aim to dominate the real estate market by advancing around the board based on die rolls.
  • In economics, a market where there are many buyers but only one seller.



Hint 2: Stack (noun)

  • A large, tall chimney used for expelling combustion gases and smoke.
  • A list or arrangement where the most recently added item is the first to be removed (Last In, First Out – LIFO).

31D Scapola o femore NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the following letters to solve today’s answer:




32D Go a couple of rounds NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Couple (verb)

  • To connect or link together.
  • To form a pair or multiple pairs.



Hint 2: Couple (noun)

  • Two items of the same type.
  • A pair of people who associate or are romantically involved with each other.

33D ___ Tiernan, author of the “Immortal Beloved” trilogy NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Immortal (noun)

  • A supernatural being worshipped for controlling a part of the world or an aspect of life, or personifying a force.
  • A person, such as an author, renowned for enduring fame.



Hint 2: Immortal (adjective)

  • Not susceptible to death.

34D Largest tributary of the Mississippi NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Tributary (adjective)

  • Contributing to or partially responsible for something.
  • (Of a stream) Flowing into a larger stream.



Hint 2: Tributary (noun)

  • A smaller stream or river that flows into a larger one.

35D Wisecrack NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Wisecrack (noun)

  • A clever or witty remark.



Hint 2: Wisecrack (verb)

  • To make a comment, often ironic or humorous.

36D Novelist Gerritsen NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Novelist (noun)

  • One who writes novels



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer.


42D Showed respect or submission, in a way NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Submission (noun)

  • Something (such as manuscripts, architectural plans, models, estimates, or works of art) presented for evaluation or judgment, often in a competition.
  • A feeling of patient, humble acceptance or compliance.



Hint 2: Respect (noun)

  • A particular detail or point, often preceded by “in.”
  • The state of being honoured, esteemed, or held in high regard.

43D Arabic for “prayer” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Prayer (noun)

  • A sincere or urgent request.
  • A person who prays to God.



Hint 2: Arabic (noun)

  • The Semitic language spoken by Arabs, with various dialects.

44D Netflix category NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Category (noun)

  • A group of things that share a common characteristic.
  • A broad concept used to organise or divide ideas within a conceptual framework.



45D Long weapon NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Weapon (noun)

  • Any tool or device used in combat or hunting.
  • A method of persuasion or argument.



Hint 2: Long (adjective)

  • Having a strong memory.
  • Planning carefully and wisely for the future.

46D Pipe material NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Material (noun)

  • An item created by weaving, felting, knitting, or crocheting natural or synthetic fibres.
  • The tangible substance that constitutes a physical object.



Hint 2: Material (adjective)

  • Having substance or being considered as a fact; not imaginary.
  • Having a physical or concrete form.

47D Jimmy Carter was the first president regularly seen in these NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Regularly (adverb)

  • In a consistent or orderly manner.



Hint 2: Carter (noun)

  • An English Egyptologist who discovered and excavated the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922 (1873–1939).
  • The 39th President of the United States (born 1924).

48D Slightest amount NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Amount (noun)

  • The quantity or number of something that can be measured or counted.
  • A sum of money.



Hint 2: Amount (verb)

  • To total or add up in number or quantity.
  • To evolve or develop into something.

49D ___ learning NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Learning (noun)

  • The cognitive process of gaining skills or knowledge.
  • In-depth scholarly knowledge.



50D Some travelers’ concerns, in brief NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Brief (noun)

  • A document outlining the facts and legal points of a client’s case.
  • A shortened written summary or abstract.



Hint 2: Brief (adjective)

  • (Of clothing) Very short in length.
  • Concise and to the point.

51D Lingo NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • A language or set of expressions used by a specific group, such as thieves.
  • Stock phrases that have lost meaning due to excessive repetition.



Hint 2: (Verb)

  • To tilt or lean over.

52D Person partial to humour? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Humour (noun)

  • The quality or ability to be funny.
  • The liquid substances within the body.



Hint 2: Humour (verb)

  • To make someone feel in a good mood.

54D Golfer’s concern NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Golfer (noun)

  • A person who plays the game of golf.



Hint 2: Concern (verb)

  • To be on someone’s mind or be of interest to them.
  • To be relevant or related to something.

55D Scoundrel NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Scoundrel (noun)

  • A dishonest or immoral person; someone who intentionally engages in evil or harmful actions.



Hint 2: Answers used in the past:

  • KNAVE (5 letters)
  • RAT (3 letters)
  • ROGUE (5 letters)
  • CUR (3 letters)
  • BADEGG (6 letters)
  • HEEL (4 letters)
  • LOUSE (5 letters)
  • VARLET (6 letters)
  • SOANDSO (7 letters)

56D Handful NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Adjective)

  • A quantifier used with count nouns, often preceded by “a,” indicating a small but indefinite number.



Hint 2: (Noun)

  • A small, select group of individuals.

57D ___ pro nobis NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Pro (noun)

  • A professional athlete who plays for payment.
  • An argument supporting a proposal.



Hint 2: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:




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