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NYT Crossword January 11 2025 Answers (1/11/25)

If you’re stuck on today’s NYT Crossword (January 11, 2025), our comprehensive answer guide is here to assist you. The NYT Crossword is renowned for its challenging clues and clever wordplay, offering solvers a test of their vocabulary and knowledge. Featured daily in the print edition of The New York Times and accessible online, this puzzle is a fan favourite worldwide.


For today’s puzzle, we’ve compiled all the clues and answers for your convenience. You can simply search for a specific clue to find its answer without accidentally spoiling other parts of the puzzle you’re still working on.

1A Get an engine going NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Going (noun)

  • The act of leaving
  • Euphemisms for passing away



Hint 2: Going (adjective)

  • Functioning at full capacity

8A Incurs an extra service charge, perhaps NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Service (verb)

  • To mate with
  • To be utilized by, as in the case of a utility



Hint 2: Service (noun)

  • A method of providing assistance
  • A complete set of tableware, such as silver or dishware, for use during meals

13A Cost-efficient NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Efficient (adjective)

  • Capable of achieving a goal; working effectively
  • Achieving results without wasting time, effort, or resources



Hint 2: Cost (verb)

  • To be valued at
  • To require a loss, sacrifice, or effort

15A Georges ___, “Habanera” composer NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Habanera (noun)

  • A Cuban dance in a 2/4 time signature
  • Music written in duple time for performing the habanera



Hint 2: Composer (noun)

  • A professional who creates music

16A Jargon heard at Comic-Con or in a D&D game, humorously NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Jargon (noun)

  • A specialized language used by a specific group (such as thieves)
  • A pale or smoky variety of zircon, often colorless or yellowish



18A Clearing NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Clearing (noun)

  • The process of removing solid particles from a liquid
  • An area of land with few or no trees, located within a forested region



Hint 2: Answers used in the past:

  • OPENAREA (8 letters)
  • OPENSPACE (9 letters)

19A Specially trained teams NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Specially (adverb)

  • To a notably higher degree than usual
  • In a unique or distinctive way



Hint 2: Trained (adjective)

  • Shaped, conditioned, or disciplined through training; often used in combination

20A “Tubular!” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • The unit of plane angle defined by the International System of Units (SI); it corresponds to the angle at the center of a circle formed by an arc with a length equal to the radius (approximately 57.295 degrees).
  • A unit of absorbed ionizing radiation, equivalent to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material.



22A Movement in “The Nutcracker” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Nutcracker (noun)

  • Any of several small, short-tailed songbirds with strong feet and a sharp beak, feeding on nuts and insects
  • A type of compound lever designed to crack open nuts



Hint 2: Movement (noun)

  • The action of changing position or location
  • A euphemism for the act of defecation

23A River featured in the Rig Veda NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Veda (noun)

  • (From the Sanskrit word for ‘knowledge’) one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism, written in early Sanskrit; traditionally believed to include the Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads



Hint 2: Featured (adjective)

  • Having specified facial features, often used in combination
  • Highlighted or given prominence, made a key focus

24A Fruit-filled loaf NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Filled (adjective)

  • (Of time) occupied
  • (Usually followed by ‘with’ or used in combination) abundantly supplied with



Hint 2: Fruit (noun)

  • A quantity of a product
  • The result of a particular effort or action

26A Pride parade participant? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Participant (noun)

  • An individual who engages in an activity
  • A person who takes part in or excels at a particular game



Hint 2: Parade (verb)

  • To march in a procession
  • To walk in an exaggerated or showy manner

27A Own up NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Own (verb)

  • To possess or have ownership of



Hint 2: Own (adjective)

  • Belonging to or associated with a particular person (especially oneself); usually preceded by a possessive pronoun

28A ___ fly NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Fly (verb)

  • To pass quickly
  • To diminish swiftly and vanish



Hint 2: Fly (noun)

  • A flap of canvas that can be pulled back to allow entry into a tent
  • An opening in clothing, typically fastened with a zipper or buttons hidden beneath a fold of fabric

29A Antarctic explorer for whom a sea is named NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Antarctic (adjective)

  • Located at or near the South Pole



Hint 2: Antarctic (noun)

  • The area surrounding the South Pole, including Antarctica and the adjacent waters

30A Attachments for speakers NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the following to get today’s answer:




31A Blatant deceptions NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Blatant (adjective)

  • Completely obvious, with no attempt to hide it
  • Conspicuously loud and offensive; prone to strong and forceful outbursts



32A Open for drinks NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Open (adjective)

  • (Having textures) filled with small openings or gaps
  • Unprotected or indefensible



Hint 2: Open (verb)

  • To begin operating or make something start functioning
  • To unfold or spread from a closed or folded position

35A Monarchs, e.g. NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:




36A Baby ___ NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Baby (noun)

  • A very young child (from birth to 1 year) who is not yet walking or talking
  • An immature, childish individual



Hint 2: Baby (verb)

  • To pamper or treat with excessive indulgence

37A Setting for balloon darts or a ringtoss NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Balloon (verb)

  • To inflate or become filled with air
  • To travel in a hot-air balloon



Hint 2: Balloon (noun)

  • A large, durable, flexible bag filled with gas or heated air
  • A small, thin inflatable rubber bag with a narrow opening

38A Television star who went on the “Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour” in 2010 NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Prohibited (adjective)

  • Forbidden by law
  • Not allowed for use or reference



Hint 2: Television (noun)

  • The transmission of visual images of still or moving objects
  • An electronic device that receives and displays television signals on a screen

39A Taiwanese electronics brand NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Electronics (noun)

  • The field of physics that focuses on the emission and effects of electrons, as well as the use of electronic devices



Hint 2: Brand (noun)

  • A name assigned to a product or service
  • A mark of shame or dishonour

40A Note extender, in sheet music NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Music (noun)

  • A form of punishment for one’s actions
  • Pleasant and harmonious sounds



Hint 2: Sheet (noun)

  • Paper used for writing or printing
  • A large piece of fabric, often canvas, used to catch wind and propel a sailing vessel

41A Lothlórien in “The Lord of the Rings,” e.g. NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Rings (noun)

  • A gymnastic apparatus consisting of two sturdy metal circles, typically covered in leather, suspended by ropes and used for various gymnastic exercises.



Hint 2: Lord (noun)

  • A noble with a title, holding a peerage in the realm.
  • A person who has overarching authority or control over others.

42A Make way for NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Make (verb)

  • To organise or tidy up.
  • To urinate.



Hint 2: Make (noun)

  • The act of shuffling cards in a random manner.
  • A distinctive type or kind.

44A They believe “the radical notion that women are people,” per Marie Shear NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Radical (adjective)

  • (Used to describe opinions and actions) far outside the conventional or usual boundaries.
  • In botany, referring to leaves that grow at the base of a plant or stem, often directly from the root or root-like stem.



Hint 2: Radical (noun)

  • An atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron; in the body, it is usually an oxygen molecule that has lost an electron and seeks to stabilise by taking an electron from a nearby molecule.
  • In linguistics, the base form of a word after all affixes have been removed.

46A Siren call? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Siren (noun)

  • A woman regarded as dangerously alluring.
  • An acoustic device that emits a loud, often wailing sound as a signal or warning.



Hint 2: Call (verb)

  • To give a specific (usually proper) name to.
  • To predict or foretell something in advance.

47A Well, that works! NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Works (noun)

  • The internal components or mechanism of a device.
  • Buildings designed for industrial work.



Hint 2: Well (adverb)

  • In a way that provides benefit or advantage.
  • (When used as a combining form) in a good, proper, or satisfactory manner, or to a high standard (with “good” being a nonstandard dialectal variation of “well”).

48A OK NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Verb)

  • Allocate a resource to a specific person or cause.
  • Enable something to happen by taking a specific action or by refraining from acting.



49A Certain workplace protection? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Workplace (noun)

  • A location where work is carried out.



Hint 2: Protection (noun)

  • Money forcibly extracted by criminals under threat of violence.
  • A covering designed to shield from harm or damage.

1D #2s, e.g. NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:




2D Locale of Niue and the Pitcairn Islands NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • A vast cluster of islands in the South Pacific, encompassing Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia, and occasionally Australasia and the Malay Archipelago.



Hint 2: Locale (noun)

  • Refers to the location where an event or action takes place, particularly the venue of a meeting.

3D Common format for an essay, informally NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Informally (adverb)

  • In a casual manner, using everyday language



Hint 2: Common (noun)

  • An area of open land in a town or city, often used for recreation

4D Bypassing play NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Play (verb)

  • To compete against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle
  • To feign certain qualities or a particular state of mind



Hint 2: Play (noun)

  • A theatrical work meant to be performed by actors on a stage
  • The act of using a sword (or other weapon) with skill and vigour

5D Many early wines NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Early (adverb)

  • In a timely manner
  • At an initial stage



Hint 2: Early (adjective)

  • Relating to a distant past
  • Happening at the start of a period or event, or sooner than expected

6D Professional squatters? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Professional (noun)

  • A person working in a learned profession
  • An expert qualified to train apprentices



Hint 2: Professional (adjective)

  • Relating to a career or occupation pursued as a livelihood
  • Carried out by individuals within a particular profession

7D Bit of “Sweeney Todd” fare NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Todd (noun)

  • A fictional character in a play by George Pitt; a barber who kills his customers
  • A Scottish chemist known for his research on the structure of nucleic acids (born in 1907)



Hint 2: Fare (noun)

  • A list of tasks or activities to be completed
  • The fee charged for travelling in a public transport vehicle

8D Recurring role for Kate McKinnon on “S.N.L.” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Recurring (adjective)

  • Happening again or returning



Hint 2: Role (noun)

  • The duties and responsibilities assigned to or expected of a person or group
  • The purpose or function of something

9D Extractor used on some seeds and nuts NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Extractor (noun)

  • A device that uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a mixture
  • A part of a firearm that removes an empty shell case from the chamber and transfers it to the ejector



Hint 2: Used (adjective)

  • Exploited or taken advantage of
  • Previously owned or utilized by someone else

10D Their petals are used to make a traditional Korean wine called “dugyeonju” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Traditional (adjective)

  • Relating to or based on long-established customs or practices
  • Connected to established and conventional beliefs



11D Turnpike feature NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Turnpike (noun)

  • A highway where tolls are charged for access
  • Historically, barriers across a road that prevented passage until a toll was paid



Hint 2: Feature (noun)

  • A notable characteristic or element of something
  • The main (full-length) film shown in a cinema program

12D One taken for a ride NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Taken (adjective)

  • Interpreted in a specific manner; understood
  • Experiencing a mild illness or discomfort



Hint 2: Ride (noun)

  • A trip or journey in a vehicle (typically a car)
  • An amusement or thrill ride designed for enjoyment

14D Some sweet pick-me-ups NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Sweet (adjective)

  • Free from salt water; not salty
  • Pleasant or delightful to the mind or emotions



Hint 2: Sweet (noun)

  • An English phonetician, one of the pioneers of modern phonetics (1845-1912)
  • A food item that is high in sugar

17D Contralto singer known as the “First Lady of Radio” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Contralto (adjective)

  • Referring to the lowest vocal range for a female voice



Hint 2: Contralto (noun)

  • The lowest vocal range in female singing
  • A female singer with a contralto voice

21D Publicly criticizes NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Publicly (adverb)

  • In a way that is visible or accessible to the public; openly



24D Feature of the United States Capitol NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Capitol (noun)

  • The government building in Washington, D.C., where the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives convene
  • A building housing a state legislature



Hint 2: United (adjective)

  • Pertaining to a married couple
  • Characterized by unity; formed or joined into one entity

25D They act as one NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: They (pronoun)

  • The plural form of he, she, or it, used to refer to people without explicitly mentioning them
  • Often used to refer to individuals without specifying an antecedent



Hint 2: Act (verb)

  • Pretend to possess certain traits or emotions
  • Behave in a way that is unnatural or affected

27D Simple house style with gables NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Simple (adjective)

  • Uncomplicated; without any additions or alterations
  • Displaying an innocent or naive nature



Hint 2: Simple (noun)

  • A person who lacks intelligence or common sense
  • An herbaceous plant with medicinal qualities

29D Track star Ingebrigtsen who, at age 16, became the youngest person in history to run a sub-four-minute mile NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the following to solve today’s answer:




30D “Peace, dude!” NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Dude (noun)

  • A man who is highly focused on his clothing and overall appearance; an informal term used to address a man.



Hint 2: Peace (noun)

  • The state of being free from mental stress or anxiety; the overall safety and calmness of public spaces.

31D Music genre for Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Music (noun)

  • A consequence for one’s actions
  • Any sounds that are pleasant and harmonious.



32D Hits the weights, say NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the following to solve today’s answer:




33D “To the stars,” in Latin NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Latin (adjective)

  • Pertaining to languages that evolved from Latin.



Hint 2: Latin (noun)

  • A person from ancient Latium, or any variation of the language spoken in ancient Rome.

34D De-briefed? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:




35D Small juice container? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Container (noun)

  • An object used to hold items, especially a large, box-like metal object with standard dimensions, designed for transferring between different forms of transport.



Hint 2: Small (adjective)

  • Not large, yet adequate in size or quantity.

36D Jester named in a Shakespeare soliloquy NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Shakespeare (noun)

  • An English poet and playwright, regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language (1564-1616).



Hint 2: Jester (noun)

  • A professional clown, typically hired to amuse a king or nobleman during the Middle Ages.

37D First of four emperors in the “Year of the Four Emperors” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: First (noun)

  • The fielding position of a player on a baseball team, located at the first base in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate).
  • The point in time when something is expected to start.



Hint 2: First (adjective)

  • Referring to the initial unit in a series.
  • Serving to initiate or begin something.

38D Stack in an ice cream shop NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Cream (noun)

  • A toiletry product made of various thick liquids that provide soothing and moisturizing effects when applied to the skin.
  • The finest individuals or items within a group.



Hint 2: Cream (verb)

  • To defeat thoroughly and decisively in a competition or fight.
  • To remove from the surface.

41D It’s lit! NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Lit (adjective)

  • On fire or burning.
  • Equipped with artificial lighting.



Hint 2: Lit (noun)

  • The study of literature from a humanistic perspective.

43D Material for Robin Hood’s bow NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Material (noun)

  • An item created by weaving, felting, knitting, or crocheting natural or synthetic fibres.
  • The physical substance that constitutes a tangible object.



Hint 2: Material (adjective)

  • Having substance or being considered as fact; not imaginary.
  • Possessing a physical or substantial form.

45D Result of a downpour, perhaps NYT Crossword Clue 

Hint 1: (Verb)

  • To cover or stain with mud, muck, or mire.
  • To plaster with mud.



Hint 2: (Noun)

  • Waterlogged soil; soft, wet earth.
  • Defamatory or slanderous comments or accusations.
Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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