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HomeGuidesLTG Parts Locations in Liberty Falls Black Ops 6

LTG Parts Locations in Liberty Falls Black Ops 6

In the heart of Liberty Falls, a powerful tool awaits discovery: the LTG Device. This crucial item is essential for progressing through the main Easter Egg quest, “Bye-Bye, Dark Aether.” To build the LTG, you’ll need to gather three special parts scattered throughout the map. Armed with your trusty Jet Gun, you must vacuum these parts from their hidden locations. Once you’ve collected all three, head to the designated crafting station to assemble the LTG. Remember, this device is only a tool for summoning truly powerful enemies and charging the Aether Canisters, so this guide should help you unlock its full potential and conquer the Dark Aether.

Why to Find the LTG (Limited Transdimensional Gateway) parts

Finding the LTG parts is part of the Bye-Bye, Dark Aether quest, the main easter egg quest in Liberty Falls. Before locating the LTG parts, you should be equipped with a Jet Gun. As the LTG parts are high above the ground, it is impossible to get all the LTG parts without the Jet Gun. The Jet Gun will suck all the LTG parts and put them inside your inventory to be used later.

The LTG device is used to craft a trap in Liberty Falls to catch an HVT (High-Value Target) to charge the Aether Canisters. You should remember that when crafting a trap from LTG, there will be hordes of zombies coming to attack the LTG machine. You need to protect the machine for a window of 60 seconds before the LTG spawns an HVT, such as the Abomination or the Mauler.

Then, you must trap it near the canister and defeat it to charge the canisters. You have to craft a trap using LTG two times in Liberty Falls. One is near the Gas tank, and the other is near Oily’s comic store near an Aether Storm. 

LTG Parts Locations in Liberty Falls

Three special LTG Device parts are hidden in different places on the map. You can only get them by using your Jet Gun to suck them up.

First LTG Part Location

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The first LTG Device part is hidden in Olly’s Comics, a comic book store with a superhero statue in the Riverside area at the bottom of the map. The door is locked, so you’ll need to find a way to open it before you can get inside. Once inside, look up at the counter in the middle of the shop. You’ll see a purple-colored part hidden in the roof. Use your Jet Gun to suck it up until it disappears.

Second LTG Part Location

The second LTG Device part is hidden on the roof of a building near the Dark Aether Church on Washington Avenue, just above the Speed Cola machine. To get there, head up the path from Olly’s Comics and move to the left wall until you can climb onto the roof. Once you’re on the roof, stand to the left of the zipline and look down. You’ll see the LTG Device part under your feet. Use your Jet Gun to suck it up until it disappears into your inventory. You can also try jumping onto the truck from the roof and sucking it up through the open window.

Third LTG Part Location

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The last LTG Device part is inside the Dark Aether Church, hanging in the air to the left of the balcony where Dr. Panos is standing. Jump onto the pews and use your Jet Gun to suck it up. However, be careful as there will be zombies on your path as you go towards the church, so carry lots of ammunition.  

Building LTG Machine in Liberty Falls

To assemble the LTG Device, head to the roof of the Savings & Loan building, the bank in the center of the map. To get to the crafting table, take the zipline that starts at the Cemetery. This zipline is near the lower entrance to the bank when you’re coming from Hill Street. Once on the bank’s rooftop, look for the crafting table on the left side, past the green tent and the white rooftop bulkhead. Interact with the crafting table to build the LTG Device and pick it up before leaving the rooftop. Now that you’ve built the LTG Device head back to the Dark Aether Church and interact with the SDG Generator. This will allow you to obtain your Aether Canister.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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