If you’re stuck on today’s LA Times Crossword for February 3, 2025, our answer guide is here to help. The LA Times Crossword, published daily by the Los Angeles Times, is known for its clever clues and varying levels of difficulty, making it a favorite among puzzle enthusiasts.
We’ve compiled all the answers for today’s puzzle so you can find the ones you need without revealing others you’re still working on. Simply search for a specific clue and check its solution—this way, you only get the help you need without spoiling the rest of the crossword.
1A Prohibited by social custom Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Prohibited (adjective)
- Not allowed by law.
- Restricted from use or mention.
Hint 2: Custom (noun)
- A long-established practice.
- A commonly accepted or habitual way of doing things.
6A Collect over time Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Time (noun)
- A specific moment as indicated by a clock.
- A rhythmic pattern created by dividing time into equal parts.
Hint 2: Time (verb)
- To measure the duration of an event, action, or the performance of a person within a set period.
- To coordinate or adjust an action so it occurs at the intended moment.
11A “WandaVision” actress Dennings Crossword Clue
Hint 1: (Noun)
- The leaves of the Catha edulis shrub, chewed like tobacco or brewed into tea, acting as a euphoric stimulant.
14A Hawaiian greeting Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Hawaiian (noun)
- A person native to or residing in Hawaii.
- The Oceanic languages spoken in Hawaii.
Hint 2: Greeting (noun)
- A gesture or expression of goodwill, typically upon meeting someone.
15A “It’s not just you” Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Just (adverb)
- Used for emphasis to mean absolutely.
- Indicating exactness or precision.
Hint 2: Just (adjective)
- Free from bias, favoritism, self-interest, or deception; adhering to established standards or rules.
- Demonstrating moral excellence.
16A Oral health org. Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Health (noun)
- A state of well-being, free from illness or disease.
- The overall condition of the body and mind.
Hint 2: Oral (adjective)
- Involving speech rather than writing.
- Relating to the mouth, mouth region, or the surface where the mouth is located.
17A *Vintage spot for a bubble bath Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Bubble (verb)
- To move in an uneven flow, producing a bubbling sound.
- To release gas from the stomach.
Hint 2: Bubble (noun)
- A speculative plan based on unstable factors beyond the planner’s control.
- A dome-shaped structure made of transparent glass or plastic.
19A Director Howard Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Howard (noun)
- The Queen of England, the fifth wife of Henry VIII, accused of adultery and executed (1520–1542).
- An English actor known for both stage and screen performances (1893–1943).
Hint 2: Director (noun)
- The person who leads a musical ensemble.
- An individual responsible for overseeing resources and managing expenditures.
20A London art gallery Crossword Clue
Hint 1: London (noun)
- An American writer of novels inspired by his experiences during the Klondike Gold Rush (1876–1916).
- The capital and largest city of England, located on the Thames in southeastern England; a major financial, industrial, and cultural hub.
Hint 2: Gallery (noun)
- A space or series of rooms where art is displayed.
- A porch running along the exterior of a building, sometimes partially enclosed.
21A Delta rival renamed in 1997 Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Delta (noun)
- A low, triangular area of land formed by alluvial deposits where a river splits before flowing into a larger body of water.
- An object shaped like an equilateral triangle.
Hint 2: Rival (verb)
- To match or equal in quality or ability.
- To compete with or be in opposition to.
22A Picnic spot Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Picnic (noun)
- A day set aside for an outdoor social gathering.
- An activity that is simple or easy to do.
Hint 2: Picnic (verb)
- To have a meal outdoors, typically in the open air.
23A “You really __ us down” Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Really (adverb)
- Used to intensify a statement; “real” is sometimes used informally for “really”.
- In truth or actuality.
Hint 2: Down (noun)
- An English physician who first identified Down’s syndrome (1828–1896).
- Soft, fine feathers, typically found on young birds.
25A Channel changers Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Channel (verb)
- To transmit or act as a medium for transmission.
- To send something from one person or location to another.
Hint 2: Channel (noun)
- A television station and its programming.
- A bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells, through which a secretion or substance is conveyed.
27A *Undertaking that could have a good or bad outcome Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Undertaking (noun)
- Any task or project that is attempted or carried out.
- The profession of a funeral director.
Hint 2: Outcome (noun)
- A result or event that follows from and is caused by a previous occurrence.
- Something that is produced as a result of an action or event.
32A Festive night, often Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Night (noun)
- The period between sunset and sunrise when it is dark outside.
- The Roman goddess of night, daughter of Erebus, and counterpart to the Greek Nyx.
Hint 2: Often (adverb)
- Frequently or in large amounts.
- Many times at short intervals.
33A Big name in sneakers Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Big (adjective)
- Generous or giving freely.
- Extremely intense.
Hint 2: Big (adverb)
- In a boastful or exaggerated manner.
34A Tear conduits Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Tear (noun)
- A drop of clear, salty fluid secreted by the lacrimal glands.
- An event involving excessive eating or drinking.
Hint 2: Tear (verb)
- To strip or remove feathers.
- To move rapidly and forcefully.
37A Three __ salad: picnic staple with legumes Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Picnic (noun)
- A day dedicated to an outdoor social gathering.
- A task or activity that is simple and easy to complete.
Hint 2: Picnic (verb)
- To dine outdoors, typically in a natural setting.
39A Works hard Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Works (noun)
- The internal mechanism or functioning parts of a device.
- Buildings or facilities used for industrial labor.
Hint 2: Hard (adjective)
- (Of light) emitted directly from a focused light source.
- Difficult or unpleasant to endure.
42A “Pygmalion” playwright George Bernard __ Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Pygmalion (noun)
- In Greek mythology, a king who sculpted a woman and fell in love with his creation; Aphrodite brought the statue to life as Galatea.
Hint 2: Playwright (noun)
- A person who writes plays.
43A “Star Wars” prequel series starring Diego Luna Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Starring (adjective)
- Referring to the most prominent performer or role.
Hint 2: Series (noun)
- A publication that is released at regular intervals.
- A set of programs or episodes presented in a serialized format.
45A Many a black-clad teen Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Many (adjective)
- A term used with countable nouns, often preceded by “as,” “too,” “so,” or “that,” indicating a large but indefinite quantity.
Hint 2: Black (verb)
- To turn or become black in color.
47A __Clean: laundry brand Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Laundry (noun)
- Clothes or fabrics that are suitable for washing.
- A place where clothes are washed and ironed.
Hint 2: Brand (noun)
- A name associated with a product or service.
- A mark of shame or disgrace.
48A *House pet that oinks, familiarly Crossword Clue
Hint 1: House (verb)
- To provide accommodation for.
- To contain or enclose.
Hint 2: House (noun)
- A group of people living together as a family or household.
- The members of a business entity that owns or operates one or more establishments.
52A Expanse for clear sailing Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Expanse (noun)
- The area of a two-dimensional surface enclosed within boundaries.
- A vast or wide scope.
Hint 2: Sailing (noun)
- The activity of piloting a glider through the air.
- The work or occupation of a sailor.
54A Pt. of TGIF Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the following letters to solve today’s answer:
55A Glass piece Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Glass (noun)
- A mirror, typically a woman’s dressing mirror.
- A small telescope used for refraction.
Hint 2: Glass (verb)
- To enclose or cover with glass.
- To become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance.
56A Ruffle Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Ruffle (noun)
- A noisy altercation or disturbance.
- A strip of pleated fabric used for decoration or as a trim.
Hint 2: Ruffle (verb)
- To stir or mix, creating a random order or arrangement.
- To pleat or gather fabric into a ruffled shape.
59A Stately shade trees Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Stately (adjective)
- Majestic or impressive in appearance.
- Of a size and dignity reminiscent of a statue.
Hint 2: Shade (noun)
- A subtle variation of a particular color.
- A decorative cover for a lamp, used to shield a light bulb from direct view.
63A List-shortening abbreviation Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Shortening (noun)
- The process of reducing in length.
- Fat, such as butter or lard, used in baking.
Hint 2: Abbreviation (noun)
- A condensed version of a word or phrase.
- The act of shortening something by omitting parts.
64A The “surf” of surf and turf, often, or what the first word of the answer to each starred clue can be Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Starred (adjective)
- Marked with an asterisk (*) symbol.
Hint 2: Answer (verb)
- To respond verbally.
- To be sufficient or adequate in quality or quantity.
66A Outdoor gear co-op Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Co-op (noun)
- A jointly owned business, typically organized by farmers or consumers, that produces and distributes goods and services for the benefit of its members.
Hint 2: Outdoor (adjective)
- Situated, designed for, or occurring in the open air.
67A With sincerity Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Sincerity (noun)
- The quality of being genuine or earnest.
- A heartfelt and honest feeling.
68A Actress Davis with two Oscars Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Actress (noun)
- A female performer or actor.
Hint 2: Davis (noun)
- An American statesman who served as president of the Confederate States during the Civil War (1808-1889).
- An American painter known for developing a cubist style distinct to the U.S. (1894-1964).
69A __-purpose flour Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Flour (verb)
- To grind grain into flour.
- To coat with flour.
Hint 2: Flour (noun)
- A fine, powdery substance made by grinding and sifting the meal of a cereal grain.
70A Passover meal Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Passover (noun)
- A Jewish festival, traditionally lasting eight days from Nissan 15, celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
Hint 2: Meal (noun)
- The food served and consumed during a single sitting.
- Any regular occasion for eating, typically occurring at fixed times by custom or habit.
71A Money-grubber’s trait Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Money (noun)
- The widely accepted medium of exchange, serving as legal tender.
- The official currency issued by a government or national bank.
1D Diplomatic skill Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Diplomatic (adjective)
- Characterized by tact and sensitivity when handling delicate matters or individuals.
Hint 2: Skill (noun)
- The proficiency gained through training or experience.
- The ability to find solutions within a specific area of expertise.
2D Penne __ vodka Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Vodka (noun)
- A clear, unaged liquor that originated in Russia.
Hint 2: Penne (noun)
- Pasta shaped in short tubes with diagonal cut ends.
3D Bathtub toy Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Bathtub (noun)
- A sizable open container used for holding water in which you bathe.
Hint 2: Toy (verb)
- To manipulate either physically or mentally, often in imagination.
- To act carelessly or without concern.
4D “Can’t win ’em all” Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Win (verb)
- To achieve success or reach a desired objective.
- To earn something through personal effort.
Hint 2: Win (noun)
- A prize or reward, especially in the form of money.
- A victory, such as in a race or competition.
5D Clumsy sort Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Clumsy (adjective)
- Lacking skill or aptitude.
- Hard to handle or manage, often due to shape or form.
Hint 2: Sort (noun)
- An action that categorizes items into groups based on a specific criterion.
- A category of things defined by shared characteristics or qualities.
6D Singer-songwriter Tori Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Songwriter (noun)
- A person who composes lyrics or music for popular songs.
Hint 2: Singer (noun)
- An inventor from the United States who improved the chain-stitch sewing machine (1811-1875).
- A U.S. writer, originally from Poland, known for Yiddish stories and novels (1904-1991).
7D Self-referential Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Referential (adjective)
- Pointing to or indicating something.
Hint 2: Self (noun)
- Your awareness of your own identity.
- A person viewed as a distinct, individual entity.
8D Apparel Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Apparel (noun)
- General term for clothing.
Hint 2: Apparel (verb)
- To clothe or dress someone.
9D Turned bad, as milk Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Turned (adjective)
- In a spoiled or undesirable condition.
- Rotated around an axis or center.
Hint 2: Milk (noun)
- A river originating in the Rockies in northwestern Montana, flowing eastward to join the Missouri River.
- Any liquid resembling milk, often nutritious.
10D Weep audibly Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Weep (verb)
- To cry or release tears due to sorrow, anger, or distress.
11D Board-breaking move in a dojo Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Breaking (noun)
- The action of causing something to be broken or damaged.
Hint 2: Board (verb)
- To enter or get onto a form of transportation such as a train, bus, ship, or aircraft.
- To live and take meals at a particular place.
12D Be wild about Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Wild (adverb)
- In an unruly or chaotic manner.
Hint 2: Wild (adjective)
- Lacking societal or cultural influences.
-:Not grounded in logic or reality.
13D Sleeveless tops Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Sleeveless (adjective)
- Without sleeves.
Hint 2: Tops (adjective)
- Of the finest or best quality.
18D Apparel Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Apparel (noun)
- General term for clothing.
Hint 2: Apparel (verb)
- Dress or clothe someone.
22D “Hocus __”: 1993 film featuring a trio of witches Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer:
24D Forever and a day Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Forever (adverb)
- Continuously, without end.
- For an indefinite period.
Hint 2: Day (noun)
- The period of daylight, from sunrise to sunset.
- The duration of Earth’s full rotation on its axis.
26D So-so, informally Crossword Clue
Hint 1: So-so (adverb)
- In an adequate, though not exceptional, manner.
Hint 2: So-so (adjective)
- Neither particularly good nor bad.
27D Country star McEntire Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Country (noun)
- The land area governed by a nation.
- A group of people governed under a single political system.
Hint 2: Star (verb)
- Highlight with an asterisk.
- Play the leading role in a performance.
28D Brick __ pizza Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Brick (noun)
- A reliable and trustworthy person.
- A rectangular block made of clay, baked for construction or paving purposes.
Hint 2: Pizza (noun)
- An Italian dish consisting of a thin crust topped with a spiced tomato sauce, cheese, and other ingredients.
29D Writing instrument with an inapt name Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Inapt (adjective)
- Lacking elegance or grace in expression.
Hint 2: Writing (noun)
- The craft or work of a writer, particularly when evaluated for style and impact.
- The act of producing written content.
30D Boxing ref’s ruling Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Ruling (noun)
- The explanation behind a court’s decision, distinct from the decision itself.
Hint 2: Ruling (adjective)
- Holding or exercising authority or power.
31D “Firefly Lane” actress Katherine Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Firefly (noun)
- A nocturnal beetle found in warm areas, known for its luminescent abdominal organs.
- A tropical American click beetle with bright glowing spots.
Hint 2: Actress (noun)
- A female performer in plays, movies, or other acting roles.
35D Car for hire Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Hire (verb)
- To employ someone for work.
- To lease or rent goods or services.
Hint 2: Hire (noun)
- A newly employed person.
- The act of employing or renting someone or something.
36D Gulp from a bottle Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Bottle (noun)
- The amount held by a bottle.
- A container with a flexible nipple, typically filled with milk or formula, used as an alternative to breastfeeding for infants and young children.
Hint 2: Bottle (verb)
- To place liquids or substances into bottles.
- To store liquids or gases in bottles.
38D “… said __ ever” Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Said (adjective)
- Referring to something that was previously mentioned or discussed.
Hint 2: Ever (adverb)
- Always; consistently throughout time.
- (As an intensifier) Very or extremely.
40D Texter’s giggle Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Giggle (verb)
- Laugh in a silly or nervous manner.
Hint 2: Giggle (noun)
- A light, foolish, or nervous laugh.
41D Suppress, as a yawn Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Suppress (verb)
- Use authority or force to control or restrain.
Hint 2: Yawn (noun)
- An automatic intake of air through an open mouth, typically caused by tiredness or boredom.
44D Some NFL blockers: Abbr. Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Answer used in the past:
- RGS (3 letters)
46D She/__ pronouns Crossword Clue
Hint 1: (Pronoun)
- The objective and possessive forms of the personal pronoun “she.”
49D “__ I forget … ” Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Forget (verb)
- Fail to remember unintentionally
- Be unable to recall
50D Tiny headphone Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Headphone (noun)
- An electro-acoustic device that converts electrical signals into sound, typically worn over or inserted into the ear
Hint 2: Tiny (adjective)
- Extremely small
51D Weight watcher Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Watcher (noun)
- An individual who observes closely, such as someone attending an exhibition
- A guard who monitors or keeps watch
Hint 2: Weight (noun)
- A unit of measurement for the heaviness of an object
- The significance or importance assigned to something
52D Verdi composition Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Verdi (noun)
- An Italian composer renowned for his operas (1813-1901)
Hint 2: Composition (noun)
- A written piece, often an essay or assignment
- The art and process of creating printed material using movable type
53D “Lion” Oscar nominee Dev Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Nominee (noun)
- A candidate for public office
Hint 2: Oscar (noun)
- A prestigious annual award presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize excellence in filmmaking and performance
57D __ of Wight Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Wight (noun)
- An archaic term for a human being
- An island and county located in the southern part of England, in the English Channel
58D Space travel meas. Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Travel (verb)
- Move or change location, either physically or metaphorically
- Journey across or through a space
Hint 2: Travel (noun)
- The act of moving through space, resulting in a change of position
- Movement that is self-propelled
60D After curfew Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Curfew (noun)
- A directive that restricts certain activities (such as being outside) after a specified time
- A signal, often a bell, indicating the commencement of curfew restrictions
Hint 2: After (adverb)
- Occurring at a time following a specified reference point
61D Tiny arachnid Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Arachnid (noun)
- Air-breathing arthropods with simple eyes and four pairs of legs
Hint 2: Tiny (adjective)
- Extremely small
62D Iditarod vehicle Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Vehicle (noun)
- An object, such as a towel, money, clothing, dishes, books, or toys, that can carry infectious agents from one person to another
- A mode of transportation for people or goods
Hint 2: Iditarod (noun)
- A significant annual dogsled race held on the Iditarod Trail
64D Mil. officers Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Mil (noun)
- A Swedish length unit equal to 10 kilometers
- A metric volume unit, equivalent to one thousandth of a liter
65D Biopic about a Supreme Court justice Crossword Clue
Hint 1: Justice (noun)
- The state of being fair or righteous
- The U.S. federal department tasked with upholding federal laws, including civil rights legislation; established in 1870
Hint 2: Supreme (adjective)
- The highest or most intense in degree
- The highest in rank, authority, or power