Thursday, March 13, 2025
HomePatch NotesKingdom Come Deliverance 2 Update 1.2 Patch Notes

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Update 1.2 Patch Notes

Patch 1.2 is here, bringing a host of fixes, improvements, and rebalancing tweaks to Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. From refining combat mechanics and polishing animations to enhancing NPC behaviour and optimizing performance, this update ensures a smoother, more immersive medieval experience. Read on for the full list of changes.




– Introduced the barber feature. Check it out in Zhelejov and Kuttenberg!



– Adjusted the difficulty of certain skill checks so that the player can unlock the Close One achievement more reliably.

– Fixed the issue where the achievement The Lord Taketh Away would sometimes unlock without meeting its conditions.


– Improved lighting effects.

– Improved resolution of the fire texture.

– Fixed pouring animation causing a flash.

– Fixed an incorrectly localised label in the list of alchemy recipes.


– Improved dying animations and ragdoll for cows and bulls.

– Fixed some animal spawners not working correctly.

– Fixed reactions of hares to Mutt.

– Fixed random movement of animals and reduced the frequency of their turns.

Archery range

– Arrows are now re-equipped automatically after archery contest.

– Fixed the issue with the competitor NPCs sometimes ceasing to shoot.


– Rebalanced how quickly food goes bad over time.

– Rebalanced armour durability values; the durability spread is now wider, so smaller distinctions between armours are now more readable.

– Rebalanced the formula for triggering a black-out from being drunk.

– Rebalanced stealth items.

– Rebalanced the price of meat and other items lootable from animals.

– Rebalanced the difficulty of pickpocketing NPCs.

– Rebalanced the amount of damage each armour layer receives.

– Rebalanced the influence of an item’s quality on its price.

– Rebalanced the prices of horse equipment.

– Rebalanced the prices and stats of jewellery.

– Rebalanced item weights.

– Rebalanced comfort for studying books in inns.

– Changed ranged weapons distribution within shops and other places.

– Changed stats of the Gallant Huntsman’s Kit.

– Slightly improved loot from chests in some bandit camps.

– Lowered skill-teacher prices.

– Lowered the overall value of caravan chest contents.

– Made polearms stronger.

– Made shields cheaper.

– Increased the price for which player can sell herbs.

– Recalculated items’ conspicuousness based on their appearance.

– Fixed the incorrect display of item’s maximum charisma when the item is dirty.

– Made several locks in the Trosky region easier to allow for a smoother levelling curve.

– Made locks on chests containing mostly food easier to lockpick.

– Adjusted lockpicking difficulty for some horse traders’ chests.

– Fixed exploit with a restocking chest containing a Balanced Die.

– Fixed incorrect arrow damage values.


– Generally rebalanced the blacksmithing minigame. 

– Improved visual indication of workpiece cooling.

– Added horseshoe recipes to various merchants and locations.

– Removed bezoar from alchemy and added it to blacksmithing.

– Fixed the alignment of semi-finished products at the forge and anvil.

– Fixed the Knight’s sword recipe.

– Fixed issue with not being able to interact with blacksmiths who are idling while player is using their smithery for the minigame.


– Increased the distance at which the interactor for getting on carts is available.

– Fixed player sometimes spawning right inside a cart when interacting with events close to the Vidlak Pond.

– Fixed the issue with carts sometimes leaving behind their invisible collision even after despawning.

– Fixed cartwheels not aligning with ground properly.

– Fixed players sometimes randomly dying after dismounting a cart.


– Increased damage from hits from the multi-hit combos.

– Added proper facial animations for Henry during the mercy kill execution.

– Adjusted the animation of drawing a bow while moving.

– Being hit will no longer interrupt the player drawing a weapon.

– Adjusted the free attack animation used when holding a torch.

– Adjusted the animation of a dog attacking a target that is holding a ranged weapon.

– Improved animation for transitioning into aiming with the crossbow.

– Introduced a short delay between melee attacking an opponent while not locked on to reduce the effectiveness of attack spamming.

– Adjusted the animation of the player being pulled down from a horse in combat.

– Adjustments for few sound effects such as hits to the shield or firing of the crossbow.

– The player is no longer able to easily back away from attacking enemies, thanks to the slowdown effect during hit reaction.

– Improved the animation of NPCs shooting from a crossbow.

– Properly adjusted damage type for master strikes when deciding between usage of slash or stab damage value.

– Adjusted damage of the upper master strike with shortsword and shield.

– Adjusted limits of the freelook feature in combat.

– Fixed various freezes following from causing massive mayhem in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed the issue with missing audio responses for attacks and hits.

– Fixed issues with disarming NPCs or player when they were supposed to die from a clinch attack.

– Fixed an occasional infinite fader after being knocked to the ground with low health in a fist fight.

– Fixed an issue with player holding ranged weapon getting knocked back long distances by unarmed enemies.

– Fixed the NPC logic of when to use a torch in unarmed combat.

– Fixed animation alignment while player is backing up while blocking with shield.

– Fixed the issue with NPC’s additive animation for torch while fighting with a dog or a wolf.

– Fixed sometimes missing the chat option to surrender.

– Fixed camera issues in unarmed fight with dogs/wolves.

– Fixed the issue with NPCs not dying properly when running away from player and getting hit by the tackling attack.

– Fixed the issue with player striking the air in a sequence of attacks during clinch if the enemy gets killed by the first strike.

– Fixed some battle cries not being played properly during battles.

– Fixed NPCs being indecisive about bandaging themselves, fighting, or running away in combat.

– Fixed dying enemies still looking at their opponent.

– Fixed the issue with NPCs unreasonably pulling out ranged weapons in melee combat.

– Fixed the player being able to interrupt weapon drawing animation of NPCs indefinitely through their attacks.

– Fixed audio for combat clinches.

– Fixed missing sound while parrying an attack from clinch. 

– Fixed wolves and dogs not transitioning into ragdoll properly under certain circumstances.

– Fixed the issue with the player being able to turn the camera 360° vertically while using free look and holding block in combat. 


– Made NPCs less precise in where they’re going to look when investigating a sound heard from far away.

– Torch visibility buff now applies even if the torch is not visible while equipped.

– Improved reaction for guards when player steals a corpse that’s currently being guarded.

– Items in player’s stash now keep their stolen item marker.

– Improved the mechanism determining whether an NPC should interrupt player who is currently skipping time in trespass.

– Boosted hearing for NPCs reacting to a violent or criminal situation.

– Adjusted NPC behaviour when feeling threatened by the player.

– Revised reactions to sleeping in beds owned by NPCs.

– NPCs watching a violent situation will now flee if the source of the violence moves too close to them.

– Made enemy corpses now persist in the game longer before despawning.

– Improved an animation of a surrendering NPC.

– Improved reaction for when the player is seen lockpicking a door and opens lockpicked doors in front of the arresting guard.

– Added a tutorial for displaying the list of crimes when in the crime confrontation dialogue for the first time.

– Added more overlay tutorials for the rabbit icons.

– Adjusted cooldowns for various reactions of bandits.

– Changed how civilians react to the player’s dog in stealth areas.

– Fixed a violent assault crime sometimes not being elevated to a murder after the NPC dies.

– Fixed the resisting-arrest crime sometimes incorrectly persisting through an NPC’s unconsciousness.

– Fixed authorities sometimes confronting player in their underwear when raised from their bed at night.

– Fixed NPCs sometimes still looking for the player even though they are fighting right in front of them.

– Fixed NPCs sometimes seeing the player’s actions through obstacles.

– Fixed NPCs sometimes being able to see behind themselves.

– Fixed and rebalanced calculating the angriness of a location triggered by player’s thefts and violence.

– Fixed prolonged loading times caused by stuck NPCs.

– Fixed dialogues about resolving crimes not making sense in the context of Sigismund’s camp.

– Fixed the crime icon stuttering while inside a bush.

– Fixed no fine being calculated for stealing certain horses.

– Fixed issues related to resolving crimes with victims who had been unstreamed in the meantime.

– Fixed NPCs sometimes confronting player about a drawn weapon or other minor issues after being released from the surrender dialog.

– Fixed the recognition rabbit icon sometimes getting stuck.

– Fixed NPCs incorrectly using combat barks meant for group skirmishes when in skirmish with only one person and an animal.

– Fixed player being able to walk through an NPC who is currently arresting them through triggering the ghosting mechanism.

– Fixed the arrest dialogue with guards being broken under rare conditions.

– Fixed being able to start a friendly chat with a NPC in a brief moment after pickpocketing them.

– Fixed the NPC reaction to shooting during a combat encounter.

– Fixed the NPC reaction to arrows/bolts flying by while reporting crime.

– Fixed the NPC reaction to the player lockpicking when the lockpicking should be legal.

– Fixed the NPC reaction to being attacked, but missed, while they’re surrendering to the player.

– Fixed locks not getting locked after player is arrested for lockpicking.

– Fixed the issue where a civilian would not stop banishing the player’s horse.

– Fixed animation issues with a poisoned NPC attempting to run.

– Fixed NPC pathfinding when looking for an active shooter.


– Made equipped arrows and bolts show on player even within cutscenes.

– Fixed several reasons for video sometimes stuttering during cutscenes.

– Fixed issues with player’s helmet visors in cutscenes.

– Fixed consistency issues across cutscenes.

– Fixed green frames sometimes briefly appearing at the beginning of cutscenes.

– Fixed general synchronization issues.

Daily life

– Generally improved NPC daily schedules across both maps.

– Improved the animation of NPCs sweeping.

– Revised the logic of locking shop doors.

– Improved animation transitions when leaving the leaning stance, now considering the movement direction.

– Improved female beggar pose and animations.

– Improved female sitting pose and idle animations.

– Adjusted trespass at the saddler’s tent by the horse market in Kuttenberg.

– Food items on shelves at the bakery in Tarmark in Kuttenberg are no longer free.

– Adjusted trespass in some of the backrooms in the city bathhouse in Kuttenberg.

– Added an animal companion restriction for tents inside the Sigismund’s camp.

– Adjusted the placement of smoke particles by multiple windows in Kuttenberg.

– Added water particles for NPCs when they wash themselves / drink from troughs.

– The baker in Tarmark now locks his door when he finishes his shift.

– Added a time period before the next bandit starts patrolling the route after the previous bandit was eliminated.

– Door to the player’s room at the Devil’s Den now remains open.

– Fixed day cycles of people at the northern gate of Kuttenberg.

– Fixed day cycles for villagers in Suchdol at night.

– Fixed some food items being free at the Kuttenberg vegetable market.

– Fixed the tailor’s store being left unguarded and unlocked in the evening in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed innkeepers getting stuck by the barrel in the Hole in the Wall tavern.

– Fixed various house doors in Kuttenberg being left unlocked at night.

– Fixed the issue with Cuman soldiers not talking with each other in Sigismund’s camp.

– Fixed constantly active trespass in the smithy in Hoprink in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed a trespass behind the counter of the baker in the Czech quarter in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed the possibility of Mutt easily falling into the mine shafts west of Kuttenberg.

– Fixed issues with some items not having a proper owner in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed NPCs in Miskowitz sometimes falling under terrain while feeding chickens.

– Fixed various places in Kuttenberg where player started reading a book on a bookstand through an NPC reading the same book.

– Fixed conflicts of NPCs wanting to use an item for their behaviour and having to hide it while using a ledge or a ladder.

– Fixed the issue with one of the Kuttenberg fortification towers having a blue trespass instead of the correct red one.

– Fixed the issue with one of the Kuttenberg fortification towers not being marked as trespass consistently across all of its area.

– Fixed the issue with some guards in Kuttenberg not preferring sleep to heal when they are hurt as they should.

– Fixed the baker in the Czech Quarter in Kuttenberg not selling anything.

– Fixed issues related to NPCs using torches wanting to climb a ladder or lie in bed.

– Food items are no longer free at the baker’s stand in Jewish quarter.

– Fixed a certain part of the Kuttenberg underground allowing companions to appear.

– Fixed robbing dead smugglers in the Kuttenberg underground being considered stealing.

– Fixed an NPC stacking wood inside a wall in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed locking of doors leading to the Kuttenberg underground.

– Fixed an issue where NPC would pick up a filled bowl when picking up an empty one.

– Fixed Adder not having a daily routine active after spying in Maleshov.


– Added more money to some dice players.

– Fixed Agility XP gain when starting a dice game.

– Fixed dice sometimes clipping with the badge.


– Generally improved environment across both maps.

– Improved environment close to the level barrier so that it looks nicer even though it is not accessible.

– Improved the look of Trosky castle from far away.

– Adjusted interior visibility from afar in the Emperor Charles tavern.

– Reworked NPC navigation in Kuttenberg, allowing NPCs to take better advantage of wider streets.

– Removed out of place collisions on the river by Sedletz.

– Improved shadows on the St James Church model.

– Improved textures of certain houses in Suchdol.

– Placed better chairs in the Devil’s Den.

– Improved lighting in Kuttenberg.

– Points-of-interests underground are now no longer discovered when walking over them on the surface.

– Improved textures on several houses in Kuttenberg.

– Removed a shadow artifact from the bathtub model.

– Improved normal maps of the shelf model.

– Fixed NPC navigation issues in several Kuttenberg houses.

– Fixed NPC navigation in several places around the Nebakov fortresss.

– Fixed multiple issues with inconsistent lights on Suchdol fortress. 

– Fixed water being luminescent in the tunnels below Maleshov.

– Fixed reflections in the northern area of the Trosecko map.

– Fixed the lighting and smoke particles at cauldrons.

– Fixed Z-fighting of various rocks.

– Fixed Z-fighting in Kuttenberg battlements guard towers.

– Fixed Z-fighting on buildings in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed Z-fighting on Suchdol battlements.

– Improved several house visuals in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed stretched texture on a yellow house in Tarmark street.

– Fixed houses missing interior when viewed from a distance.

– Fixed a bad looking house corner in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed an issue where player could go underwater in certain parts of the river by Sedletz.

– Fixed the unclimbable stairs in the All Saints tavern.

– Fixed several issues in houses in the Suchdol village.

– Fixed the missing shrine outside of the village on the Maleshov map.

– Fixed many trees being placed slightly above the terrain.

– Fixed raining inside of a barn in Zhelejov.

– Fixed the player’s head clipping through a wall in a Vrchlitz cellar.

– Fixed inaccessible tailor’s shop in Kuttenberg.

– Fixed issues which could cause the player to get stuck in various places.


– Added a fast-travel point to Bozhena’s hut.

– Made dialogue prompts triggering fast-travel more consistent across different quests.

– Fixed missing dots during fast-travel.

Horse riding

– Improved the automatic follow feature while on a horse whose stamina is depleted.

– Improved road magnetism.

– Fixed conflict between road magnetism and the automatic follow feature.

– Fixed horse speed restriction in Miskowitz.

Horse trading

– Reworked the transaction in Semine resulting in getting Pebbles as a companion.

– Fixed automatic horse gear equipping after buying a new horse.


– Improved the visual asset for von tBergow’s face.

– Reduced details of physical simulation of clothes on distant NPCs to improve performance.

– Turned on local lights influence on hair even with the low graphical preset.

– Improved Rosa’s hair.

– Improved textures of women’s bodies.

– Improved textures and overall quality of many character outfits.

– Improved the clothes of several unique characters with added details and polish.

– Fixed physical simulation of clothes not running in inventory.

– Fixed the model of the Crested cuman helmet


– Added the option to repair bows and crossbows to more NPCs, most notably huntsmen.

– Reworked how blood and dirt work on shields and how it is cleaned when the player washes themselves.

– Improved visual effects when damaged firearms explode.

– Fixed non-repairable items sometimes activating the damaged-armour debuff.

– Fixed wielder not getting damaged when a damaged firearm explodes in their hands.

– Fixed broken water trough in Bylany.

– Fixed Bascinets not getting cleaned when using washing spots near rivers.

– Fixed an issue where baths would temporarily disable by constantly entering and leaving dialogue with the bathhouse owner.

– Fixed broken haggle in bathhouses.


– Added more music for villages in the Trosky region.

– Changed mood music for Opatowitz village.

– Added more music into the credits sequence.


– Added a marker for Mutt on the map and compass when the player sends Mutt to Zhelejov/Devil’s Den.

– Made it harder for the player to feed Mutt during combat. Work first, treats later!

– Mutt can no longer enter the fighting arena in the Jewish quarter.

– Fixed Mutt sometimes being unable to return to the mill during the night.

– Fixed an issue with Henry not saying anything when Mutt finds an interesting place or object while searching.

– Fixed some of Mutt’s internal timers not resetting correctly through save/load.


– Generally improved performance and stability.

– Optimized Kuttenberg marketplaces for better performance.

– Improved frame rate stability in battle parts of quests.

– Optimized streaming of NPC visuals, especially in Kuttenberg.

– Improved level switch duration by over 15 seconds on average.

– Limited the number of torches drawn by NPCs in large skirmishes to improve performance.

– Fixed late game stutter in Kuttenberg due to various reputation problems.

Photo mode

– Changed controls for opening Photo Mode on controllers.

– Fixed controller vibrations persisting when opening Photo Mode while using the grindstone.

Platform-specific fixes

– PC/PS5 – Fixed adaptive triggers on the DualSense controller sometimes not working properly.

– PS5 – Fixed audio stuttering when playing with headphones connected to a controller.

– PS5: The Media button no longer pauses the game.

– PS5 – Fixed visual artifacts in the sky when objects were close to the camera.

– Steam Deck – Fixed incorrect button prompts.

– Windows – Added enabling/disabling Audio enhancements directly from main menu.

– Windows – Fixed the keyboard input sometimes getting stuck after system locale change.

– Xbox – Fixed controller sometimes disconnecting before initialization.

– Xbox – Fixed sometimes incorrectly unlocking preorder rewards or season-pass rewards.

– Xbox – Fixed inventory icons sometimes being blurry on Xbox Series S.


– Fixed placeholder text and icons for PROS appearing in the main menu.

– Fixed a rare case in which PROS would fail to connect.

Random events

– Fixed missing random events after starting a new playthrough.

– Added more goods for several event merchants.

– Removed the chance of a bandit camp spawning right by the Semine fort.

– Fixed logic within the random event with a villager celebrating his newborn.

– Fixed cooldowns of random event variants.

– Fixed carts rarely being moved outside of the playable area when loading a save.

– Fixed random events spawning so their state is consistent during save and load.

– Repositioned few of events so that they are not right next to fast-travel exit points.

– Fixed bandits sometimes never ceasing to loot victims’ corpses.

– Fixed the issue of not being able to loot unconscious event NPCs after loading the game.


– Fixed several logical issues within the world’s reputation/faction tree.

– Fixed issues in Tachov and Nebakov location description.


– Removed asking the player if they want to haggle after already confirming selling their items for all of the NPC’s current wealth.

– Improved the logic for rounding amounts in shop.

– Improved shop haggle logic. 

– Shops no longer sell cobwebs.

– Fixed an issue where items would remain in the shop basket from a previous encounter if the user loaded a savegame during price negotiation.

Skills & perks

– Rebalanced XP gain for Vitality, Agility, Thievery, Stealth, Marksmanship, Houndmaster, Horseriding, and melee weapon skills. Specifically training Marksmanship should be noticeably easier now and training melee weapon skills should be slightly slower.

– Prevented exploiting the Next to Godliness perk for indefinite healing.

– Reimplemented the Warmonger perk so that it increases player’s chance to land a hit on enemy in addition to its previous benefits.

– The Against All Odds perk now has a visible buff icon next to the health bar while it’s active.

– The Opening Strike perk now functions on every hit, even if the player does not damage the health of the target.

– Fixed the issue with the bonus from the Gladiator perk not showing up as a buff in the Swords skill.

– Fixed the issue with activating Surprise Attack / Ambusher perks’ effects when shooting dead bodies.

– Fixed the issue with the Train Hard, Fight Easy! perk applying only to melee weapons.

– Fixed the missing color indication for buffed values in inventory screen while the River perk is active.

– Rebalanced values for the Tendon Slicer perk.

– Fixed the time period during which the Fundamentals of Theology perk is active.

– Fixed the Escape Artist II perk being available to pick even without its Escape Artist I prerequisite.

– Fixed the issue with the Dark Arts Apprentice perk giving an unlimited sprinting stamina between 0:00 and 4:30.

– Fixed stuttering caused by the Local Hero perk.


– Created new clothing and equipment specifically supporting stealth gameplay and rebalanced stealth stats for all clothing.

– Fixed material transparency in Trosky castle which allowed NPCs to see through some obstacles.

– Fixed NPC reactions to pebbles being thrown from a different floor.


– Added screaming of NPCs when being stealth killed.

– Improved takedown and stealth kill animations for lying NPCs in complicated areas.

– Removed animation glitch at the end of the slaughter animation. 

– Improved stealth kill animations.

– Polished animations of stealth killing female NPCs.

– Improved light of falling torch after stealth killing or knocking out an NPC.

– Stealth kills are now more likely to fail.

– Fixed positioning player’s hands on takedown victim’s face.


– Disabled tutorial about not having to hold W while riding a horse repeating.

– Added new tutorials providing hints about fighting multiple opponents.

– Fixed damaged hand cannon tutorial appearing inappropriately.


– Main Menu: Fixed invalid result when pressing PROS and Credits at the same time.

– Made POI icons on the map smaller.

– Removed rain from the inventory UI.

– Adjusted the colour indication in the inventory when player is overloaded.

– Removed false notification about discovering Suchdol when game loaded into the Kuttenberg level after startup.

– Removed map marker for items in player’s horse inventory.

– Added horse stat icons to the Horse/Sidekicks tab.

– Improved lighting and shadows in the inventory.

– Fixed incorrect UI message being displayed after loading a save that was created while getting out of a bed.

– Fixed consistency of skill teacher icons so they are not visible when the skill teacher is not active.

– Fixed inconsistencies between the combat rabbit indicator and the actual combat state.

– Fixed issue with clouds appearing incorrectly over the map after loading the game.

– Fixed controls getting stuck in dialogue when pressing Talk and opening Inventory at the same time.

– Fixed incorrect weapons shown in inventory preview when using drag & drop.

– Fixed notifications about losing quest items sometimes appearing even though player didn’t lose them.

– Fixed the stolen in label and other elements sometimes overlapping with the item’s properties.

– Fixed the values of horse armour not being reflected properly in the inventory UI in the companion section.

– Fixed the issue with a few microquests sometimes claiming a tracking slot even after being completed.

– Fixed the dirtiness of items sometimes displaying incorrectly within the washing UI.

– Improved accuracy of the load progress indicator.

– Added an icon for the blacksmith by the Horse market in Kuttenberg.


– Added option to enable NVidia DLSS 4 Super Resolution. 

– Improved SVOTI recalculation at camera dialogue switches. 

– Removed lightning underground and indoors during a storm.

– Fixed glitches when player or NPC changes clothes.

– Fixed motion blur being disabled in dialogues.

– Fixed screen flicker during certain situations.

– Fixed various visual pop-in after game is restarted or loaded.

– Fixed issues related to rare shader combinations.

– Fixed objects sometimes not casting the correct shadow.

– Fixed flickering of objects when switching their LoD.

– Fixed character and vegetation detail sometimes being inconsistent when changing advanced graphical settings.

– Fixed the issue with the screen space reflection ceasing to update upon activation of Resolution scaling.

– Fixed flickering artifacts on distant objects showing against a sky.

– Fixed broken vegetation and rain animations for long playthroughs.

– Fixed flickering of horse and dog when player gets closer.


– Added numpad keybinds for control of QAM.

– Allowed sprinting while drunk.

– Player no longer gets a head injury caused by hangover.

– Skill teachers’ icons now better represent the availability of their lessons through color.

– Corrected voiceover for innkeeper in Troskowitz.

– Polished physics for all the bridles and chanfrons.

– Improved lipsync across the game.

– Improved descriptions of various items.

– Improved physics of the parsnip.

– Improved physics simulation quality of scabbards.

– Prevented the player from being able to access their inventory while praying at a shrine.

– Changed link for the Plaion web page for help.

– Removed the point of interest tipster icon from some NPCs that had nothing left to tell the player about.

– Fixed controls getting locked after interacting with a kettle after loading the game saved while eating from the same kettle.

– Fixed calculating the Civilians killed statistic.

– Fixed animation of picking up items while holding a bow.

– Fixed guards losing their armour after they kicked player out of the Sigismund’s camp.

– Fixed some facial animations not working in dialogues when the speaker is lying on the ground wounded.

– Fixed looped drinking sound after being killed when drinking.

– Fixed the lockpicking minigame not being cancelled if the cart with the chest moved away from the player.

– Fixed dead NPCs sometimes T-posing after loading.

– Fixed issues in the mash-eating NPC behavior related to save/load.

– Fixed the issue with some water troughs offering to clean the player even though they are clean already.


A Good Scrub

– Adjusted the slogan yelling, so that the town crier doesn’t yell over Henry.

– Added an adequate hangover buff after the bathhouse party.

– Removed a T-posing NPC in the background of the cutscene.

– Adjusted trespass appearing after the quest in the private rooms of the Kingfisher bathhouse.

– Fixed an issue where the bathmaids started mounting the wagon together, clipping into each other.

– Fixed an issue where during the wagon ride, horses would start jumping halfway.

A Moment of Fame

– Fixed the issue with quest tipster marker staying active on the compass even if the player kills the questgiver.

– Fixed the quest fight arena to solve the problem of player getting stuck in the environment.

Ars Dimicatoria

– Adjusted how the quest reacts when starting the tourney while being wanted for crime in Kuttenberg.

– Adjusted who is the victim for crimes comitted in the fencing hall during certain quest fail scenarios.

– Talking to Menhart to enter the tourney won’t force the player straight into the tourney, but gives the option to still back out of the dialogue.

– The fencing hall crier will now correctly announce which master is teaching in the hall, depending on the quest outcome.

– Improved gestures for the crier at the fencing hall.

– Improved NPC daycycles in the fencing hall.

– Fixed possible stuck fader when talking to Menhard to start the tourney.

– Fixed defeating Menhard sometimes being considered a crime.

– Fixed Menhard being illogically drunk in certain dialogues.

– Fixed Arne not having the same training sword as the player during their fight.

– Fixed an issue where NPCs would get stuck standing around when talking with Menhard in the inn.

– Fixed skill teaching not being activated on certain quest related skill teaching NPCs.

– Fixed the issue where a fight would start before NPCs entered the arena during the tourney.

– Fixed ‘New quest’ marker activating on dead Nicolas of Prague.

– Fixed the objective to get healed by the bathwench getting stuck if the player healed themselves instead.

– Fixed NPCs sometimes not acknowledging the crime of stealing the guild sword, even when catching the player in the act.

– Fixed the fencers sometimes not entering the tourney arena if being called upon when drinking from the barrel.

– Fixed the wenches not healing the player in the second half of the tourney.

– Fixed a broken animation for stealing the guild sword when started from a certain angle.

– Fixed the issue where Menhard and Arne won’t accept a duel while wearing a coif, mistaking it for an armour piece.

– Fixed the issue where fencers could get stuck in a table at the tourney.


– Improved the environment in the spot where the bandit is buried. 

Back in the Saddle

– Fixed the race failing automatically if too many races were started and completed in short succession.

Bad Blood

– Pavlena will now die at the proper spot if the player decides to leave the Trosky region and come back.

– Pavlena won’t react to the player taking Otta’s sword anymore.

– Prasta won’t go straight to the inn after the player finds Roman anymore.

– Prevented Dusko from having a crime reaction to the player lockpicking Roman’s door.

– Fixed broken dialogue with Jakesh in some rare combinations of previous quest decisions.

– Fixed certain music tracks failing to end properly during the quest.

– Fixed Pavlena not being dealt with by the law after certain quest outcomes.

– Fixed some dialogue options still being available with bailiff Thrush after the player already concluded the investigation.

– Fixed an issue with the contents of Pavlena’s chest changing during the quest.

– Fixed the bed assignment for Bozhena and Pavlena.


– Fixed Posy and Tugbone sometimes going to sleep on a bed with dead Cumans after finishing the quest.

– Fixed the Cuman pillagers sometimes attacking Jan of Zimburg unexpectedly while he’s talking to Henry.

– Fixed a debug string being present when talking to Jan of Zimburg.


– Rebalanced the battle.


– Improved Henry’s reactions to collecting the last items.

Civic Duty

– Objectives no longer randomly update when player has no news.

– Fixed the issue where player can infinitely interact with bailiff after killing Chenyek or Knuckles.

Civitas Pragensis

– Adjusted difficulty for the fight with Erik.

– Improved dialogue cameras when talking with Hans and Kubyenka.

– Improved consistency of NPCs clothes.

– Removed a redundant NPC in the camp.

Combat Training

– Added check for weapon and armour if starting it right after the first combat tutorial.

– Fixed the issue where the player could not continue Combat Training II because of a drunken blackout.

– Fixed the issue where the quest wouldn’t continue after yielding.

– Fixed the issue where the player would get stuck in the arena if they challenged Tomcat to a duel after 19:20.

– Fixed broken start of the For Victory! quest if only a polearm was used since the second combat tutorial with Tomcat.

– Fixed attacking in Dry Devil’s combat tutorial.

Damsel in Distress

– Improved timings for notifications of various skillcheck resolutions. 

– Fixed trespasses being globally turned off when quest can be started.

Dancing with the Devil

– Improved NPCs shooting from the battlements. 

– Improved particles at Maleshov. 

– Improved transition of the player’s allies’ hiding animation.

– Improved enemies behavior. 

– Improved loot. 

– Fixed the issue of characters sometimes appearing later than they should in cutscenes.

– Fixed von Bergow being undressed when loading the game from saves from an older version of the game.

– Fixed the quest getting softlocked if the player stayed at edge of quest area when Hans was placing a ladder.

Demons of Trosky

– Fixed a blocked off room at Trosky if the quest is still active after starting For Victory.

– Fixed Osina’s voicelines when player gives up during the fight.

Divine Messenger

– Prevented player from being able to leave the closed area in several places.

– Prevented Godwin from starting the blacksmithing minigame or the alchemy minigame.

– Removed butterflies from the meadow to improve its bleak atmosphere.

– Removed additional NPCs that would sometimes wander into the meadow.

– Improved atmosphere.

– Improved the tour to the fortress with Erik.

– Improved dialogues.

Dragon’s Lair

– Increased the time Gerhart will wait for the player’s response after offering them a deal.

– Added some tasty loot to the Alchemist’s inventory.

– Fixed bodyguards’ behaviour if player beat them using the Ringenmeister perk.

– Fixed Gerhart’s behaviour at the inn.

– Fixed bodyguards reporting a crime after being knocked out with the Ringenmeister perk.

– Fixed the possibility of bodyguards’ AI breaking at the bone site.

– Fixed dead soldiers appearing in a cutscene at the bonesite.

– Fixed disappearing dragon bones after loading a save where the player split with other parties and stole them back.

Easy Riders

– Player can no longer stealth knockout the bandits in the forest.

– Fixed a ledge that allowed player to return to the camp through a boundary.

– Adjusted an objective trigger in the rock maze.

– Increased vision and hearing of the bandits in the forest.

– Added an automatic trigger for a dialogue with Hans if they reach the maze at the same time.

– Improved how the girl reacts to the thrown pebble.

– Improved alignment of Henry and Hans at the log where Hans slides down.

– Adjusted the path of a bandit in the rock maze.

– Improved Hans’ running up the hill in the forest.

– Fixed a repeating dialogue by one of the bandits in the forest.

– Fixed bandits in the forest sometimes getting stuck if distracted by a thrown pebble.

– Fixed Hans running through the bushes at the end of the maze.

– Fixed Hans occasionally stopping for a moment and running again in the forest.

– Fixed a line of Hans’ dialogue in the massacre cutscene.

– Fixed riposte icon showing during the perfect block tutorial.

– Fixed some vegetation in the massacre cutscene.

– Fixed the ability to push an opponent out of a fighting pen using clinch.


– Improved NPC movement in the underground.

– Adjusted the distance from which the burning synagogue switches to just being burned down. 

– Removed a possible drunk effect for Samuel’s mother.

– Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck if he and Lichtenstein opened the door to the inn at the same time.

– Fixed the player being able to kill certain horses at the end of the quest. 

– Fixed an incorrect Game over in the underground section if the player stays near Lichtenstein.

– Fixed the player’s unconscious effect in the backyard that should show the Game over screen.

– Fixed weird behaviour of Samuel in the backyard if the player fought unarmed.

– Fixed player barks if he goes the wrong way in the underground section.

– Fixed an issue where Samuel would skip part of his movement and dialogue on the way to his mother.

– Fixed Lichtenstein sometimes missing at the start of the quest.

For Victory!

– Replaced the potentially dead character with another one.

– Removed broken skill XP reward when winning at dice during the feast.

– Fixed sounds missing in cutscenes.

– Fixed broken text in the dialogue with Johanka of Zhernov.

– Fixed continuity regarding a dead NPC from previous quests appearing in a cutscene.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

– Added more groschen around Trosky so that the player can play dice with Nicodemus.

– Fanka won’t be angry that there is no ginger in the chest when there is.

– Repositioned the guards at Trosky to make stealth easier.

– Fixed objective marker on Nicodemus.

– Fixed guards’ reaction to pebbles thrown from a different floor.

Forbidden Fruit

– Fixed the issue where player couldn’t get off the cart after killing the gravedigger.

– Fixed the sliding during the animation of the NPC boarding the cart.


– Prevented non-quest NPCs from walking inside the quest area.

– Prevented quest NPCs from calling guards on the player.

– Improved Bozhena’s behaviour while the ambushers are present.

– Fixed the crime reactions of Bozhena, who will no longer run away from the player.

– Fixed an issue where players couldn’t bandage themselves in Bozhena’s hut after loading.

– Fixed fireplace extinguishing.

– Removed the possibility to leave the quest without a weapon.

– Improved chat with NPCs.

Hammer and Tongs

– Fixed forging the sword in the Trosky region not progressing the quest.

High Toll

– Fixed soldiers or the whole camp disappearing while the quest is active.

Hunger and Despair

– Fixed the tower archers shooting at the player after loading an autosave.

– Fixed the camera issue with Godwin in the polylogue.

– Fixed weather continuity.

– Fixed an issue with the combat lock getting stuck on fallen enemies when player tries to fight unarmed in big battles.

– Fixed the issue with Mutt being respawned if he was eaten.

– Fixed the clothing issues in the preaching cutscene.

– Fixed the issue with the Katherine romance continuing even though the player refused.

– Revised dialogue prompts triggering some of the romance options to make it clearer what their result will be.

– Closed a gap that allowed players to get out of Suchdol castle.

– The battle now ends only when there is no enemy on the walls anymore and ladders are down.

Ill Repute

– Improved snapping NPC movement in the duel area upon calming down from crime reactions.

– Fixed objectives reacting incorrectly if the player kills certain bathwenches.

– Fixed wrongly displayed area markers for certain sabotages.

– Fixed a possible stuck objective if player had the quest related perfume confiscated during certain playthroughs.

In Vino Veritas

– Added ownership of player’s bed in the vineyard.

– Some journal entries rewritten.

– Improved dialogue conditions in cases when the player steals sulphur first.

– Rebalanced alcohol consumption values.

– Fixed dialogue conditions before the dialogue with Havel.

– Fixed NPC’s immortality conditions.

– Fixed an active objective after completing the quest.

– Fixed a dialogue condition with Adleta.

– Fixed the trespass area on the vineyard.

– Fixed conditions for recruiter on vineyard.

– Fixed the locks on the doors between Havel’s room and the player’s rented room.

Into the Underworld

– Prevented the player from leaving the closed area.

– Fixed NPC quest behaviour.

– Fixed missing voiceovers in cutscenes.

– Fixed Chenyek sometimes being obviously seen teleporting.

– Fixed crime reactions after the fistfight in the Hole.


– Added autosaves at the beginning and end of the quest.

– Improved time skips while drinking with the Cumans by replacing them with text-based cutscenes.

– Fixed start dialogue having two valid sequences.

– Fixed time sometimes stopping if the player had booze in their inventory and later had it confiscated.

– Fixed Jasak not walking normally after the player draws a weapon when going for more alcohol.

– Fixed Vuytek leaving after being knocked out right before the quest starts.

– Fixed the unconsciousness animation if the player hits a Cuman right before losing consciousness.

– Fixed the cutscene trigger area for Mutt being too close to the booze stash.

– Fixed the tip dialogue about the quest ending abruptly with Kreyzl.

– Fixed after the player gaining a drunkenness buff insteaf of a hangover buff after drinking with Cumans.

– Fixed the quest starting when Cumans are not present in the inn.

– Fixed Nomad missing from the dialogue after flirting with Jasak’s love interest.

Johnny the Gob

– Fixed an issue with the quest sometimes completing prematurely.

Judgment Day

– Rebalanced quest rewards.

– Fixed horse behaviour after the battle.


– Fixed a situation where player could hand in the quest while being reported for murder at the same time.

Kuttenberg Tournament

– Improved the disqualification process during the tourney.

– Improved timeskipping at the tourney. Fixed tourney getting stuck during timeskips.

– Shortened the time between one discipline end and the start of another.

– Added proper gestures for Kumel while announcing.

– Correct journal entry will now appear if player doesn’t collect their rewards at the tourney.

– Adjusted how long is player banned from further tournaments if he caused a crime during one.

– Kumel shouldn’t arrive drunk to the repeated tourney activity.

– Trying to attack the opponent too early will trigger the fight early instead of a crime.

– Adjusted how the different fighters swap for different tournaments.

– Prevented the attending skill teachers from teaching during the tourney.

– Fans won’t be teleported inside the arena if the player leaves and comes back.

– Fixed an issue where an opponent would surrender and run away from the area.

– Fixed the tourney getting stuck if player left the tourney and returned later.

– Fans standing by the arena won’t stand inside each other anymore.

– Fixed the player sometimes getting stuck in the fighting arena if they got disqualified while inside it.

– Fixed the player committing a crime at the tourney for unsheathing their weapon.

– Fixed objective to ‘Equip tournament gear’ reactivating upon successfully returning the gear.

– Fixed several issues related to saving/loading in unexpected moments.

– Fixed an issue where fighters wouldn’t change their gear for other disciplines.


– Fixed Vostatek not talking about other quests after finishing this one.

– Fixed an issue where huntsman Vostatek might have managed to survive being eaten by wolves under certain conditions.

– Fixed terrain issue allowing the player to move into a position unreachable by NPCs.

Last Rites

– Fixed the game sometimes freezing after knocking down a ladder.

– Fixed disappearing edges around the wall hole from trebuchet on lower graphics settings.

– Fixed the Suchdol chimney appearing later than the fortress itself.

Last Will

– Fixed an issue where a player could receive a reward twice if they ordered Mutt to attack Gerda during the duel.

Like Old Times

– Adjusted the position of a chest in the soldiers’ camp to fix a broken animation during lockpicking.

– Adjusted the body of the killed huntsman to not clip into the tree. 

– Fixed the issue with dead soldiers’ bodies staying in the camp upon travelling back to Devil’s Den.

– Fixed a possible chat prompt without text during the horse ride with Capon.

Lost Honour

– Fixed incorrect heraldry on one of Garbow’s pavises in his camp.

Master Schindel’s Toys

– Player can no longer lose an important quest item.

– Fixed journal logs after failing the quest.

Materia Prima

– Fixed dialogue cameras.

Miri Fajta

– Improved animation of NPCs sitting on the ground.

– Polished the music during a dialogue.

– Improved deterred NPC’s behavior.

– Removed items in Tibor’s inventory when being held captive.

– Fixed skill reward in dialogue.

– Fixed the animation when picking up the dead body.

– Fixed woodcutters’ reaction while player trespassing.

– Fixed trespass area in the barn.


– Removed mentioning Vostatek if player already knows about him.

– Improved Mutt’s animations in the first dialogue with him.

– Increased damage for parry attacks against wolves.

– Changed loot in Mutt’s wolf den.

– Added note in the descriptions of the items indicating that they are sniffable by Mutt. 

– Fixed the behaviour of the first pack of wolves.

Necessary Evil

– Removed marker from von Bergow while he’s sleeping after the raid on Semine.

– Added waiting behaviour for von Bergow after player reports the results of the torture.

– Added the cleaning activity for Capon after the return from Semine. 

– Increased visibility of the gate from Semine fortress on low settings.

– Fixed horse alignment during the raid on Semine.

– Fixed dying animation if player kills the NPC during torture.

– Fixed teleportation of the player during final polylogue with von Bergow.

Opus Magnum

– Fixed the condition of the objective of bringing the book to the miller.

– Fixed the issue with a guard guarding the book owner indefinitely.


– Improved the final horse race.

– Removed the prompt mistakenly offering to play dice with Samuel, Capon, or Brabant while in Ruthard Manor.

– Fixed reaction of vagabonds to a thrown pebble in Ruthard Manor.

– Forbid sending Mutt home from the closed Suchdol castle.

Popinjay Shoot

– Fixed player being unable to shoot after quick sword draw in the Popinjay Shoot quest.

Post Scriptum

– Improved miners’ reaction to crime after the fight.

– Guards are now always present behind the entrance door, so they can let the player see Markolt.

– Fixed the letter staying in inventory after giving it to the bailiff.


– Fixed Henry being sunken into the ground in the dialogue with Jan of Suchotlesky if the player woke him up from unconsciousness.

– Fixed a possibility of Jan going back to the ambush site while he’s trying to investigate crime.

– Fixed the burnt down house breaking combat during the handover.

– Fixed objectives not disappearing after talking to the prisoner in Sigismund’s camp.

– Fixed injured Jan standing up in dialogue during some facial animations.

– Fixed Kubyenka and Adder not being recruitable for reinforcements.


– Rebalanced stats of the Prague soldiers to make stealth slightly more challenging.

– Fixed sleeping soldiers not waking up when alarm is triggered.

– Fixed soldiers not reacting to their food being poisoned.

– Fixed some alignment with wine in a cutscene.

– Fixed animation of picking up a sword in the yard.

– Fixed some places where the player could get stuck.

So It Begins…

– Improved food confiscation during siege quests.

– Improved performance after the night attack.

Speak of the Devil

– Added collisions to carts to prevent climbing on top of them.

– Lowered the armour quality of the guards escorting the Dry Devil.

– Fixed Zizka’s men accusing the player of murder when revisiting the ambush place.

– Fixed music getting stuck on the same track during the search for weapons.

– Fixed an issue where killing the sleeping guard would lead to a stuck objective during the quest So it Begins.

Spoils of War

– Fixed the villagers not always counting the valuables taken from their hidden stashes towards the stolen-value counter.

– Fixed missing text when handing in more valuables than required.

Striped Tonies

– Fixed journal not mentioning why the player failed the quest.

– Fixed the standard moving unnaturally when walking on the stairs.

– Fixed saves created within the Striped Tonies quest having incorrect names. 

– Fixed the behaviour of Miner Anton Kaspar, so that he does not leave the spot at the Church of St. Jacob.

Taking French Leave

– Improved soldiers’ animations. 

– Improved environment. 

– Improved Maleshov tower entrance. 

– Improved horses’ behaviour at Maleshov castle. 

– Added weapons to Maleshov castle.

– Improved cutscene lighting. 

– Improved the quest log. 

– Fixed saving/loading issue if the text cutscene is played right after loading game. 

– Fixed the alarm sounding during the cutscene in Maleshov.

– Fixed Capon waking up from unconsciousness after saving/loading.

– Fixed the Nighthawk potion blinding player after escaping from Maleshov.

– Fixed bark if Hashtal is dead. 

– Fixed NPC falling from the stool after knockout.

Teeth in a Bag

– Fixed a rare issue with player is unable to repeat the fight with Zavish and Damian.

– Fixed the invalid dialogue prompt if player refuses to pay the bet in the double fight with Zavish and Damian.

The Best for Last

– Fixed the issue making dialogue with Barnaby inaccessible due to the world time.

– Fixed the issue where you couldn’t start a fight with Herbalist Barnaby after refusing him once.

– Fixed issue caused by Ringenmeister perk while trying to end the fight with a choke.

The Blacksmith’s Son

– Fixed improper objective when taking the materials from the chest.

The Devil’s Pack

– Added the option to bury Ranyek.

– Added missing voiceover with the innkeeper when asking about Ranyek.

– Fixed the objective marker to carry Ranyek to not flash in the navigation panel.

– Fixed the objective to bury Ranyek not activating.

– Fixed the quest not being able to progress after a failed skill check with the dice players.

– Fixed the player losing more groschen than they haggled in the dialogue with the bailiff.

The Feast

– Fixed Godwin not being able to succeed in the skillcheck with Servant Dasha.

– Fixed NPCs jumping to position during treating wounded animation at the end of The Feast.

The Fifth Commandment

– Added a missing journal entry for when player kills someone in the house of Grolle.

– Removing the dialogue loop of giving thanks from Stanya.

– Removed frequent praying from Lipold’s daycycle.

– Changed dialogue for Strnad if beating him until he is unconsious.

– Started to automatically pull the weapon out before the fight with Thaddeus.

– Rewritten journal entries.

– Changed the heads of William and Barton.

– Adjusted position of dead Mandelina during polylogue after trap.

– Changed the prompt for the focus camera for the crime scene.

– Added Marigold decoction to the option to cure Lipold’s hangover.

– Removed trespass from Lipold’s house during the quest.

– Added crime suppression during the trap.

– Edited stash of a chest in the morgue where lies dead Alenka.

– Fixed Lipold’s behavior at the end of quest, so he will leave the room.

– Fixed the quest sometimes getting stuck after accusing Prokop of the murder.

– Fixed dialogue conditions with Prokop.

– Fixed issue in the Fifth Commandment where Strnad would not talk to plazer to finish the objective for thief Zdena.

– Fixed issue of locked doors during the trap in the Fifth Commandment quest.

– Fixed the journal entry for choosing William as a murderer.

The Finger of God

– Improved Bull’s weapon preset before the battle.

– Improved Godwin’s behavior by the graves.

– Improved crime interactions between the player and allies.

– Improved the interactions between the player and other defenders.

– Improved placement of targets for the gun tutorial.

– Fixed broken dialogue option after handing in a horseshoe.

– Fixed stats of weapons for repair.

– Fixed the NPC’s clothing during the dialogue with Klara.

The Heirloom

– Improved reactions of Vendula and Svatava upon being hit.

– Prevented gossip dialogues during hostage situation.

– Fixed Mikush not becoming a skill teacher in some endings.

– Fixed Mikush not accepting his hat in some endings.

– Fixed the hostage situation getting broken by Mutt.

The Jaunt

– Ventza won’t be in the camp when you’re supposed to find him in the rocks

– The Jaunt can now be finished after failing the objective to follow lord Semin and Gnarly.

– Improved the tied-up animation for Gules and Ventza.

– Knocking Ventza out and bringing him to Lord Semine is now a valid option.

– Fixed the issue where Captain Gnarly and Lord Semine were not in Semine after the player completed the quest without them.

The King’s Gambit

– Entering the assembly now properly keeps the player incognito.

– Player can no longer read a book while carrying a pitcher of wine.

– Rebalanced the duel with Christopher.

– Made Vavak easier to get a hold of.

– Added a wine serving tutorial overlay at the start of the assembly.

– Fixed a missing objective marker on Anna of Waldstein.

– Fixed Franta picking up the waiter’s clothes at the tailor repeatedly.

– Fixed disappearing objects at the end of the toast with the king.

– Fixed mismatching character positions after the intro cutscene.

– Fixed Godwin’s horse leaving during the intro polylogue.

– Fixed the Raborsch stablemaster bribery option not having an effect.

– Fixed the head butler asking about Franta multiple times.

The Lion’s Den

– Revised music playing during the quest.

– Fixed the correct reaction when leaving Sedletz after Stephen Crow is dead.

– Fixed the correct reaction when committing a crime after a trial.

– Fixed the correct reaction when attacking Commander Katz.

– Fixed the player not being able to knock out the guard guarding Musa in the Lion’s Den quest.

– Fixed redudant objective to talk to Ditrich Katz after the trial.

The Magic Arrow

– Pasha’s crossbow is now more powerful.

– Removed inappropriate crime reactions at the end of the arrow ceremony.

– Improved a journal entry.

– Fixed gravedigger Lenek’s surrender.

The Mouth of Hell

– Changed the position of a sword in the mine.

– Moved the dialogue camera during the initial scene of massacre in Old Kutna.

– Fixed the issue where the screen would go black after fast travelling through Old Kutna.

– Fixed issue of missing dead cows in Old Kutna.

– Fixed an issue where Marian and Vladimir might show up to confront Taras naked at night.

– Fixed collisions in the mine.

– Fixed the behavior of Taras so that he will not flee if escalating a fight after showing him the contract.

– Fixed behaviour of Taras if he falls down while chasing player.

The Peasant Revolt

– Prevented the shootable stashes from getting restocked.

– Fixed an issue where Vlasta was not willing to speak to the player after finishing the quest.

The Reliquary

– Removed camp trespass when returning the finished sword.

– Fixed duplication of quest reward if it’s stolen before finishing the quest.

The Spark

– Eldris’ chest is not impossible to lockpick now.

– Improved guards’ routine after fight.

– Fixed Knuckles staying in front of the inn when he’s supposed to be banished.

– Fixed the ropes of hanged The Guild members.

– Fixed Whisker’s reaction to player lockpicking the chest in front of him.

– Fixed visual bug of the burnt dugout.

The Storm

– Revised the debuff received from the torturing.

– Removed Mika’s openworld dialogue from the Storm quest.

– Added healing items to stashes at Trosky after the duel with Istvan.

– Improved dialogue lighting.

– Removed Zizka’s mace during the torture scene.

The Sword and the Quill

– The active outfit is no longer partly unequipped upon being woken up by Zuzana.

– Disabled toggling on-road follow while following the wagon.

– Removed the option to ask Katherine about Nebakov when it’s no longer relevant.

– Improved the cutscene.

– Improved Suchdol foot traffic slightly.

– Fixed player’s horse periodically stopping while following the wagon.

– Fixed Suchdol light sources not emitting light.

– Fixed the trialogue with Katherine and captain Frenzl not triggering from a specific direction.

– Fixed a visual issue with Zizka’s eating animation.

– Fixed player’s horse’s tack changing in the final cutscene.

The Voivode’s Curse

– Rebalanced the blacksmithing recipe to require ingredients appropriate for the Trosky region.

– Prevented asking Aranka for more work if the quest is already started.

– Fixed quest log not reflecting some quest decisions properly.

The White Roebuck

– Fixed players being able to easily make money by killing poachers repeatedly.

– Fixed a certain animal not appearing after the game was saved and loaded after finding the hide.

Thou Art But Dust…

– Improved collision of the trapdoor.

– Fixed players not being able complete the pyramid of skulls and continue the quest.

Tragedy in Danemark

– Fixed the issue with the reaction of miller’s family to the player’s elimination of the bandits.


– Fixed Michael and George sometimes standing free after loading a save next to the pillory.

– Fixed daily schedule for Michael and George.

Via Argentum

– Improved trespass zones inside of the secret mint.

– Added alternative dialogue for speaking with Volkmar outside of his court

– Improved dialogue cameras for initial dialogue with Volkmar.

– Fixed the issue sometimes making Buresh immortal.

– Fixed the issue where Buresh could react to the player’s strikes and potentially flee.

– Fixed the issue where Buresh could teleport out of the secret mint during the timeskip.

– Fixed issue where some characters could be stripped during the opening cutscene.

– Fixed the condition in the final dialogue with Christian of Pisek to match the events in the secret mint.

– Fixed the issue where Volkmar teleported a short distance away and did not react to the player if the player chose to kill him.


– Improved timings for notifications of certain skillcheck resolutions. 

– Adjusted the Wait for Margaret interactor to be easier to find.

– Fixed possible crime reactions later in the quest, if player knocked out Lacek in the inn.

Warding Off Evil

– Improved lighting in the inn basement.

– Improved the Parler chamber, specifically the window surroundings for a graceful knockout. 

– Fixed an issue where the Protective Axe disappeared from the inventory after giving Johann another axe.

Wedding Crashers

– Improved dialogue cameras.

– Improved Hanush’s position in the dialogue.

– Removed the option to attack NPCs at the wedding.

– Removed blood on NPCs before wedding ceremony.

– Improved movement of the cook while trying to lure her away from the kitchen.

– Rebalanced the training sword’s damage.

– Michael and George can attend the wedding now.

– Fixed GPU performance issues during the wedding cutscene.

– Fixed some optional objectives and behavior.

– Fixed condition in dialogue between Svatya and Vuytek.

– Fixed optional dialogue condition with the guard by the cellar.

– Fixed optional dialogue conditions with Jurko.

– Fixed optional dialogue conditions with the Chamberlain.

– Fixed going unconscious again right after getting up during event brawl.

– Fixed an issue where Strong broth was not working as an anti-alcohol food.

– Fixed dialogue condition before going to the wedding.


– Added Innkeeper Helga Schelm as a tipster for the Yackers ‘N’ Fash quest.

– Fixed the issue with foreman Vlach not telling player to meet later in the evening.

(Plus hundreds of other fixes and improvements not mentioned in detail)

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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