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KCD2 Major Bugs and Workarounds

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II has been massively successful on Steam, with over 20K very positive reviews. But, with all of this size, there is always the chance of bugs and issues that can hinder your progress in the game. KCD2 is no exception. The game has a ton of bugs, which we hope the developers will fix in the next patch, but until then, here are all the workarounds for the major bugs encountered in the game.

KCD2 Major Bugs and Workarounds

KCD2 Tomcat Combo Bug

Many players have issues registering the up, right, and left combo with Tomcat. Some players cannot get the third strike to work.

Workaround: One of the reasons you may be running into the issue is that you are not doing the combo right. When attempting the combo, if you redirect the sword to the left, the combo fails. A user on Reddit shows how to do the combo right, “You start from the top, strike, redirect right, strike then strike again. Since you strike from the right your sword is already on the left. If you try to re-redirect your stick to the left, it will mess it up.”

KCD2 Demons of Trotsky Fireplace Bug

This is one of the pesky bugs in KCD2 that has been reported by many players. This bug prevents players from accessing the final fireplace in the Maiden Tower due to which, they are unable to open a crucial green door.

Workaround: Some players have managed to resolve this bug temporarily and shared a few solutions on Reddit. One of the users says:

“NOTE: This fix will not harm your save game or Steam achievements. It is safe to use.

  1. In your Games Library on Steam, right-click the game, Kingdom Come: Deliverance II.
  2. In the General Tab under “Launch Options”, write “-devmode” (without quotation marks).
  3. In-game, use the Tilda (~) key to open the console.
  4. Use the following console command to get into the room with the fireplace that you can’t reach. 

goto 2446 2622 220

5. And then the following console command to get out of the room safely.

goto 2446 2615 220”

Console users (Xbox/PS5) have no fix except reloading an earlier save before reporting to Van Bergow. Some players also miss the kitchen fireplaces, which count towards the quest.

KCD2 Speak of the Devil Bug – Missing Allies

Due to the Speak of the Devil bug in KCD2, players have to start the battle with missing allies which leads to an unfair 1v4, 1v5, or even 1v10 fight. Some other players also report this bug where the soft-locks after the battle, with allies, are stuck in repeating dialogue or glitching on a hill.

Workaround: We have checked many threads and found these workarounds shared by players on Reddit. One of the players says – “What worked for me was killing the couple in front of you at the beginning, running away to lose aggro, and sniping a couple more with a bow”. Another player suggests “Reload to a bit earlier save, for some reason some of your allies are missing sometimes. That helped me!” If that doesn’t work for you, then try jumping on a wagon with hay to prevent enemies from reaching you, making it easier to pick them off. Some found that restarting the game fully including watching the intro helped progress past soft-locks.

KCD2 Demons of Trosky Door Bug

Due to the Demons of Trotsky door bug, the door remains locked so players cannot progress further into the game. According to reports, this usually occurs after reporting to Bergrow during the Necessary Evil Quest.

Workaround: To resolve this bug, one of the players suggests “Make sure you enable cheats and type “goto 2450 2626 219” This will teleport you into the room. To exit, just switch 219 with 215. Hope this helps anyone stuck on the quest, and Jesus Christ be praised!” If you are getting this bug on your consoles, then try reloading a previous save before reporting to Bergrow.

KCD2 The Jaunt Quest Bug

This specific bug triggers when players delay the main questline to explore or collect resources, causing a timed quest to expire. It has been noticed that most PS5 users are experiencing this bug.

Workaround: We have found a few workarounds to fix this bug. One of the workarounds is to go back to a save before leaving for exploration.  Some other players resolve this by pursuing the miller’s questline instead. Furthermore, try going directly to the bandit camp or cart location which might force a progression trigger.

KCD2 Mutt Talk Function Bug

This bug affects several players on all gaming devices including PC, PS5, and Xbox. According to reports, when players complete the quest, the talk function becomes unavailable which eventually prevents players from praising him to improve obedience. Let’s find out how you can fix this bug.

Workaround: One of the players found a fix and said – “I found the fix after researching and testing since I had the same problem. Press P. Go to side kicks. There are two areas, the list and the portrait. If these obedience levels do not match, you will have a glitch. I had to beat mutt to run away, skip time by an hour, and repeat until they matched, and now I have the praise option. I think the most important thing is that the levels match!”. Some other players found that fast traveling to Zhelejov or sleeping in-game resolved the issue.

If that doesn’t work too, try blacksmithing or progressing the main story and it will help to reset Mutt’s interaction. However, you can also try another workaround which is “Just go and talk to the innkeeper and pick the option. “I’m here to collect my dog.”

KCD2 Invaders Quest Bug

Many players are experiencing this bug where Vasko is leaving the camp too early for the tavern in Troskowitz so players cannot actually talk to him and cannot proceed further into the game. Thankfully, we have found a few workarounds to get rid of this bug.

Workaround: One of the players says – “I found a solution. Don’t follow Jasak immediately and follow Vasko for a bit. He will start walking up top and a road toward Semines. I quickly follow Jasak back. Did the conversation fast and rushed back to Vasko while he was still walking on the road. Kinda annoying but was able to finish the quest chain that way.” Some other players suggest starting from a tavern save and waiting until morning before heading to the camp.

KCD2 Gamekeeper Vostatek Bug

This bug in the KCD2 is related to Gamekeeper Vostatek. He becomes unresponsive so players cannot speak to him at all and eventually prevents them from progressing in the game. If you are also experiencing the same bug and cannot move further into the game, here are some workarounds.

Workaround: Some of the common solutions include saving and reloading, attacking him, or calling a horse nearby, which has worked for some. If that doesn’t work for you, then try completing the initial quest immediately before starting the Mutt quest to avoid triggering the bug. A few players suggest that after completing the sheep quests, they could speak to him again, but only about selling animal ears.

KCD2 Wedding Crashers Bug

Due to the Wedding Crashers bug in KCD2, players are randomly attacked by guards and yelled “Murder” for no reason. Below are some of the tricks you can try to avoid this bug.

Workaround: One of the simplest and quickest solutions suggested by many players is to reload a previous save and you will not encounter this bug. If that doesn’t work, some other players suggest selling or storing stolen goods before entering the wedding.

Another player says – “I killed the Cumans by the nomad’s camp and they all started accusing me of murder. These are the steps:

  1. Cheat Money
  2. Attack Tomcat
  3. Surrender
  4. Pay cheated Money (2K per Body)

KCD2 Nomad Camp Murderer Bug

When players kill the Cumans near the Nomad Camp, the game thinks that they committed a crime and because of this, the Nomads get scared and run away instead of talking to players. Due to this issue, players cannot complete the quest and progress in the game. Well, here we show you some of the effective workarounds to bypass this bug.

Workaround: Players say that this bug will be patched soon in a day or two but if you cannot wait until then, you can try finding previous save files and reloading. If that doesn’t work or you don’t want to do that, then try the below workarounds:

– Trying to attack an NPC and immediately surrendering would trigger a fine, effectively clearing the crime status.

– Another thing you can try is to leave the area and return after a few in-game days which will help to reset their status.

– Try to interact with them when they are asleep which will allow you to interact and progress further into the quest.

KCD2 Obsession Alcohol Bug

When players try to level the Drinking skill too high, around level 30, curing it takes a very long time – often in-game months of waiting, sleeping, and avoiding alcohol.

Workaround: Some players suggest waiting for a few weeks or months in the game as this simple trick has worked for many players after waiting for 4+ in-game weeks. Some other players found the solution and suggested drinking multiple high-grade potions and then waiting.

KCD2 Hermit Quest Bug

This is one of the bugs we recently found. Players engage in the quest to find the sword for the blacksmith via the hermit in the woods of Apolonia but when players help him slay the three knights, he turns on them and attacks. However, there are a few things you can try to bypass this bug.

Workaround: One of the players suggested this workaround “I somehow managed to deal with the whole thing. I dashed towards him right after the fight before he could pull his sword out on me again and talked with him. He thanked me and explained a thing or two. After the dialogue, he got angry for somehow damaging his property. I paid him 70 coins and the whole thing calmed down”. Some other players say that wait for the guys to attack first which might work for you too. Also, some say Let Hermit Kill the Last Guy works.

Some players realized that the quest only requires retrieving the sword at the head of the grave, not actually digging up the body. Simply taking the sword and returning to the blacksmith completes the quest.

A few players mistakenly tried to dig up the wrong grave. One player pointed out that the actual body for burial (for the widow’s quest) is located outside the graveyard fence under a rose bush, not in the grave with the sword.

Another workaround suggested by a few players is to warp back to the blacksmith and proceed with the quest. The blacksmith only cares about the sword, allowing players to bypass any bugged interactions with the grave.

KCD 2 The Küttenberg Swordfighting Tournament Bug

The Küttenberg Swordfighting tournament bug in KCD 2 prevents players from equipping a sword during the event. According to reports, when this specific tournament starts, the game neither auto-equips a sword nor allows manual equipping, displaying a “You can’t change your clothing now” message so players are unable to complete the quest.

Workaround: One of the potential solutions suggested by one of the players is to unequip any weapon before entering the tournament, especially quest-related items like Sir Radzig’s Sword. When you do this, it will allow the game to equip a training sword automatically for the tournaments.

KCD 2 Agro Bug (Orange Bunny)

Due to this bug, players are stuck in a permanent agro mode without any visible enemies. According to reports, this specific bug occurs mostly in Kuttenberg. It seems that it is mostly triggered by fast traveling, using the bathhouse, or engaging in fights. When this bug triggers, players cannot interact with NPCs, fast travel, or progress further into the quest. Now, let’s find out the solution.

Workaround: To fix it, try reloading an older save. However, this bug has returned for many players. One of the players resolved it by finding and surrendering to a specific guard wearing a yellow tabard near a white building. Another player suggested – “For me it was Goatskin. Just walk around till he finds you – then kill him. Orange bunny went off straight away. He found me around 7pm-8 pm on the Northern Battlements of the King Solomon Tavern”.

That’s all for this guide on KCD2 major bugs and workarounds.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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