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HomeServer StatusFortnite Server Status - Maintenance Schedule & Downtime

Fortnite Server Status – Maintenance Schedule & Downtime

Fortnite is an online multiplayer video game developed and published by Epic Games. The game was released back in 2017 and has been going strong since. It’s one of the most famous battle royales in the industry, with millions of players. However, like all games, server issues are also common in Fortnite. Servers can be down for scheduled maintenance or due to a glitch with any system on the server, such as the Store, website, and gameplay. While the devs are pretty quick at resolving issues with the servers, knowing the current Fortnite server status can save you hours of troubleshooting. We update this post daily whenever there is an issue with the Fortnite servers.

Vote your Issue with Fortnite

Select the option you are having issues with and help provide feedback to the developers.Please vote to view the results.

A large number of reports usually means that the servers are down. The vote is reset every few hours based on new user reports to reflect the current server status. The Baseline Reports are 3. Reports exceeding the baseline indicate an issue with the servers.

Are the Fortnite Servers Down

31 January

Yes, the Fortnite servers are down. Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress for the v33.30 Update. The servers went down starting Jan 31, 2025, at 09:0011:30 UTC. Stay tuned for updates.

01 October 2024

Fortnite is going down today to roll out patch v31.30. The servers will go down today, on 01 October, at 4 AM ET. The duration of the maintenance has not been revealed, but you can follow us on X, where we update the server status of all games regularly. Check the server status section below for more details on the servers.

Fortnite has been down for more than 5 hours now for players on PlayStation. It’s due to the PSN servers being down. You can play the game when the server comes back up and the Fortnite maintenance has ended.

Update: PSN is back online, but Fortnite servers are still down.

Maintenance Start Countdown (Expired)

04 September 2024

The servers are glitching. Players are getting the “Unable to login to your Epic Games account at this time. Please try again later” error. Devs are aware of the issue and working on a fix.

Developer’s Respons


Fix the Fortnite Connection Issue and Server Error

If the server is fine, an issue on your end may prevent the client from connecting to the game servers. Here are some of the fixes you can try.

  1. Test Network Speed and Statistics on Xbox: Use the Xbox feature to test the network speed and statistics. Many times, simply performing the test fixes connection issues with games. Press the Guide button > Profile & system > Settings > General > Network settings.
  2. Test Internet Connection on PlayStation & Switch: If you are on other consoles like the PS4, PS5, or the Switch, they offer similar features. So, test your internet connection on your device.
  3. Update the GPU drivers and reboot the PC: Although GPU drivers usually do not directly affect connection issues, they can cause other issues that may resemble a server connection problem.
  4. Do not use a VPN: VPNs are great for many purposes, but they usually cause issues in gaming. The most common are lag and disconnection, but sometimes, the game servers block access when they detect a VPN.
  5. Try using a mobile hotspot or another ISP’s internet: If the problem is caused by your ISP changing specific network settings, you can troubleshoot by using another ISP or a mobile hotspot. You must contact your ISP to resolve the issue if the game works.
  6. Update Epic Online Services from the Epic Launcher Settings: Epic Online Services is crucial to playing Fortnite, and the client updates automatically. However, sometimes, it may not, which could lead to connection issues. Therefore, update the service manually.
  7. Enter additional command line -limitclientticks: Many players have reported that adding this discussed command line to the game fixes most issues. So, give that a try.
  8. Ensure you are not using any proxy server (go to LAN settings > Connections). If you have a proxy enabled in the LAN settings, disable it.
  9. Reset the modem/router: Over time, the cache on the router or modem can become bad, leading to connection issues. So, reboot or hard reset the device to play the game.

How to Check Fortnite Server Status

The Official Epic Status page is where you should go for announced maintenance and downtime. But, the official website does not report unannounced or server glitches that can cause issues connecting with the server, for that we suggest that you follow us on X, where we report server status regularly. You can also visit Downdetector to see if other players have the same issue as yourself. If too many people have the same or similar errors, it is usually a server issue. Reddit is another website where you can find if others are reporting the same issues.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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