Hunting the Gypceros in Monster Hunter Wilds for the “Beware the Gypceros” quest requires careful planning. This tricky wyvern thrives in Fallow weather and uses blinding flashes and poison attacks to fend off hunters. In this guide, you’ll learn how to find Gypceros, its weaknesses, and the best strategies to defeat it efficiently. Prepare your gear, time the hunt right, and claim your rewards!
How to Begin Beware the Gypceros Quest in Monster Hunter Wilds
After completing the main quest and entering High Rank, start by finishing the first main story mission, New Ecosystems. This quest not only marks your transition into High Rank but also unlocks a task from Zatoh.
Head to Kunafa Windsong Village in the Windward Plains, where Zatoh can be found (his location will be marked on your map). He’ll inform you about an “unfamiliar” monster that has been blinding village workers with a bright flash. While the villagers are unsure of its identity, experienced Hunters will immediately recognize the creature—Gypceros.
However, there’s a catch: Gypceros only appears during Fallow weather, a condition that makes resources more scarce. To track it down and protect the village, you’ll need to wait for the Windward Plains to enter Fallow season…
Changing the Weather to Fallow in Monster Hunter Wilds
To change the weather to Fallow, head to one of your pop-up tents in the Windward Plains and open the menu where you can grill and eat a meal. Instead of selecting a meal, scroll down to the Rest option. This will bring up a menu allowing you to adjust the environment and time of day. Choose any time that suits you, but ensure the environment is set to Fallow.
Resting will cost 300 Guild Points, but at this stage, you should have plenty—and you’ll earn 100 back upon completing the quest. Once you wake up, the Windward Plains should now be in Fallow weather, allowing you to track down and hunt Gypceros. Simply find it in the wild and start attacking to initiate the hunt.
As a High Rank monster, Gypceros demands caution, though it’s less aggressive and deadly than some of the other creatures you’ve encountered. To counter it effectively, use fire and slicing weapons, and bring antidotes or other items to counter its poison attacks.
How to Hunt for Gypceros in Monster Hunter Wilds
Gypceros is a versatile and unpredictable Bird Wyvern, making it a formidable opponent. Like many smaller wyverns, it relies on fast, aggressive physical attacks, using its beak and claws to relentlessly peck and swipe at hunters while knocking them down if they get too close.
However, that’s just the beginning of its arsenal. This rubbery monster can extend its tail like a whip, catching hunters off guard. Staying behind it doesn’t guarantee safety, as its tail has an impressive reach and cannot be severed or broken, making it one of its most dangerous weapons.
Gypceros also uses the crest on its head to unleash blinding flashes, stunning hunters before following up with a powerful body slam or tail attack. While you can recover faster by shaking your left stick, avoiding the flash altogether is the best strategy. Simply looking away won’t work—you’ll need to be outside its range or take cover behind an obstacle to prevent getting stunned.
As if that wasn’t enough, Gypceros also floods the battlefield with poison. It can spit three globs of poison at a target or charge back and forth, spraying poison everywhere. The venom drips from cave ceilings and flows down slopes, making positioning crucial to avoid unnecessary damage.
The best way to counter this monster is to focus your attacks on its head. Breaking its crest removes one of its most dangerous abilities, making the fight significantly easier. Once its crest is destroyed, you can steadily chip away at its health until it finally goes down.
Note: The Stun Resistance skill allows you to recover from stun more quickly, giving you a better chance to evade Gypceros’ devastating tail slam.
Gypceros Strengths and Weaknesses
Weak Points: Head (Breakable twice)
Resistant Points: None
Elemental & Ailment Weaknesses:
- Fire-type Damage (minor weakness)
- Ice-type Damage (marginal weakness)
Elemental & Ailment Resistances: Thunder-type Damage
Best Weapon Type: Severing Damage
Gypceros’ rubbery hide makes it immune to Thunder damage and resistant to shock traps. Its tough exterior also reduces the effectiveness of blunt weapons like the Hammer and Hunting Horn.
While it has a slight weakness to Fire and Ice damage, Severing weapons are the most effective choice. Be sure to keep your blades sharp and ready for battle!
Best Equipment to Use Against Gypceros
Best Recommended Weapons:
- Long-Range Severing Weapons (Lance, Gunlance, Great Sword)
- Fire-type Damage Weapons
- Bowguns and Bows (for precise targeting)
Best Recommended Skills:
- Poison Resistance
- Stun Resistance
Gypceros’ only true weak point is the crest on its head, which you should focus on to disable its blinding flash ability. Since this can be a tricky spot to hit, long-range severing weapons like the Lance, Gunlance, and Great Sword are great options. Bowguns and Bows also excel at accurately striking this small but crucial weak point.
Gypceros Drops and Materials
Gypceros is a high-rank exclusive monster, meaning it can only be encountered at this difficulty level. Defeating it yields a variety of valuable materials:
High-Rank Drops:
- Rubbery Hide+
- Gypceros Head (from head breaks)
- Dash Extract
- Gypceros Tail
- Toxin Sac
- Novacrystal (from head breaks)
- Gypceros Certificate S
- Bird Wyvern Gem
Hunting Objectives & Titles:
Repeatedly hunting Gypceros unlocks special titles for your Hunter Profile:
- Hunt 20 times – Gypceros
- Hunt 30 times – Madness
- Hunt 40 times – Purple
- Hunt 50 times – Runner