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HomeGuidesHow To Get The Golem Manastone Throne and Liberty | Win Auction

How To Get The Golem Manastone Throne and Liberty | Win Auction

If you are going through the Won! Golem Manastone Exploration Codex, you may find yourself stuck with a secret auction and not knowing how exactly you get the Golem Manastone. The answer to this question is quite simple, and we will talk more about it in the article. We will also share the NPC – Golem Crafter’s location and the places where the Flawless Crystals will be farmed. Here is how to get the Golem Manastone by winning the auction in Throne and Liberty.

How to Start the Won! Golem Manastone Quest

The first objective of the quest requires you to ‘Talk to the Golem Crafter.’ You can follow the objective marker to reach the location, but for convenience purposes, we have marked the location on the map below.

The Golem Crafter can be found southeast of the Wrecked Cabin; there is a fast travel point just a bit north of the NPC location, so you can spawn there and then make your way to him.

Once you get there and talk to him, he will inform you that he needs the Golem Manastone from a secret auction in a dangerous place. At this point, the quest objective will update, and the next objective is to ‘Defeat Giant Crystal Scorpion and acquire the Flawless Crystal.’

Giant Crystal Scorpion Location

You do not have to travel far to find the Giant Crystal Scorpion. From the Golem Crafter’s location, go north as marked on the above map, and you will find the Scorpion there. Sometimes, you may have to wait a while before the mini-boss spawns. Check the map; there should be a skull icon when the Giant Crystal Scorpion spawned in the area.

Defeating the Scorpion is easy, especially if there are other players around. The spider has a few attacks that you can learn. It has an AoE attack where it spins the san, an underground attack that can stun for about a second, and a tail strike. If fighting alone, it can take a while to beat the Giant Crystal Scorpion, but usually, several players are around to help. Either way, the scorpion should not be a problem defeating. Once the scorpion dies, it will drop the Flawless Crystal. Pick up the crystal, and the quest objective will update to ‘Enter the Secret Auction held under the Wrecked Quarry Wheel.’

Head to the Auction

To get to the auction house, go to the area marked on the map above, northwest of the Wrecked Quarry Wheel. Follow the train tracks, and you will be taken straight to the auction. The gatekeeper will require the Flawless Crystal we collected earlier and, in turn, will give us 100 Mica we can use to bid on the auction.

How to Win the Auction to Get The Golem Manastone Throne and Liberty

There will be several rounds of auction, one of which will have the Golem Manastone. You know the Golem Manastone is being auctioned when the announcer recites,

“This, my friend, is a precious item. It’s an enormous concentrate made of magic. With it, you can create a weapon beyond your imagination.”

You must return to the auction if the Golem Manastone is not being auctioned. So, you will have to participate and return to the establishment multiple times until you get the required item.

The trick to bidding is to bid first, which will be 10 Mica, the other participant will bid 20, you bid 30, they will bid 40, you can finally bid 50 and close the deal as 50 Mica is the max limit for the auction. Collect the Golem Manastone from the Bid Winner Guide and get out of the joint.

Go back to the Golem Crafter and give him the Manastone. The quest will be complete and you will get the rewards.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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