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Help or Kill Monolithian The Ninth in Stalker 2 The Lost Boys Mission

A group known as the Lost Boys has vanished, and your task is to track them down. You head out into the abandoned site, meeting up with The Ninth, a devoted Monolith worshipper who happens to hold the key to saving the leader of the Lost Boys, Mastiff. This meeting requires some tough decisions: should you protect The Ninth from the hostile stalker who wants him dead, or side with the hostile stalkers?

Help or Kill Monolithian: The Ninth

If you speak with Lens, the technician in Zalissya, he’ll offer you a mission called “The Lost Boys.” He’ll send you to an abandoned site located south of Zalissya. When you get there, head to the marked waypoint.

Upon entering the bunker, turn left, then immediately turn left again. You’ll see a narrow path leading to a dead body. Approach the body and look for a small device on the ground nearby. Unfortunately, the group Lens sent you to find has been wiped out.

You’re about to enter a dangerous area. First, find a backpack inside containing ammunition, bandages, and food. And a fuse. Place the fuse in the fusebox to turn on the lights. The next room is full of dangerous electrical anomalies.

Move slowly and carefully, but once you activate them, run quickly, as they can harm you. At the bottom, you’ll encounter mutant rats. Use a pistol or a stronger weapon to eliminate them. On the left, there’s a wind anomaly. You might also find a survivor named Saturday.

Once you help Saturday up, he reveals a tragic story. A Monolith worshipper attacked their group, using psychic powers to kill most of them. Saturday survived, but their leader, Mastiff, was captured. Your task is to rescue Mastiff to complete your mission and get paid. As you exit the bunker, be prepared to fight blind mutant dogs.

You’ll find a hidden entrance leading inside when you reach the abandoned house. You’ll discover Mastiff suffering and a Monolith worshipper named The Ninth there. The Ninth explains that he saved Mastiff and plans to release him soon.

However, other stalkers have been sent to kill The Ninth, as Saturday had already told the other Stalkers that Ninth had kidnapped Mastiff. Now, you face a difficult choice: side with The Ninth or let him die.

Return to Lens

After listening to Saturday, you can return to Lens and tell him the whole group will be eliminated. You will not get any rewards from Lens, but when you return to the abandoned house, you will see Dew’s crew to be eliminated and The Ninth and Mastiff missing. 

Not My Business

When you get to the old, empty house, you’ll find a secret way to go inside. Once you’re in, you’ll see Mastiff, who’s hurt and in trouble. There’s also a person called The Ninth, who follows the Monolith. He tells you that he rescued Mastiff and is going to set him free soon. You tell him that you don’t want to fight any other stalkers and he tells you a route to go outside the building unnoticed.  

Help Monolithian The Ninth

To rescue The Ninth, avoid talking to Dew. Instead, converse with The Ninth so he can get away safely then attack Dew and his mercenaries right away. It is a hard fight, but The Ninth will help you. But be careful as you take the fight inside the house there is a pretty good chance that Ninth will be killed, so fight outside.

After you defeat them, talk to The Ninth to learn more about him and his faction. You will also get the blueprint for the Rubber Layer upgrade. Returning to Lens, you’ll receive your reward of 500 coupons for finding Mastiff. However, he’ll express his disdain for Monolithians and warns you about the potential consequences of your decision.

Kill Monolithian The Ninth

If you choose to side with Dew, you’ll need to defeat The Ninth in a one-on-one battle. While he’s tough, he’s ultimately no match for you. Once you’ve defeated The Ninth, search his body and take his PDA.

Listen to the recordings on it to understand his motivations for his actions. Defeating him will earn you a larger reward of 1000 coupons from Lens. However, you’ll miss out on the valuable Rubber Layer blueprint. If you want to quickly gain favor with the stalkers, eliminating The Ninth is the easiest way. The other stalkers will appreciate your actions.


This is a very important decision, as it will affect your character and the world of the game. Helping The Ninth will put you on the side of the Monolith faction, and you will receive rewards and possibly interact with them in the future. Killing him will give you a bigger reward right now but may alienate you from the Monolith and its followers. The Rubber Layer blueprint is irreplaceable and can only be acquired through this course of action. It’s finally up to you, and this will mean shaping the direction of your own journey in Stalker 2.

Return to LensNo Rewards
Not My BusinessNo Rewards
Help Monolithian The NinthRubber Layer BlueprintIncrease in relationships with Monoliths500 Coupons and a warning from Lens
Kill Monolithian The Ninth1000 CouponsIncrease in relationship with Stalkers


Q. Does killing The Ninth affect my overall storyline?

A. While killing The Ninth won’t significantly impact the main storyline, it will affect your interactions with various factions and characters. Your choice can lead to different outcomes and consequences, shaping your experience in the game.

Q. Can we not kill the Ninth and tell Dew and Lens that you have not killed the Ninth?

A. No, there is no option of lying to both Dew and Lens. You have to either kill Ninth or save. You can’t lie to get the rewards.   

Q. Is the Rubber Layer blueprint worth sacrificing the extra reward for killing The Ninth?

A. The Rubber Layer blueprint is a valuable, unique item that improves your equipment’s durability and resistance to anomalies. If you prioritize long-term upgrades and favor Monolith relations, it’s worth helping The Ninth. And the extra 500 Coupons you can easily get by playing the game for a few minutes.  

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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