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HomeServer StatusDragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Server Status: Maintenance and Downtime

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Server Status: Maintenance and Downtime

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is out now. Although this game is taking Budokai Tenkaichi’s fast-paced gameplay to the next level, some bugs and errors are inevitable in online games. Well, for a smoother gaming experience, it is always advisable to check the game’s current server status before playing it. Servers may go down for multiple reasons, such as scheduled maintenance, unexpected crashes, or updates. This guide has covered all essential points, including server status, maintenance, downtime, and how to check the current server status.

Vote your Issue with Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero

Select the option you are having issues with and help provide feedback to the developers.Please vote to view the results.

A large number of reports usually means that the servers are down or there is a major issue. The vote is reset every few hours based on new user reports to reflect the current server status. The Baseline Reports are 3. Reports exceeding the baseline indicate an issue with the servers.

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Maintenance Schedule

The DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO servers will undergo maintenance on all platforms on November 29th at 06:00 CET | 14:00 JST | 28th 21:00 PST, lasting around 5 hours.

Maintenance Start Time in Major Cities

Time ZoneOffset from PSTLocal TimeCity
Pacific Standard Time (PST)UTC-828 November 09:00 PMLos Angeles
Mountain Standard Time (MST)UTC-728 November 10:00 PMDenver
Central Standard Time (CST)UTC-628 November 11:00 PMChicago
Eastern Standard Time (EST)UTC-529 November 12:00 AMNew York
Atlantic Standard Time (AST)UTC-429 November 01:00 AMHalifax
Newfoundland Standard Time (NST)UTC-3:3029 November 01:30 AMSt. John’s
Greenland Time (WGT)UTC-329 November 01:00 AMNuuk
Brazil Time (BRT)UTC-329 November 01:00 AMBrasília
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)UTC+029 November 05:00 AMLondon
Central European Time (CET)UTC+129 November 06:00 AMBerlin
Eastern European Time (EET)UTC+229 November 07:00 AMAthens
Moscow Standard Time (MSK)UTC+329 November 08:00 AMMoscow
Gulf Standard Time (GST)UTC+429 November 09:00 AMDubai
India Standard Time (IST)UTC+5:3029 November 10:30 AMNew Delhi
Bangladesh Standard Time (BST)UTC+629 November 11:00 AMDhaka
Indochina Time (ICT)UTC+729 November 12:00 PMBangkok
China Standard Time (CST)UTC+829 November 01:00 PMBeijing
Japan Standard Time (JST)UTC+929 November 02:00 PMTokyo
Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)UTC+1129 November 04:00 PMSydney
New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT)UTC+1329 November 06:00 PMWellington

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Current Server Status

The Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero servers are live; however, server issues persist as users struggle with communication and connection errors.

16 October 04:15 AM PDT

DBSZ servers appear to be experiencing more issues than usual. Currently, the Xbox servers are down, which can lead to login errors when trying to play any game on Xbox. Check the Xbox Live server status here.

Update: Xbox servers are back online

Maintenance End Countdown (Expired)

Common Issues Experience by Players 

  1. Network Connection Lost Error: This error occurs when the game loses its communication with the central servers or triggers when there are some issues in your internet connection. To address this error, you can check the game’s current server status and ensure the server is up and running fine. If it is down, the error will be fixed on its own. You can also try restarting your router or modem to resolve any issues on your end. 
  2. Communication Error: This is another standard error faced by many players. According to several reports, this error appears when players attempt to play online battles on Steam. To fix it, ensure the server is up again and check your internet connection. If you can’t find the issue in the game’s servers and your internet connection, try updating the game and your system. Also, try changing the time limit in the game. For that, create a room in the Battle Lobby, allowing you to change game mode, time limit, player limit, etc. You can also try port forwarding to fix the issue.
  3. Ultimate Edition Code Not Working: Like many other players, if you are experiencing an issue where the Ultimate Edition code for your game is not working, it could be because the servers are currently down. To do so, visit the official website or Twitter page and ensure the server runs fine. If it is down, try entering the code again once the server is back online.

Important Tips for Players

  1. 1. Check the Game’s Server Status: If you are experiencing connection-related issues, lag, or freezing the game, the very first thing you should do is check the current server status. Refer to the section below, where we have shown different methods to check the status. 
  2. Check Your Internet Connection: Ensure your internet connection is working fine and stable. If it has any issues, try performing below steps:
    • Restart your router or modem to refresh your connection
    • Switch from a wireless connection to a wired for more stability and faster speeds
    • If possible, try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network
    • Lastly, try reducing the number of devices connected to your network. It will help to boost performance.
  3. Play During Less Busy Times: Many players attempt to get on the servers simultaneously when developers release new updates. In this situation, the main game’s server slows down. To avoid these problems, try playing the game when the servers are less crowded, especially in the early mornings or late at night.
  4. Contact Support Team: If you have tried all workarounds and are still experiencing the same issues, contact the support team. They may provide you with additional troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem.

Spike Chunsoft’s Response

“The DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO servers will undergo maintenance on all platforms on October 15 at 10:00 CEST | 17:00 JST | 01:00 PDT and will last around 2 hours. Unavailable modes: Custom Battle: World Library, Ranked Match.”

How to Check Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Server Status

There are several methods to check the current server status of Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero. The very first method is to visit the official website of Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero. On this official site, you will get real-time updates on the game’s server status. Secondly, visit their official X (Twitter), where you can check the developers’ statements for the latest information about the server status. You can also check out the popular third-party tool Downdetector. This tool offers real-time analysis of user reports from multiple sources. The last option is to check the popular game forums and communities for the latest updates. Reddit (r/SparkingZero). On this page, players share news and tips and engage in discussions. Official Discord: Join the official Discord channel of “Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero” for real-time updates and active conversations with other players.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.



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