“Fires in the Mine” is a side quest in Avowed, where players must clear the mines of Dreamthrall spiders infesting the area. Quests in Avowed serve various purposes, including progressing the story, advancing characters, unlocking new features, uncovering secrets, and earning unique rewards. This guide offers key details and a step-by-step walkthrough to help you complete the “Fires in the Mine” quest effortlessly.
How to Begin the Fires in the Mine Quest

When you first arrive in Shatterscarp, the vast desert landscape is sure to catch your eye. However, nearby, an Aedyran Soldier is in need of assistance. She explains that the sulfur mines in the area have become infested with giant spiders and require urgent attention.
If you’re not a fan of arachnids, prepare yourself—these spiders are larger than you. The mines are located to the west, just north of your position. As you approach, you’ll come across a miner and a grain merchant engaged in a heated dispute over the mine’s condition.
Entering the Sulfur Mines
Make your way to the Sulfur Mines Basecamp, located a short distance northeast of Eagle’s Reach. Upon arrival, speak with Hena the Grain Merchant and Kada, who are discussing how to reopen the mines. Offer your assistance, and they will request that you destroy the spider nests infesting the area.
Next, speak to Darle, the gate guard marked on your map, to gain entry. Head through the door behind him to enter the Sulfur Mines.
Clearing the Spider Nests
Once inside, your objective is to destroy two spider nests, both marked with exclamation points. Be prepared to face numerous Dreamthrall Crystal Eaters and Spiderlings as you navigate the mines.
Follow the northern path along the broken tracks until you reach an open area on the east side. Climb the stairs and clear the web on the left to find a backpack containing:
- 18 Golden Scelling
- White Steel Chunk
- Common Wand
- 2 Stelgaer Leather
After looting, continue north, battling more Dreamthrall Crystal Eaters along the way. To destroy the first nest, use any fire-based attack, such as Magran’s Fury.
Reaching the Second Nest
Proceed south toward the second nest, fighting additional Dreamthrall Crystal Eaters as you go. Destroy the web blocking a shortcut back to the earlier staircase, then head east through a doorway to delve deeper into the mines.
Upon entering, you’ll immediately face another Dreamthrall Crystal Eater. The area is tight, so lure the spider out to gain an advantage in battle. After defeating it, pass through the broken wall, follow the path, and climb up to the upper level.
Another spider awaits at the top—defeat it, then climb the scaffolding and drop down through the north opening to access a locked room. Unbar the door and proceed inside to find a chest containing:
- 25 Golden Scelling
- 2 White Steel Chunks
- Stelgaer Leather
- Spirit Residue
- Health Potion
Destroying the Final Nest
Once the area is clear, return to the unlocked door and burn the web to the southwest to continue deeper into the mines. Follow the path and defeat a Dreamthrall Crystal Eater Spiderling, then move forward until you reach a broken pathway. You can attack the Spiderlings from a distance to avoid being overwhelmed before jumping across.
Proceed through the narrow passage, drop down, and eliminate the Dreamthrall spiders in the area. Once all enemies are defeated, set the second nest ablaze with Fire damage.
Claiming Your Reward
Head east to find a sarcophagus containing the unique weapon Magran’s Force, along with:
- 43 Silver Fenning
- 2 Stelgaer Leather
- Bear Claw
- Petrified Wood Branch
Confronting Darle
After looting, return to the stairs where you first ascended and encounter Darle. He will reveal his plan to destroy the mines in an effort to prevent war. If you choose to stop him, a battle will ensue.
Darle wields a greatsword and relies solely on melee attacks. Keeping your distance and attacking from afar is the best strategy, while your companions handle the frontline combat.
Once Darle is defeated, return to Hena and Kada outside the mines. Inform them of Darle’s attempted sabotage, and you will receive 900 Coins as your reward for completing the quest.