In the vibrant world of Honkai: Star Rail 3.0 on Amphoreus, a unique challenge awaits explorers: the Golden Scapegoat puzzles. These intriguing mini-games feature a whimsical goatman protagonist and require careful maneuvering to guide him to his destination while avoiding his own ghostly shadow. Scattered throughout the Strife Ruins of Castrum Kremnos, these puzzles offer a rewarding experience with Stellar Jade and other valuable rewards upon completion. This guide will provide you with detailed solutions and locations for all four Golden Scapegoat puzzles, helping you conquer these charming challenges and reap their rewards.
All Strife Ruins Golden Scapegoat Puzzles
Look for floating, burning golden goat skulls in Honkai: Star Rail 3.0 on Amphoreus. These skulls mark the start of Golden Scapegoat, a new mini-game challenge. Complete the puzzles at these locations to earn Stellar Jade and other rewards.
In this game, you control a little goatman and must guide him to the sacrificial pot. After a few steps, your ghost will appear and mimic your movements. If you bump into your ghost, the game ends. The trick is to use your ghost to your advantage. For example, you might guide it to press buttons that open paths to the pot, all while carefully avoiding colliding with it
You can find four Golden Scapegoat puzzles in the Strife Ruins of Castrum Kremnos in Amphoreus.
- Two are located on the first level (B1). Use the Soulchaser Pass and Soul-Forging Ruins Space Anchors to easily find them.
- One is on the second level (F2). Go to the Conquered Outlands Space Anchor, then head right and up the stairs.
- The last one is on the third level (F3). It’s right next to the Conquered Outlands Space Anchor.
Completing each Golden Scapegoat puzzle will reward you with:
- 20 Stellar Jade
- 1 Traveler’s Guide
- 1 Poet’s Gilded Bracelet
- 3 Lost Gold Fragments
- 1 Scholar’s Tweed Jacket
- 30 Celestial Ambrosia
- 1 Golden Remains
1 Golden Scapegoat Puzzle
Solution: Right, Right, Right, Right
Go to the right, fall through the hole in the floor, and land on the button. While you’re falling, your shadow will land on the other button. Then, use the ladder to climb up to the next area.
2 Golden Scapegoat Puzzle
Solution: Right, Right, Down, Right, Right
Go right twice to move the ladder to its farthest reach. Then, climb down the ladder. Go to the button and quickly run back to the ladder to avoid your shadow and reach the goal.
3 Golden Scapegoat Puzzle
Solution: Right, Right, Right, Left
Go right until you fall through the blue holes in the floor and land on the yellow button. Then, go right again and step on the blue button. Keep going right until you reach the yellow hole in the floor. Your shadow should have already triggered it.
4 Golden Scapegoat Puzzle
Solution: Right, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Right, Right, Right
Climb to the top of the tower using the ladders. Jump off the edge – don’t worry, you won’t get hurt! Drop down to the yellow button and run back and forth. Your shadow will stay on the button, allowing you to safely reach the goal.