Stalker 2’s Chornobyl Exclusion Zone is dangerous as you battle against radiation-altered mutants, environmental hazards, and hostile factions. To better your chances against these foes and to balance the environmental effects, you need to find Artifacts. These artifacts come with a positive and a negative effect; finding the perfect balance will help you maneuver the various regions of the game easily. This guide will show you the best locations to find Artifacts in Stalker 2.
How to Find Artifacts in Stalker 2
You can find special items called artifacts by using your Echo Detector. When you’re close to an artifact, the detector will start beeping louder and louder, guiding you toward it. The closer you get, the stronger the signal becomes. You’ll also hear a faint humming sound from the artifact itself, but it might be tricky to locate with all the beeping from the detector.
All Artifacts in Stalker 2
Artifacts in STALKER 2 can give you special abilities but can also have negative effects. Once you grab the artifact, you can equip it to get special effects. To do this, open your inventory menu (down on Xbox, I on PC). Drag and drop the artifact into one of the quick-access slots. If you can’t see the equipment section, press the left control stick (Xbox) or Q (PC).
List of All Artifacts in Stalker 2
Artifacts | Anomalies | Location | Effects |
1. Streak Artifact | n/a | ||
2. Skipjack Artifact (Rare) | Chemical | Radio Protection: Strong | |
3. Devil’s Mushroom Artifact (Rare) | Acid | Chemical Protection: Strong Radiation: Strong | |
4. Horn Artifact | Acid | Poisonous Hole, Garbage region | Chemical Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak |
5. Sparkler Artifact | Electro | Electrical Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak | |
6. Chocolate Bar Artifact | Electro | Electrical protection – Weak Radiation – Weak | |
7. Weird Ball Artifact (Legendary) | Lying About | Reduced Bullet Damage | |
8. Weird Water Artifact (Legendary) | Lying About | Wandering Lights, Zaton Region | It helps with radiation and makes movement smooth. |
9. Crest Artifact (Rare) | Electro | Endurance: Strong Radiation: Strong | |
10. Deep Sponge Artifact | n/a | Ahroprom Factory, Chemical Plant region | |
11. Spinner Artifact | n/a | Radiation: Weak Bleeding Resistance: Weak | |
12. Glare Artifact (Rare) | Electro | Electrical Protection: Strong Radiation: Strong | |
13. Night Star Artifact (Rare) | Gravitational | Weight: Strong Radiation: Strong | |
14. Lyre Artifact | Thermal | Bleed Resistance: Weak Weight: Weak Radiation: Weak | |
15. Starfish Artifact (Rare) | Electro | Endurance: Medium Bleeding Resistance: Medium Radiation: Strong | |
16. Petal Artifact (Rare) | Thermal | Bleeding Resistance: Strong Radiation: Strong | |
17. Broken Rock Artifact | Gravitational | Physical Protection: Medium Radiation: Strong | |
18. Wrenched Artifact | Gravitational | Physical Protection – Weak Radiation – Weak | |
19. Thorn Artifact | Acid | Radio Protection: Weak | |
20. Torch Artifact (Rare) | Thermal | Thermal Protection: Medium Weight: Medium Radiation: Strong | |
21. Meat Lighter Artifact (Rare) | Thermal | Thermal Protection: Strong Radiation: Strong | |
22. Meat Chunk Artifact | Acid | Chemical Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak | |
23. Slime Artifact | Acid | Radio Protection: Weak | |
24. Compass Artifact (Legendary) | Gravitational | Physical Protection: Maximum Radiation: Maximum | |
25. Flower Bud Artifact (Rare) | Gravitational | Physical Protection: Medium Endurance: Medium Radiation: Strong | |
26. Crust Artifact | Acid | Chemical Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak | |
27. Tourist’s Breakfast Artifact | Chemical | Chemical Protection – Medium Radiation – Medium | |
28. Ciliate Artifact | Chemical | Poisonous Hole, Garbage region | Chemical Protection: Medium Radiation: Medium |
29. Weird Flower Artifact (Legendary) | Lying About | When Sleeping Masks your Scent | |
30. Weird Bolt Artifact (Legendary) | Lying About | Cooling towers | Reduce Damage from Anomalies |
31. Weird Pot Artifact (Legendary) | Lying About | Supports Thirst and Hunger | |
32. Snowflake Artifact | Electro | Endurance: Weak Radiation: Weak | |
33. Pellicle Artifact (Rare) | Chemical | Chemical Protection: Strong Radiation: Strong | |
34. Battery Artifact | Electro | Endurance – Weak Radiation – Weak | |
35. Bubble Artifact | Acid | Radio Protection: Medium | |
36. Crown Artifact | Gravitational | Physical protection – Weak Endurance – Weak Radiation – Medium | |
37. Crystal Thorn Artifact | Acid | ||
38. Flaw Artifact | Thermal | Brood, in the Junkyard | Radiation: Medium Bleeding Resistance: Weak |
39. Harp Artifact | n/a | ||
40. Jellyfish Artifact | Gravitational | Eastern checkpoint | Physical protection – Weak Radiation – Weak |
41. Thunderberry Artifact (Legendary) | Electro | Cement Factory region, Reloading point | Endurance: Maximum Radiation: Maximum |
42. Spring Artifact | Gravitational | Chemical Plant region, Petrol Pump Station | Weight: Medium Radiation: Medium |
43. Urchin Artifact | Acid | Chemical Plant region, Chemical Tanks | Radio Protection: Medium |
44. Liquid Rock (Legendary) | Acid | Poisonous Hole, Garbage region | Radio Protection: Maximum Chemical Protection: Maximum |
45. Kolobok Artifact | Chemical | Poisonous Hole, Garbage region | Chemical Protection: Medium Radiation: Medium |
46. Magic Cube Artifact (Rare) | Gravitational | Radiation: Maximum Physical Protection: Strong | |
47. Magma Artifact | Thermal | Zaton region outside the Circus | Thermal Protection: Weak Radiation: Medium Weight Effect: Weak |
48. Mica Artifact | Acid | Inside a bus, Maze | Radio protection – Weak |
49. Moonlight Artifact | Electro | Electricity pylon in the eastern part of the Garbage region | Electrical protection – Medium Radiation – Medium |
50. Plasma Artifact | Thermal | Thermal Protection: Medium Radiation: Medium | |
51. Rat King Artifact | Electro | Garage region, inside the tunnel | Radiation: Weak Bleeding Resistance: Weak Electrical Protection: Weak |
52. Shell Artifact | Electro | Endurance – Weak Radiation – Weak | |
53. Whirlwind Artifact | Gravitational | Ribs, Lesser Zone | Physical protection: Weak Endurance: Weak Radiation: Weak |
54. Dead Sponge Artifact | Thermal | Ahroprom Factory, Chemical Plant region | Bleeding Resistance Medium Radiation: Medium |
55. Flytrap Artifact | Gravitational | Ribs, Lesser Zone | Weight – Medium Radiation – Medium |
56. Weird Nut (Legendary) | Lying About | Cooling Towers | Rapid Blood Coagulation, but Woulds Takes Lonf to Heal |
57. Mama’s Beed Artifact | Thermal | Detention Center | Bleeding Resistance: Medium Radiation: Strong |
58. Soul Artifact | Electro | Endurance: Medium Radiation: Medium | |
59. Stone Blood Artifact | Gravitational | Death cave | Weight – Weak Radiation – Weak |
60. Crystal Artifact | Thermal | Detention Center | Thermal Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak |
61. Droplets Artifact | Thermal | Thermal Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak | |
62. Harp Artifact | Electro | Radiation: Medium Bleeding Resistance: Weak Electrical Protection: Weak | |
63. Hypercube Artifact (Legendary) | Thermal | Detention Center | Thermal Protection: Maximum Radiation: Maximum Bleeding Resistance: Maximum |
64. Lantern Artifact | Electro | Radiation: Medium Electrical Protection: Medium | |
65. Rosin Artifact | Gravitational | Duga region, in Garages | Radiation: Weak Endurance: Weak |
66. Shop Class Artifact | Elecctro | Duga region, inside the Commissary Store | Endurance: Weak Bleeding Resistance: Weak Radiation: Medium |
67. Goldfish Artifact | Gravitational | Deaf Meadow | Radiation: Weak Weight: Weak |
68. Fireball Artifact | Thermal | Swamps region, near the Burn Farmstead | Thermal Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak |
69. Spinner Artifact | Thermal | ||
70. Stone Heart Artifact | Cordon region | Radiation: Weak Weight: Weak | |
71. Mold Artifact | Acid | Thermal Protection – Weak Radiation – Weak | |
72. Pebble Artifact | Gravitational | Nuclear Waste Burial | Physical Protection – Weak Endurance – Weak Radiation – Weak |
73. Cavity Artifact | Thermal | Zaton region outside the Circus | Bleed Resistance: Weak Weight: Weak Radiation: Weak |
74. Sapphire Artifact | Electro | Garbage region, near the Electric Field | Radiation: Weak Bleeding Resistance: Weak Endurance: Weak |
75. Slug Artifact | Acid | Garbage region | Radio protection – Weak |
76. Gravi Artifact | Gravitational | Chemical Plant region, near the Promin CMD Factory | Weight – Weak Radiation – Weak |
77. Stone Heart Artifact | Gravitational | Cordon region | |
78. Eye Artifact | Thermal | Magnetic Cave in the Lesser Zone | Thermal Protection – Weak Radiation – Weak |
79. Flash Artifact | Electro | Eastern part of the Garbage region | Electrical protection – Weak Radiation – Weak |
80. Steak | Thermal | Bleeding Resistance Weak Radiation: Weak | |
81. Strong Blood | Gravitational | Radiation: Weak Weight Effect: Weak | |
82. Sprint | Gravitational | Weight: Medium Radiation: Medium | |
83. Metal Chunk | Chemical | Chemical Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak |
Mold Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in acid anomalies. Facilitates the rapid growth of fungi and microbes. Storing it alongside foodstuffs, including canned goods, is not advised. | Radiation: Weak Chemical Protection: Weak |
To get this artifact, you’ll need to complete a main mission called “A Needle in a Haystack.” Go to the marked location on your map, enter the house, and head down into the cave. Fight the mutant creature inside and then use bolts to clear the toxic areas. Keep going through the cave, staying on the left side. You’ll come to a long tunnel that leads into a new cave area. Follow the left path and you’ll find a room full of toxic gas. This is where you’ll find the artifact you’re looking for. Use your scanner to find the artifact and grab it.
Stone Blood Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in gravitational anomalies. The reddish-brown veins on the Stone Blood’s surface are due to the accumulation of iron salts. | Radiation: Weak Weight Effect: Weak Weight + Radiation – |
Go inside the Death cave and stay on the right side, move forward, use the bolts to clear the toxic areas. You will find the Stoneblood artifact on a rock beside a skeleton. Use your artifact detector to find the artifact.
Crystal Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in thermal anomalies. What seems to be the coloring of the artifact is, in fact, flames burning inside the crystal. | Thermal Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak Fire resistance + Radiation – |
Go inside the Detention Center, the first room on the left side will contain the basement key. Grab the key and go down the stairs and open the basement door. Take the first right and the first room right side, where you will find two drums and you will get the crystal artifact. There will be thermal anomalies also, so be careful.
Jellyfish Artifact Location

Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in thermal anomalies. What seems to be the coloring of the artifact is, in fact, flames burning inside the crystal. | Physical Reduction: High Radiation: weak Physical reduction + Radiation – |
Outside the Eastern checkpoint near the corner of the wall you will get the Jellyfish artifact.
Pebble Artifact Location

Description | Effects |
Despite its imposing appearance, the artifact feels porous to the touch and crumbles under the pressure. | Physical Protection – Weak Endurance – Weak Radiation – Weak |
Outside the Nuclear Waste Burial, behind a large rusted pipe you will find the Pebble artifact.
Eye Artifact Location
Description | Effects |
Some stalkers believe that the artifact’s “pupil” reacts to movement, but this claim remains unconfirmed by experts. | Thermal Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak Fire resistance + Radiation – |
Go to the Magnetic Cave in the Lesser Zone. Inside, shoot the gas tank to open the way. Keep moving until you find a hot spot. Shoot the bolts to activate the fire jets, then collect the artifact.
Goldfish Artifact Location
Description | Effects |
The Goldfish will sink in water with any salt content, but remains buoyant in distilled water. | Weight: Weak Radiation: Weak Weight + Radiation – |
Go to the Deaf Meadow anomaly. Walk down into the low point, use your bolts to get through the anomaly, and grab the artifact near the back edge.
Flytrap Artifact Location
Description | Effects |
The flagella cause burns upon contact with unprotected skin. Follow all safety precautions. | Weight: Medium Radiation: Medium Weight + Radiation – |
Go to the Ribs location in the center of the Lesser Zone. Use your bolts to remove the anomalies and find the artifact using your scanner.
Moonlight Artifact Location
Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in electro anomalies. A single contact with this artifact may inspire certain individuals with a manic desire to possess it. As of now, the underlying causes are yet to be determined. | Radiation: Medium Electrical Protection: Medium Electrical protection + + Radiation – – |
You’ll find the stash on an electricity pylon in the eastern part of the Garbage region. Use the tree branch and planks to climb up to the stash.
Flash Artifact Location
Description | Effects |
The Flash Artifact is found near electrical anomalies. | Electrical protection: Medium Radiation: Weak Electrical protection + Radiation – |
You’ll find this stash on an electricity pylon in the eastern part of the Garbage region, just southeast of Slag Heap. Climb onto the branch and then the plank to reach the stash.
Slug Artifact Location
Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in acid anomalies. When hit by a heavy object or dropped onto a hard surface, the Slug quickly hardens for 0.1 seconds. | Radio Protection: Weak Radio protection + |
Inside a bus in the center of the Maze point of interest, northwest of Slag Heap in the Garbage region.
Mica Artifact Location
Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in acid anomalies. When exposed to ultraviolet or infrared light, the Mica loses its transparency, becoming pitch black. | Radio Protection: Weak Radiation protection + |
The Mica artifact is inside a bus in the Maze point of interest, which is northwest of Slag Heap in the Garbage region.
Hypercube Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A legendary artifact found in thermal anomalies. The full potential of this artifact has yet to be discovered. It emits ultra-long radio waves and has potential applications in space navigation. | Thermal Protection: Maximum Radiation: Maximum Bleeding Resistance: Maximum Bleed resistance + + + Fire protection + + + Radiation – – – |
Find the key in the small room on the left inside the Detention Center to unlock the basement gate. Once in the basement, navigate the fire anomaly-filled maze. Take the first right, then the third right room. Use a bolt to reveal hidden anomalies. Beware of a fire Poltergeist. You’ll find red metal pipes, jerry cans, and a Hypercube artifact inside. Use your detector to find it quickly and leave the area to avoid losing health.
Whirlwind Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in gravitational anomalies. Combines both gaseous and solid particles in continuous motion. | Radiation: Weak |
Whirlwinds can only be found in gravitational anomalies. You can find anomalous fields in the Lesser Zone at the Ribs point of interest. All you have to do is just go into the field and look for the artifact to loot it. Use Bolts to clear the electrical anomalies and your detector to find the Whirlwind artifact and leave the area to avoid losing health.
Thunderberry Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A legendary artifact found in electro anomalies. When gradually heated to 78 degrees Celsius, it induces vibrant collective hallucinations portraying a utopian theme. | Endurance: MaximumRadiation: Maximum |
In the Cement Factory region, go to the Reloading point. Outside you will find few bodies and electrical anomalies. Use Bolts to clear the electrical anomalies and your detector to find the Thunderberry artifact and leave the area to avoid losing health.
Rat King Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in electro anomalies. Every wire within the tangle generates an electromagnetic field, causing the Rat King to continuously move. | Radiation: Weak Bleeding Resistance: Weak Electrical Protection: Weak Electrical protection + Bleeding protection + Radiation – – |
In the Garage region, go inside the tunnel. Inside electrical anomalies, use Bolts to clear the electrical anomalies and your detector to find the Rat King artifact and leave the area to avoid losing health.
Rosin Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in gravitational anomalies. It is highly prized among Mainland jewelers. | Radiation: WeakEndurance: Weak |
In Duga region, in Garages. You will find electrical anomalies, use Bolts to clear the electrical anomalies and your detector to find the Rosin artifact and leave the area to avoid losing health.
Gravi Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in gravitational anomalies. The Gravi can only be cut into pieces using plasma tools. This artifact exhibits a density and hardness surpassing that of diamond. | Radiation: WeakWeight: Weak |
In the Chemical Plant region, near the Promin CMD Factory. You will find debris, use Bolts to clear the gravity anomalies and your detector to find the Gravi artifact near some debris.
Spring Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in gravitational anomalies. Even under a load of over 3,000 tons, the “Spring” iconSpring maintains its compression and decompression cycle. | Radiation: Medium Weight: Medium Weight + + Radiation – – |
In the Chemical Plant region, in the broken Petrol Pump Station. Use Bolts to clear the gravity anomalies and your detector to find the Spring artifact near some debris.
Dead Sponge Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in thermal anomalies. Powdered “Dead Sponge” iconDead Sponge used to be sought after by practitioners of alternative medicine on the Mainland. The remedy’s popularity waned following a series of deaths among its users. | Radiation: Medium Bleeding Resistance: Medium Bleeding resistance + + Radiation – – |
In the Chemical Plant region, on the roof of the Ahroprom Factory. Use Bolts to clear the thermal anomalies and your detector to find the Dead Sponge artifact and leave the area to avoid losing health. Use the ladder to reach the roof of the factory.
Shop Class Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in electro anomalies. If the bolts are removed from the core of the artifact, it takes approximately a week for them to grow back. | Radiation: Medium Bleeding Resistance: WeakEndurance: Weak |
In the Duga region, inside the Commissary Store. Use Bolts to clear the electrical anomalies and your detector to find the Shop Class artifact and leave the area to avoid losing health.
Stone Heart Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in gravitational anomalies. According to stalker legends, if you cut out a controller’s heart, it will look exactly like this artifact. | Radiation: Weak Weight: Weak |
In the Cordon region go to the location on the map provided above. Just beside the road on the left side you will find an area with gravity anomalies. Use Bolts to clear the gravity anomalies and your detector to find the Stone Heart artifact near some grass.
Urchin Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in acid anomalies. Submerging the artifact in a test tube filled with saline solution triggers the accelerated growth of its needles. The process ceases once the needles have completely filled the vessel. | Radio Protection: Weak |
In the Chemical Plant region, between the Chemical Tanks. You will find the Urchin artifact. Use Bolts to clear the chemical anomalies and your detector to find the Urchin artifact near the chemical tanks.
Flaw Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in thermal anomalies. Despite its red-hot appearance, it feels barely warm to the touch, a phenomenon attributed to low thermal conductivity. | Radiation: Medium Weight: Weak Bleeding Resistance: Weak |
Near the Brood, in the Junkyard, you will get the Flaw artifact. Use Bolts to clear the thermal anomalies and your detector to find the Flaw artifact inside a pile of debris.
Liquid Rock Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A legendary artifact found in acid anomalies. Among its less apparent properties, the “Liquid Rock” iconLiquid Rock exhibits an analgesic effect for migraines. To ensure the desired result, it is necessary to carry the artifact on one’s person | Radio Protection: Maximum Chemical Protection: Maximum |
Quick save your game before going to a chemical anomaly. The chances of getting this legendary artifact is slim as you have to try many times to get it. In the Poisonous Hole in the Garbage region, you will get this artifact. Use Bolts to clear the chemical anomalies and your detector to find the Liquid Rock artifact inside the pool of chemicals. After getting the artifact, move out of the area to avoid losing health.
Horn Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in acid anomalies. Mainland craftsmen carve this artifact into a musical instrument resembling a hunting horn. The sound of the “Horn” iconHorn resembles the haunting howl of the autumn wind. | Radiation: Weak Chemical Protection: Weak |
In the Poisonous Hole in the Garbage region, you will get this artifact. Use Bolts to clear the chemical anomalies and your detector to find the Horn artifact inside the pool of chemicals. After getting the artifact, move out of the area to avoid losing health.
Kolobok Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in chemical anomalies. It may unexpectedly become soft and slip out of your grasp, causing numerous tiny wounds that prove exceptionally challenging to heal. | Radiation: Medium Chemical Protection: Medium |
In the Poisonous Hole in the Garbage region, you will get this artifact. Use Bolts to clear the chemical anomalies and your detector to find the Kolobok artifact inside the pool of chemicals. After getting the artifact, move out of the area to avoid losing health.
Weird Nut Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
One of the legendary “altered items” often mentioned in hushed tones by stalkers around the campfire. A child’s ball, oddly weighty. Equipping it seems to reduce bullet damage in combat, particularly when standing still. | Unique Effect: Reduces bullet damage when standing still. |
In the Cooling towers climb up the tower, after the fire whirls calm down. Be patient and wait at the corners of the tower to be safe from the fire whirls, or you will be burned to death. After the fire whirls pass away. Use your detector to find the Weird Nut artifact above the broken structures. After getting the artifact, move out of the area to avoid losing health.
Sapphire Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in electro anomalies. According to stalker folklore, smuggling a “Sapphire” iconSapphire in someone else’s gear will pass on the troubles of the previous owner to the new one. | Endurance: Weak Bleeding Resistance: Weak Radiation: Weak |
In the Garbage region, near the Electric Field, you will find some broken machines. Use Bolts to clear the electrical anomalies and your detector to find the Sapphire artifact under the broken crane. After getting the artifact, move out of the area to avoid losing health.
Fireball Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in thermal anomalies. Surprisingly cold to the touch, the “Fireball” iconFireball exhibits a temperature difference of 500 degrees Celsius between its membrane and core. | Thermal Protection: Weak Radiation: Weak |
In the Swamps region, near the Burn Farmstead. Use your detector to find the Fireball artifact near the swamps.
Magma Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in thermal anomalies. The stone flecks within the artifact seem to possess a gravitational field of their own. | Thermal Protection: Weak Radiation: Medium Weight: Weak |
In the Zaton region outside the Circus. Use Bolts to clear the thermal anomalies and your detector to find the Magma artifact in the burning pit. After getting the artifact, move out of the area to avoid losing health.
Cavity Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
A common artifact found in thermal anomalies. Slightly accelerates the growth of nearby plants. | Radiation: Weak |
In the Zaton region outside the Circus. Use Bolts to clear the thermal anomalies and your detector to find the Cavity artifact in the burning pit. After getting the artifact, move out of the area to avoid losing health.
Mama’s Beed Artifact

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The Detention Center is among the best places to get the Mama’s Beed. At this location, you can get another artifact – the Hypercube. You will usually get the Mama’s Beed or the Hypercube at this location. You can try any thermal anomaly to get the Mama’s Beed, such as the Magnetic Cave. Once at the Detention Center, you will get the artifact in the hallway, halfway near the stairs that take you up.
The Magnetic Cave is another excellent spot to farm thermal anomalies. Make sure that you quick save the game from a location at least 150 meters away, and if you do not find the artifact at the location, reload the quick save and try again until you get the Mama’s Beed. Here are the properties of the Mama’s Beed.
Description | Effects |
An uncommon artifact found in thermal Anomalies. Valuable at the mainland’s Black Market for decoration. | Bleeding Resistance: Strong Radiation: Strong |
Weird Water Artifact Location

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Description | Effects |
It helps with radiation and makes movement smooth. | Radiation Protection when equipped Smoother movement Effect when equipped |
To get the Weird Water Artifact, go to the wandering lights in the Zaton region at night. Move between the lights to find the artifact lying on the ground. Be careful while going through the lights; if you touch them, you will deplete your health. Some mutant enemies will also spawn as soon as you enter the area. As long as you keep moving, you should be safe. Go to each light and look underneath. One of them will have the Wierd Water.
Weird Flower Artifact Location

Description | Effects |
One of the legendary “altered items” often mentioned in hushed tones by stalkers around the campfire. | If you sleep with this flower on your belt, its fragrance will mask your scent, though the effect diminishes over time. |
In the Poppy Field, in the Lesser Zone area. Use your artifact detector to find the Weird Flower Artifact in the field. Just be careful if you stay in the poppy field for a long time; you will get sleepy and then die. So, use your medical kits frequently to replenish your health.
Weird Pot Artifact Location

Description | Effects |
One of the legendary “altered items” often mentioned in hushed tones by stalkers around the campfire. | Although the pot is empty, steam is always wafting from beneath its lid. This item helps to allay one’s thirst and hunger, but be careful: the Zone’s gifts can be unpredictable. |
In the Burnt Forest region, go to the location provided on the map. Since you will encounter the mist anomaly, you can easily get lost. Inside the mist anomaly, you will find a house. Inside the house, you will find a cooking spot, and inside it, you will find the Weird Pot.