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HomeGuidesStalker 2 Choice Guide - Spare Nimble’s Life or Kill Nimble

Stalker 2 Choice Guide – Spare Nimble’s Life or Kill Nimble

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, whether you kill or spare Nimble, an invaluable guide who knows all about the Zone, significantly impacts your journey. It will affect not only the immediate outcome of the quest but also influence future opportunities, access to resources, and the overall direction of your adventure. Understanding the consequences of each choice will help you make a decision that aligns with your preferred playstyle.

Spare Nimble’s Life or Kill Nimble

In the quest “In Search of a Guide,” you will meet with Nimble, an experienced stalker and knowledgeable about the Clear Sky faction, Faust, and the Swamps map. Such a map is very essential in finding your way across the dangerous Swamps territory. The choice to slay or spare Nimble will, in addition to determining the outcome of this particular quest, affect your journey around the Zone as a whole.

In Search of a Guide Quest

Once you finish the “Like a Moth to the Flame” quest, you’ll start the “In Search of a Guide” quest. To get information about the Clear Sky base, you can talk to either Richer in Skadovsk or Shevchenko in Zaton. They’ll guide you to Trapper, when you arrive at the location, you’ll find Trapper scanning the area with binoculars. To quickly finish the quest “In Search of a Guide,” ask him about Nimble. 

After a short chat, ask him for the cave coordinates. This will trigger an optional side quest where Trapper needs your help to eliminate a group of mutants. Next, a group of mutants will show up. You can either help Trapper kill them or just walk away from the whole scenario. Be prepared for this fight, as the mutants can be dangerous. After defeating the mutants, Trapper will reveal Nimble’s whereabouts at the Snork Cave. 

If you decide to stay and fight, be careful of the large deer. It can knock you down with its horns, leaving you open to attack. To avoid its charges, run and jump. Use shotguns to quickly eliminate the smaller mutants. Successfully defeating all the monsters will earn you a significant reward in Coupons.

The Snork Cave is located southeast of Zaton. Look for the entrance on your map, which is hidden on the left side of a cliff. Be cautious of enemies that may respawn along the way. It’s generally best to avoid unnecessary fights and prioritize reaching the cave. Save your ammunition and other resources for the upcoming challenges. Inside the cave, you’ll hear gunshots and the terrifying screams of mutants. Follow the noise to witness a dramatic scene where you and Nimble barely manage to escape an explosion and a mutant assault.

Spare Nimble’s Life

Sparing Nimble offers significant advantages. After the mutant attack, you can question him about the Clear Sky faction and Faust’s location. Nimble also provides valuable advice on disabling Psi-Beacons, which is crucial for the Ad Astra Per Aspera questline. Additionally, you’ll still receive Professor Kalancha’s Map and can even take Nimble’s Saiga shotgun without killing him. Depending on the game’s difficulty, you might also earn a substantial amount of Coupons.

Kill Nimble Life

While you’ll get Professor Kalancha’s Map and some other stuff like ammunition and Nimble’s PDA, these rewards are not as good as the information you’d get if you spared him. Information that sparring Nimble gives you is crucial knowledge regarding the Psi-Beacons and the Clear Sky base, very important for smooth progression through the game. 

Spare Nimble’s Life or Kill Nimble – The Best Choice

Choosing either option will complete the “In Search of a Guide” mission. However, selecting the second option will force you to kill Nimble. After defeating him, take his PDA and Professor Kalancha’s map to finish the quest. For most players, it’s best to spare Nimble. You will be rewarded with precious Coupons, important information regarding Clear Sky and Psi-Beacons, and you will not lose any important rewards. You’ll also learn where to find Faust to start the “Ad Astra Per Aspera” quest. Only killing Nimble gives a small advantage to loot as soon as possible. No matter what you choose to do, be sure to grab the Saiga shotgun nearby. You should find it on the cave floor, close to where the scene with Nimble ends. 


Q: What are the consequences of spare Nimble’s life? 

A: Sparing Nimble provides you with the location of the Clear Sky faction, Faust’s whereabouts, and disables Psi-Beacons. You also gain access to Professor Kalancha’s Map and a good deal of Coupons.

Q: What are the consequences of killing Nimble?

A: You immediately gain access to Professor Kalancha’s Map, ammunition, and Nimble’s PDA; however, you miss the following critical information: some of Clear Sky faction information, information about Psi-Beacons, and where Faust is.

Q: Is it better to kill or spare Nimble?

A: For most players, it is recommended to spare Nimble. You will gain important information, possible rewards, and avoid unnecessary conflict. Killing Nimble only benefits you in the short run and may hinder your progress in the game.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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