The world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 offers plenty of opportunities for exploration and combat with bandits. When players aren’t focused on main quests or crafting a new sword at the blacksmith, they can dive into the many unique side quests the game provides.
One such side quest, Troubadours, introduces Henry to two bards, George and Michael, who share their passion for poetry and ask him to find a lute. Here’s a guide on how to complete the Troubadours quest, along with some tips to help players save time while doing so.
How to Begin the Troubadours Quest in KCD2

To begin this quest, head to the Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn and enter the tavern. There, you’ll find two strangely dressed individuals sitting at a table, whom you can approach to start a conversation. George and Michael will discuss the art of poetry and request Henry to retrieve a lute for them. They will inform him that the lute is hanging on the carpenter’s wall in Troskowitz.
How to Get the Lute in KCD2

The carpenter’s house is located to the southeast of Troskowitz. You can ask either him or his father about the lute, even offering to buy it. However, it’s not for sale, and the father won’t allow you anywhere near it.
Your only option is to steal the lute at night. Wait until late evening or nightfall, then quietly make your way through the carpenter’s garden. Since there are guards in the village, it’s best to enter and exit through the rear of the garden, which faces the hillside.
Once in the garden, crouch to remain quiet and open the door to the carpenter’s house. Enter the room on your left and look in the southwest corner, where you’ll find the lute hanging on the wall. It can be a bit tricky to spot, as you can’t use a torch without being seen.
Taking the Lute to the Bards in KCD2

After retrieving the lute, sneak back out through the rear entrance of the carpenter’s garden and head back to the Inn where George and Michael are. You’ll need to wait until day or early evening for them to return to the benches outside.
Once they appear, speak to them, and shortly into the conversation, Drslav, a drunk, will approach, grab the lute, and drop it on the ground. You can choose to confront Drslav or let it slide. After the initial dialogue, you can decide whether to “Give him a trashing” or ask, “Can’t we settle this amicably?”
The latter option, assuming you have a high enough stat (which is unlikely early in the game), will resolve the situation without violence. However, if you choose the former, you’ll need to take on Drslav. Fortunately, he isn’t too tough in his current state.
The fight will take some time, as he frequently dodges your attacks, requiring you to wait for rare openings to land consecutive hits. It’s a good idea to save before the fight and reload if you take too much damage, as it’s not worth risking significant health loss or bleeding. After a few hits, Drslav will yield, allowing you to talk to him. He will then run off, but not before promising to get you back next time.
With Drslav now fleeing, you can speak to Michael and George, who are upset over the broken lute strings. You can choose “It’s not my concern” to end the quest there, or opt for “We can get new strings” to keep the quest going.
How to Get Strings For the Lute in KCD2
The bards will recommend that you visit Hunter Vostatek, who lives near Vidlak. If this is your first time visiting Hunter Vostatek’s house, you’ll need to complete the Lackey side quest first, which involves rescuing the hunter from a pack of wolves and dealing with poachers.
Once the hunter is back at his house, speak to him about the lute strings. He will ask for sheep guts, and if you’ve already purchased them from Butcher Bashka, he will comment on your unusual inventory before crafting the strings for you. If you didn’t buy them, you’ll need to find and kill a sheep to butcher it yourself.
Settling the Bards’ Debt in KCD2
Return to George and Michael and update them about the strings. They will then mention that the innkeeper is refusing to let them leave because of their debt. Speak with Innkeeper Lawrence to resolve the issue in one of two ways. You can either pass a speech check and pay 100 Groschen (which can be negotiated down), or you can settle the debt by agreeing to do their work.
For the second option, go to the right of the barn and dig out the latrine. Once that’s done, pick up the sacks near the cart and carry them into the barn. You’ll need to transport a total of eight sacks to complete the task. Once you’ve finished, return to the innkeeper and let him know the work is done.
He won’t be thrilled that George and Michael didn’t do it themselves, but he’ll forgive the debt and allow them to leave. Sit back down with Michael and George to hear them play a tune on the lute, completing the quest. Unfortunately, there are no rewards or coins for completing the Troubadours quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, even if you ask for them.