The Screaming Doll in REPO is perhaps the most difficult of all cursed items to get out, hence a proper test of skill and strategy. As opposed to standard loot, this creepy doll responds aggressively when grabbed and throws a shrieking scream that not only blinds but even inflicts damage, leaving you with no choice but to release it. Due to this, obtaining and removing the doll demands careful planning, coordination, and careful handling. Here, we will guide you through the most effective ways to safely hoist and carry the Screaming Doll without losing your grip, or your mind.
Screaming Doll in REPO
The Screaming Doll is one of the bugged items you are able to loot in REPO, but transporting it to the extraction site isn’t going to be easy. This haunted doll doesn’t want to be handled and will begin screaming as soon as you try to pick it up. The worst part is, the screams that it lets out do damage, and you’ll immediately fall over and drop it.
How To Pick Up the Screaming Doll
The easiest method of moving the doll is by prioritizing it. Once you have found it, ensure the area around it is clear of danger before you go to it. Place your cart next to the doll as close as possible with sufficient space between them for you to stand there. If you grab the doll, it will squirm and scream, but remain calm. Put it in the cart immediately rather than carrying it so far, because this will do less damage. When inside the cart, the doll will cease to make a noise, making it very easy to move around.
If the cart is too far away, an alternative method requires teamwork. Rather than carrying the doll yourself, you and a minimum of one teammate can alternate in moving it. One player picks up the doll and sets it a few meters forward, and then the second player does so while the first advances. This leapfrog style enables you to move the doll efficiently without taking too much damage.
Although both procedures are beneficial in their own rights, the application would depend on circumstances. Should the cart be at hand, just dropping the doll directly in there is your safest bet. Should distance, though, pose a concern, teamwork can see the extraction flowing smoother. Whether your approach, be it speed or stealth, always remain unruffled and execute promptly to beat your escape alive from the Screaming Doll.