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HomeGuidesHow to Get to Pripyat Early in Stalker 2 (Use Glitch)

How to Get to Pripyat Early in Stalker 2 (Use Glitch)

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is a challenging game where every advantage matters when surviving and exploring the Zone. Securing top-tier equipment early on can make a big difference, but it’s often tricky since the best gear is located in late-game areas that are locked behind story progression.

Normally, regions like Pripyat open up gradually as you advance the narrative. However, with some effort, you might be able to bypass these restrictions and unlock new paths ahead of time. Resourceful players of the game have found an intriguing glitch that allows early access to this iconic location. If you’re eager to explore Pripyat ahead of schedule, this comprehensive guide will take you through the process step by step.

Caution: this method is challenging, demanding careful preparation and precise execution. However, it promises an exhilarating adventure for those willing to push the game’s boundaries.

How the Glitch Was Found in Stalker 2? 

Originally posted on Reddit, a 32-second clip shared in the Stalker subreddit showcases a player encountering a peculiar anomaly. Using the Veles Detector, the player steps into the anomaly just as a thrown bolt makes contact, launching Skif high into the air. Surprisingly, unharmed, the character lands safely in a nearby settlement, making the glitch unexpectedly practical. The damage reduction artifact in Stalker 2 typically lessens bullet injuries, leaving the community puzzled about how the player avoided any fall damage after such a dramatic descent.

Accessing Pripyat Early With the Help of Glitch

To access Pripyat through a glitch, your journey will begin at Yaniv Station, a key location on the map. From there, follow the nearby train tracks to take advantage of a particular terrain glitch.

Begin by finding the overturned train cars near Yaniv Station, which is essential for bypassing the game’s boundaries. Locate a specific train car with a climbable section and ensure you have sufficient stamina to make the jump safely. Once on top, carefully follow the train tracks, which will guide you closer to Pripyat.

The Dangerous Road to Pripyat

This is where the difficulty ramps up. From Yaniv Station, you’ll face several obstacles intended to prevent early access to Pripyat. Here’s how to overcome them:

  • Radiation Zones: Leaving the train tracks can result in instant death from intense radiation. Stay on the train cars or follow safe paths to avoid exposure. If passing through a radiation zone is unavoidable, move quickly and closely monitor your health. Bring consumables to reduce the effects of Radiation.
  • Monolith Sniper: A Monolith sniper stationed in a watchtower near a concrete wall presents a serious danger. Engaging him is not recommended, as he is nearly invincible and can kill you with just one or two shots. To navigate this area safely, save your game beforehand, stay close to the wall, and use obstacles like tankers and fences for cover. When crossing open spaces, sprint to reduce your exposure to gunfire.

Crossing the Hurdles and Reaching Pripyat 

After bypassing the sniper and radiation zones, you’ll find a fenced area near Pripyat. While the main entrance is locked, you can find an alternate route through a broken section of the fence.

As you approach the kennel area, be aware that mutant dogs guard it. It’s best to avoid fighting them by sprinting past. You’ll spot a broken section of the fence near the kennel, which serves as your entry point. Once inside, find a shelf near a window to climb up and crouch to fit through the narrow space. Congratulations, you’ve successfully glitched into Pripyat.

Another Way to Access Pripyat Early in Stalker 2 

To reach Pripyat early in Stalker 2, complete the main mission, “The Boundary.” This mission is key, as it unlocks access to Pripyat. Throughout “The Boundary,” you’ll face various challenges and enemies that will test your skills. Finishing this mission equips you with the necessary tools to navigate the dangers of the zone.

At the end of “The Boundary” mission, you will discover a way into Pripyat. This pivotal moment opens up new areas for exploration and allows you to continue your journey. Upon entering Pripyat, the next mission, “The Road to the Foundation,” will begin automatically.

What Should You Do After Reaching Pripyat?

Pripyat is more than just an abandoned city; it holds hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. You can find valuable items like the Improvised Stash, the Guide’s Stash, the Texan Shotgun, and the Diamond and other Exoskeletons scattered throughout Pripyat; these items will aid you in your journey through the Exclusion Zone.

Where to Locate the Improvised Stash in the River Port Area

The Improvised Stash can be found in the northeastern section of Pripyat, within the River Port area. Look for an abandoned building on the right side of the port. Inside, you’ll find a locked white door, which can be opened with ingenuity. To unlock it, throw a grenade through an opening above the door to release a mutant guarding the stash. Once the mutant is defeated, you can enter the room and claim the contents of the Improvised Stash.

Where to Find the Guide’s Stash Near the Laundry Building

Another valuable find is the Guide’s Stash, situated near the Laundry on the eastern side of Pripyat. To reach it, enter a room through an opening on the left side of the building’s entrance. Inside, the Guide’s Stash is hidden within an old, rusted tank at the center of the room.

Location of the Texan Shotgun

The Texan Shotgun, one of the best weapons in the game, can be found south of Pripyat, near the Abandoned Science Campus, at the edge of Jupiter. It’s easy to spot, so you won’t miss it. Below are the stats for the Texan Shotgun.

Location of the Diamond Exoskeleton 

Your next destination should be the Sunny Kindergarten, located in the heart of Pripyat. The Diamond Exoskeleton can be found on the upper levels of the building. This is one of the best armor in the game, so it’s important to acquire it as soon as possible. Below are the stats for the Diamond Exoskeleton.

Conclusion: Accessing Pripyat early in Stalker 2 through glitches offers a thrilling yet dangerous experience for players who are eager to explore this iconic location ahead of schedule. However, this method requires careful navigation through radiation zones, snipers, and mutants. Those who succeed can unlock valuable gear to enhance their survival in the Zone.


Q. Is this glitch risky?

A. Yes, this glitch is incredibly risky. Pripyat is filled with deadly radiation, anomalies, and hostile mutants. Even a minor mistake can lead to character death. And if you are not able to return from Pripyat you will have to restart the game. 

Q. Are there any specific tips for surviving in Pripyat?

  • Prioritize stealth: Avoid unnecessary confrontations with enemies.
  • Manage radiation: Use protective gear and artifacts to mitigate radiation damage.
  • Stay alert: Anomalies and mutant creatures can appear unexpectedly.
  • Save frequently: This is crucial, especially when venturing into dangerous areas.

Q. Is there a risk of breaking my save by using the glitch to access Pripyat early?

A. Glitches can sometimes lead to unexpected problems. To stay safe, save your game in multiple slots before trying the glitch. If you run into bugs, crashes, or issues progressing after entering Pripyat early, just reload an earlier save to avoid getting stuck in the main story.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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