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HomeGuidesHow to Disable the Steel Watch BG3

How to Disable the Steel Watch BG3

In Baldur’s Gate 3, one has to deal with Gortash, a challenge that will involve defeating his formidable Steel Watch, a legion of powerful robot guards. The guide outlines the important steps to disable the Steel Watch, from gathering information and rescuing allies to infiltrating the Foundry and ultimately facing the formidable Steel Watch Titan. These steps will make it possible for the players to significantly weaken Gortash’s defenses, thereby paving the way for a more manageable encounter with the final boss and ultimately towards the game’s conclusion.

Steel Watch in BG3

Gortash, the final boss, is heavily guarded by powerful robot soldiers called the Steel Watch. In the third part of the game, you’ll discover that Gortash has the last Netherstone you need. These robots are everywhere in the city, always protecting him.

They’re incredibly tough:

  • High Health: They have a lot of health, making them hard to kill.
  • Strong Defense: They’re well-armored, making it difficult to hit them.
  • Resistant to Most Attacks: Most of your normal attacks won’t do much damage.
  • Weak to Lightning: The only way to really hurt them is with lightning-based attacks.
  • Explosive: If you manage to damage them enough, they explode, which can hurt your party.

You’ll need to use powerful magic spells like Chain Lightning to even stand a chance against these robots.

How to Disable the Steel Watch BG3

To stop the Steel Watch robots, you need to do three things:

  1. Find Information: Talk to people in the city to learn how to disable the robots. Orin is a good person to start with.
  2. Disable Production: Go to the Steel Watch Foundry, the place where these robots are made.
  3. Destroy the Foundry: Blow up the Foundry to completely stop the robot production.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Talk to Orin: She wants to stop Gortash too and will give you the information you need.
  • Meet the Ironhands: These gnomes know how to destroy the Foundry. You can find them in Rivington.
  • Get Help from Friends: If you helped people like Wulbren in earlier parts of the game, they’ll be more likely to help you now. They might give you a powerful bomb to destroy the Foundry.

By following these steps, you can weaken Gortash’s forces and get closer to defeating him.

Rescuing the Gnomes

Next, you need to head to the southern docks. There, you’ll find some dangerous cultists forcing innocent gnomes to build more Steel Watch robots.

  • Hurry! These cultists have a device that will kill all the gnomes if you don’t defeat them quickly.
  • Save the Gnomes: If you lose the gnomes, it will become much harder to stop the Steel Watch later in the game.

After rescuing the gnomes:

  • Talk to Zanner Toobin: He’ll tell you about a secret underwater prison. Gortash is holding many innocent people there, including his own family.
  • The Cultist Leader: The leader of the cultists you fought had a device that would have killed everyone in the underwater prison as well as the gnomes on the docks.

Helping Toobin:

  • Infiltrate the Prison: Toobin will ask you to help him rescue his family from the underwater prison.
  • Important Choices: The decisions you make here will affect how your companions feel about you.

Rescuing the Underwater Prisoners

To reach the underwater prison, you need to find a hidden submarine.

  • Find the Submarine: It’s guarded by some wolf-like creatures called Wargs, but they’re not too tough to defeat.
  • Convince the Pilot: The submarine pilot, Redhammer, is hesitant to help. You’ll need to convince him and also deal with a group called the Waveservants of Umberlee, who are after Redhammer.

Once you’re on the submarine:

  • Ignore Gortash’s Threats: Gortash will call and threaten to blow up the prison. Don’t let him scare you! Just keep going.
  • Time Limit: Gortash has set a timer. You only have a short amount of time to rescue the gnomes before the prison explodes.

Inside the Prison:

  • Dangerous Guards: You’ll face fierce underwater creatures called Sahuagin.
  • Get Help from a Mind Flayer: A friendly Mind Flayer named Omeluum is also imprisoned. Free him, and he’ll help you by teleporting you and one of your party members back to the submarine for healing.

How to Defeat the Steel Watch BG3

Once you rescue the Gondians, they’ll join you in the fight against Gortash.

  • The Final Challenge: The biggest threat at the Foundry is a massive Steel Watch Titan robot.
  • Reaching the Titan: You’ll need to take an elevator to the lowest level of the Foundry to find it.
  • Tough Enemy: The Titan is incredibly strong and has a powerful shield. You’ll need to use strong attacks (dealing at least 15 damage) to hurt it.
  • Multiple Enemies: You’ll also have to fight other Steel Watch robots alongside the Titan.
  • Explosions: Remember that Steel Watch robots explode when their health gets low, so be careful.

Two Ways to Defeat the Foundry:

  1. Destroy the Foundry: After defeating the Titan, you can either blow up the entire Foundry or use a powerful bomb to destroy it.
  2. Disable the Foundry: If you have a character who is very good at sneaking or can become invisible, you can avoid fighting the Titan altogether. Instead, you can find a control panel and use a special code (given to you by Toobin) to disable the Foundry without destroying it. This will save the bomb for later.

The people you save during this mission will help you in the final battle against Gortash.

Rewards for defeating Steel Watch

Defeating the Steel Watch Titan and its elite guards will reward you with a powerful longbow called the Gontr Mael.

Disabling the Steel Watch makes the final battle much easier:

  • Facing Gortash: You can simply rest and then easily confront Gortash in his throne room.
  • Gortash’s Treasure: Defeating him will earn you valuable loot, including a rare armor piece called the Gauntlet of the Tyrant.
  • The Netherstone: This battle is crucial because you need one of the Netherstones Gortash possesses to progress further in the game.

Combining the Netherstones:

  • Reaching the Elder Brain: Once you have both Netherstones (the one from Gortash and the one from Orin the Red), you can finally confront the Elder Brain and reach the final stages of the game.
Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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