Potions are quite vital in Monster Hunt Wilds, as they allow you to heal during a fight and extend the duration in which you fight. Whether one is using the auto-crafting feature available in the game or manually craft and consume potions, understanding material collection, how to craft a potion, and its usage may prove to have a significant effect on survival. This guide has all you need to know about making potions, utilizing the Optimal Heal function, and manually choosing healing items so that you’re never caught off guard in combat.
How to Craft Potions
Making a standard potion is simple, you only need one herb. Early in the game, you can easily find herbs scattered across Windward Plains. A good place to start is right outside the Windward Plains base camp, near the camp exit, where an herb plant grows.
Herbs appear as leafy plants on the ground and are highlighted with a green glow. While you’ll naturally come across plenty as you explore, you can also use your map to locate more. Look for small plant icons on the map, but be sure to double-check since some icons represent other resources like ivy. If you have trouble reaching a location, press down the right control stick to set a “Waypoint,” and your Seikret will automatically navigate there once you close the map.
In Monster Hunt Wilds, the game features an auto-crafting system that automatically creates certain items as you collect the necessary materials. By default, potions and mega potions are crafted instantly without any manual input.
If you prefer to craft potions yourself, you can do so through the Items and Equipment menu. Simply select Crafting List, choose Potion from the list, and confirm to craft it. If crafting doesn’t work, check your inventory, there’s a limit of ten potions in your Item Pouch, and you may also be out of herbs. The same process applies to other healing items like mega potions and First-Aid Med+, though they require different materials. If you ever run low, you can also buy potions for 66z each from the Provisions Stockpile at any base camp.
How to Use Potions
During combat, you have a few ways to heal and use potions without breaking the flow of the fight. One of the easiest methods is the Optimal Heal option, which allows you to quickly use potions or other healing items without manually selecting them.
To activate Optimal Heal, hold L1 to open the radial menu. While holding L1, push the right thumbstick to the left to highlight Optimal Health Recovery. Once it’s selected, release the right thumbstick, and your character will automatically use the appropriate healing item, like a potion.
Keep in mind that healing isn’t guaranteed to work if you’re interrupted. Since the radial menu doesn’t pause the game, monsters can still attack while you’re trying to heal. If you get hit before the potion takes effect, the healing won’t go through. You’ll know it worked when your character glows green and your health bar increases.
The Optimal Heal option is supposed to choose the best healing item based on how much damage you need to recover. However, some tests suggest that it defaults to regular potions each time, so it’s unclear exactly when the game decides to use different healing items.
If you prefer to manually choose your healing items or use other consumables like a well-done steak, there’s an alternative method. Start by holding L1, this will open the radial menu, but you can ignore it. Instead, focus on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. While still holding L1, press Square or Circle on PS5 to scroll through the items in your Item Pouch. Keep cycling until you find the item you want to use.
Once your desired item is highlighted, release L1 to register it to the Square button. From then on, simply pressing Square will use that item. If it’s a healing item, your character will consume it and restore health.