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HomeGuidesHow to Beat Jamanra, The Abomination in Path of Exile 2 (PoE2)

How to Beat Jamanra, The Abomination in Path of Exile 2 (PoE2)

Defeating Jamanra, The Abomination, is an important part of Path of Exile 2. This boss requires strategic planning, precise execution, and a well-equipped character. This guide will go into the details of fighting Jamanra and give you the knowledge and tactics to emerge victorious.

How to Find Jamanra, The Abomination

You will encounter Jamanra at the conclusion of the second part of The Trail of Corruption. The story continues with a confrontation with Jamanra, who, near death, escapes by summoning a powerful sandstorm. To counter this, you must build the Horn of Vastiri. This quest takes you to Deshar and its Spires, where you’ll face Tor Gul, the Defiler. After defeating him, you have the option to explore The Dreadnought with Sekhema Asala. This journey leads you to the Dreadnought Vanguard, where you’ll finally confront Jamanra, the Abomination. The climactic battle takes place within the Dreadnought itself.

How to Beat Jamanra, The Abomination

The battle with Jamanra is divided into two parts. In the first part, the fight takes place on the Dreadnought. However, in the second part, you and Jamanra are transported to the desert. 

Before you start, make sure your character is at least level 32. Your equipment should be around levels 22-31 but don’t replace it if your older items offer better protection (Energy Shield, Armor, or Evasion). The most important thing is your weapon. It should be at the highest level possible and deal the most damage.

Jamanra is somewhat resistant to fire and lightning damage. Jamanra is weak to cold damage. To maximize your damage output, use items like Jewels and Runes that boost cold damage on spells and attacks. Classes such as Frost Sorceresses and Monks, with all their cold attacks, prove to be really effective against him. Moreover, the Vulnerability spell of the Witch can make Jamanra very weak to all kinds of damage. Use double Topaz charms, as they will give 62% resistance to lightning, which is the best way to get resistance against lightning.   

Jamanra Attack’s First Phase

In the first battle, Jamanra unleashes massive lightning attacks in an extensive range. He’ll cause a lot of damage to you if you’re standing still. He also brings forth additional enemies and a killing sandstorm, so you have to position yourself correctly.

To avoid Jamanra’s initial attack, which can instantly kill you if you don’t dodge it, you’ll need to roll away as quickly as possible. A well-timed roll can completely negate the damage, although you might still be hit by subsequent explosions. As long as you manage to avoid at least one of them, you’ll be fine.

When the sandstorm arrives, stand behind Asala for protection. You’ll need to fight off undead creatures that will attack you in the confined space. You can also damage Jamanra with long-range attacks. Keep your health potions handy and use them to stay healthy. When the sandstorm subsides, Jamanra will be vulnerable. Seize this opportunity to attack him.

Jamanra’s lightning attacks often target large areas, especially those involving the two crystals. To avoid these attacks, move to the top edge of the map. The corners in this area are generally safe. Jamanra constantly attacks, so be ready to use health potions to stay alive. A buffed health potion that heals more or heals instantly can be very helpful in this fight.

Also, equip armor with lighting resistance and be as close to Jamnra to deal melee damage. To avoid the lightning attacks you can move behind Jamanra so that you don’t get damage from the lightning. At the end of Phase 1, two shock pylons will follow you as you run in circles to avoid them. 

Jamanra Attack’s Second Phase

Once Jamanra’s health drops below 66%, he’ll summon a giant sword and cut the cart in half, transporting you to the desert. Here, he’ll use new, powerful spells, including dangerous tornadoes. You’ll need to be quick and agile to avoid these tornadoes, as they can slow you down and deal significant damage. As the fight progresses, Jamanra will use even more powerful spells that cover larger areas. You’ll need to find the safe spots on the battlefield and attack from there.

When fighting Jamanra in melee combat, the most dangerous attack to watch out for is his vertical slam. He’ll announce this attack with the phrases “Our gift to you!” or “Take our hate!” If you’re a physical damage fighter, you’ll need 850 Armor Breaking points to penetrate his defenses.

As a Witch with the Blood Mage Ascendancy, you can use your minions as distractions while you attack Jamanra from a distance with the Bonestorm spell. You’ll need to be cautious and move around to avoid his attacks, but your strategy of using your minions as bait and dealing consistent damage with Bonestorm should quickly end the first phase of the fight.


The scary boss, Jamanra, drops a load of cool items. Some are so unique and cannot be seen until much later in the game. For instance, the mighty Cultist Bow. When you defeat him, you will not only obtain some valuable loot but also save the Vasiri Desert from the evil hands of Faridun.

Jamanra, the Abomination, is one of those encounters that will be both difficult and rewarding in Path of Exile 2. Follow these strategies, understand his attack patterns, and you’ll defeat this terrible foe to emerge victorious.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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