This patch provides additional enhancements, bug fixes, and overall MODs support to the PC version of the game.
Patch Overview:
- Resolved download progress counter on mod cars misaligned in Japanese
- General localization support
- Resolved KBM prompt missing from “Favorite” and “Install” options
- Resolved not being able to open privacy policy and terms of service
- Resolved placeholder text for Switch Pro controller inputs – HL-21944
- Resolved mod description flickering when changing resolutions in window mode
- Resolved customizable wands not triggering correctly
- Resolved “Enable Mods” not working correctly when navigating away
- Resolved new gear default being costume only
- Resolved the update required icon not appearing correctly
- Resolved icon missing to indicate a reload and/or update to a mod
- Resolved wand replacement mods listing in opposite order
- Resolved prompt to restart game for updating mods not popping up
- Resolved debug code being displayed in save name when playing mod mission
- Resolved text being cut off or unaligned using more than 109 characters
- Resolved mod save file having wrong exclamation mark
- Resolved category icons in detail page might appear duplicated
- Resolved mods not remaining updated after exiting details page
- Resolved save confirmation text being inconsistent
- Resolved “No Connection” text overlapping menus when offline
- Resolved user not being able to unselect report option
- Resolved “Update” prompt remaining displayed while updating mod
- Resolved Q and E keys in the mod menu not cycling to the other side
- Resolved blue and red indicators appearing correctly without to hover over list
- Resolved category icon spinning after updating is completed for a mod
- Resolved not being able to adjust ratings on a mod
- Resolved clicking on “Recent Project” restating the engine and disconnecting from CurseForge
- Resolved mod and CurseForge image logo requirements being different
- Resolved error messages when uploading mods without required fields not being clear
- Resolved maximum number of characters being different in various areas
- Resolve maximum number of characters in mod’s description exceeding the creator kit causing text to not display properly on CurseForge
- Resolved transparency of featured mods and arrow at the bottom of the screen not updating when scrolling page with a controller
- Resolved the number of ratings being cut off when reaching a 1000 or more
- Resolved some mods displaying small, light blue font in the mods details
- Resolved long mod names not being displayed over two lines on their cards
- Implemented a pop-up dialog to show if the game crashes do to detection of Nexus or similar mod previously in use
- Resolved custom fast travels not working
- Resolved ‘Third Time’s a Charm’ not being able to be unlocked
- Resolved silent restart failing with mods
- Resolved moth picture frame image in mod being replaced with a placeholder
- Resolved basic attack leaving blank impacts on hit surfaces
- Resolved General Creator Kit support
- Implementation of extended Nvidia frame generation features
- Implementation of intel’s frame generation features (XeFG)
- Resolved crash when talking to Olivander with the any wand mod installed
- Resolved crash occurring when walking through Ancient Magic gate
- General text adjustments
- Resolved long names causing underscores to vanish
- Resolved grammar issues in mods
- Resolved file path being displayed incorrectly
- Resolved scrolling down with mouse vs controller have different results
- Updated the feature image on the Discovery page
Hogwarts Legacy Creator Kit Build Version – 1344202
Developer notes – This patch provides bug fixes for the Creator Kit.
Patch Overview:
- Resolved Dungeon entrance blueprint disappearing when changing mod and entering a different level
- Resolved mods replacing blueprints