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HomeGuidesCivilization 7 - How to Unlock All Mementos

Civilization 7 – How to Unlock All Mementos

In Civilization 7, Mementos are such powerful items. They give a Leader unique abilities, which might be a crucial strategic advantage to your gameplay. However, they are not available from the start. To unlock them is through gameplay; some are actually tied to particular Leaders and unique Legend Paths for that Leader. This will break down everything you need to know about Mementos, including how to unlock them all, what each of them does, and what they can mean for your Civilization’s progress. Whether you’re an old pro or a newbie at Civ, knowing about Mementos gets you the most out of your leader.

Mementos in Civilization 7

Mementos give you special bonuses and add a cool strategic element to how you start a new game. Right at the beginning, when you’re setting things up, you get to pick two Mementos from the ones you’ve unlocked. Some Mementos are tied to specific Leaders and you’ll have to play their special Legend Path to get them. But once you do unlock a Memento, any Leader can use it. Each Memento has its own unique ability, and these abilities usually fall under one of the six main Leader Attribute categories.

How to Unlock All Mementos

In Civilization 7, before you kick off a game, you’ll choose a Leader. Each Leader has two slots for special items called Mementos. These Mementos can give you strategic advantages, but you can’t use them right away. First, you need to unlock those slots. Think of it like leveling up. You unlock the first Memento slot when you reach Level 2 on the Foundation Path, and the second slot at Level 5.

How do you level up the Foundation Path? By completing Foundation Challenges! There are a ton of these challenges – 265 in total – and you earn experience points based on how tough each challenge is. So, the more challenges you complete, the faster you’ll unlock those Memento slots and equip your Leader with powerful boosts.

Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Inscribed Sling Bullet (+1 Military Attribute Point)Reach Level 2 on the Foundation PathAll
Complaint to Ea-nasir (+1 Economic Attribute Point)Reach Level 2 on the Foundation PathAll
Treaty of Kadesh (+1 Diplomatic Attribute Point)Reach Level 3 on the Foundation PathAll
Groma (+1 Expansionist Attribute Point)Reach Level 3 on the Foundation PathAll
Shakokidogu (+1 Cultural Attribute Point)Reach Level 4 on the Foundation PathAll
Antikythera Mechanism (+1 Scientific Attribute Point)Reach Level 4 on the Foundation PathAll
Sword of Brennus (+400 Gold for every Settlement returned in a Peace Deal)Reach Level 5 on the Foundation PathAll
Lydian Lion (+200 Gold per Age at the start of an Age)Reach Level 6 on the Foundation PathAll
Imago Mundi (+3 Sight instead of +1 for Scout’s Search & Lookout Abilities)Reach Level 7 on the Foundation PathAll
Corpus Juris Civilis (Start with one extra Social Policy Slot)Reach Level 8 on the Foundation PathAll
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
The Travels of Marco Polo (+50 Gold for every 100 tiles explored by your Units)Reach Level 9 on the Foundation PathAll
Equestrian Figure (+50 percent Reduction in Commander Recovery Time)Reach Level 14 on the Foundation PathAll
Pochteca Backpack (5 Range for all Trade Routes)Reach Level 19 on the Foundation PathAll
Colada & Tizona (+2 Combat Strength for Units adjacent to 2 or more enemy Units)Reach Level 24 on the Foundation PathAll
Shisa Necklace (Gain 100 Influence when you become Suzerain of a City-State)Reach Level 29 on the Foundation PathAll
Agincourt Arrowhead (+1 Movement for Ranged Units)Reach Level 34 on the Foundation PathAll
Garuda Statue (+1 Population to your smallest Settlement every time you start a Celebration)Reach Level 39 on the Foundation PathAll
The Art of War (+10 percent Commander XP +50 percent Commander XP when your Commander is within the Command Radius of a higher level Commander)Reach Level 44 on the Foundation PathAll
Royal Game of Ur (10 percent Science when outpaced in Tech by at least half of the other Leaders 10 percent Culture when outpaced in Civics by at least half of the other Leaders)Reach Level 49 on the Foundation PathAll
Takoba (+1 Combat Strength for all Units in Plains and Desert)Reach Level 2 with AminaAmina
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Kwalkwali (+1 Gold per Age for each Resource assigned to Cities)Reach Level 5 with AminaAmina
Rawani (+3 Combat Strength to a Unit’s next attack after they destroy an enemy Unit)Reach Level 9 with AminaAmina
Chakra (+1 Food in the Capital for every 5 excess Happiness)Reach Level 2 with Ashoka, World RenouncerAshoka, World Renouncer
Gold & Sapphire Flowers (Gain 100 Food in the Capital when you spend an Attribute Point on the Expansionist Attribute Tree)Reach Level 5 with Ashoka, World RenouncerAshoka, World Renouncer
Diamond Throne (During a Celebration, +1 Happiness per Quarter per Age)Reach Level 9 with Ashoka, World RenouncerAshoka, World Renouncer
Chanda-Mahasena (+5 Combat Strength against Fortified Districts for all Units during a Celebration)Reach Level 2 with Ashoka, World ConquerorAshoka, World Conqueror
Silk Uttariya (+2 Production per Age in Cities with positive Happiness)Reach Level 5 with Ashoka, World ConquerorAshoka, World Conqueror
Lion Capital (Commanders receive +50 percent XP during a Celebration)Reach Level 9 with Ashoka, World ConquerorAshoka, World Conqueror
Corona Civica (+1 Settlement Limit per Age but increases the cost of Convert to City by 50 percent)Reach Level 2 with AugustusAugustus
Breastplate (+2 Food per Age in Towns)Reach Level 5 with AugustusAugustus
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Clipeus Virtutis (+1 Production in the Capital for every Town)Reach Level 9 with AugustusAugustus
Bifocals (Gain 50 Influence after researching a Tech or Civic Mastery)Reach Level 2 with Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin
Kite & Key (10 percent Science towards researching Tech Masteries)Reach Level 5 with Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin
Glass Armonica (10 percent Science and Happiness for you and your ally when in an Alliance)Reach Level 9 with Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin
Eagle Banner (Cities gain 5 percent bonus Science Efficiency per Great Work they contain (maxes out at 25 percent))Reach Level 2 with Catherine the GreatCatherine the Great
Potemkin’s Sword-Knot (+1 Movement for Commanders)Reach Level 5 with Catherine the GreatCatherine the Great
Great Imperial Crown (Cities gain +5 percent Science per Great Work on display (maxes out at 25 percent))Reach Level 9 with Catherine the GreatCatherine the Great
Joyeuse (+2 Happiness per Age for every Cavalry Unit)Reach Level 2 with CharlemagneCharlemagne
Globus Cruciger (+50 Influence when you spend an Attribute Point on the Diplomatic Attribute Tree)Reach Level 5 with CharlemagneCharlemagne
Tencendur (+1 Movement for Cavalry Units)Reach Level 9 with CharlemagneCharlemagne
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Brush & Scroll (+5 percent Growth Rate in Cities for every Specialist in that City (maxes out at 25 percent))Reach Level 2 with ConfuciusConfucius
Altar Set (+1 Culture and Gold from Specialists)Reach Level 5 with ConfuciusConfucius
The Analects (+1 Science per Specialist)Reach Level 9 with ConfuciusConfucius
Walking Stick (+1 Science per Age on Military Buildings)Reach Level 2 with Friedrich, ObliqueFriedrich, Oblique
Order of the Black Eagle Badge (Gain 50 Production when you spend an Attribute Point on the Militaristic Attribute Tree)Reach Level 5 with Friedrich, ObliqueFriedrich, Oblique
Krone von Friedrich I (+2 Combat Strength for All Units when using Coordinated Attack or Focus Fire)Reach Level 9 with Friedrich, ObliqueFriedrich, Oblique
Flute (+1 Culture per Age on Military Buildings)Reach Level 2 with Friedrich, BaroqueFriedrich, Baroque
Voltaire’s Edits (Gain 50 Culture when you spend an Attribute Point on the Culture Attribute Tree)Reach Level 5 with Friedrich, BaroqueFriedrich, Baroque
Anti-Machiavel (+2 free War Support on all wars declared against you)Reach Level 9 with Friedrich, BaroqueFriedrich, Baroque
Lantern (A Migrant appears in the Capital whenever you complete an Espionage Action without being detected)Reach Level 2 with Harriet TubmanHarriet Tubman
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Satchel (If a Settler is defeated, it respawns in your Capital after 3 turns (Standard Speed))Reach Level 5 with Harriet TubmanHarriet Tubman
Sidearm (+3 Combat Strength to your Units below 50 percent health)Reach Level 9 with Harriet TubmanHarriet Tubman
Royal Mace (+1 Gold per Age for each imported Resource)Reach Level 2 with HatshepsutHatshepsut
False Beard (+2 Culture on Wonders)Reach Level 5 with HatshepsutHatshepsut
Uraeus (+10 percent Culture if you have the most Wonders +10 percent Production towards constructing Wonders if you don’t)Reach Level 9 with HatshepsutHatshepsut
Golden Seal Stone (+1 Influence per Age on Science Buildings)Reach Level 2 with Himiko, Queen of WaHimiko, Queen of Wa
Dotaku (Gain 50 Science when you spend an Attribute Point on the Scientific Attribute Tree)Reach Level 5 with Himiko, Queen of WaHimiko, Queen of Wa
Yasakani no Magatama (+2 Science per Age for every Technology Mastery completed)Reach Level 9 with Himiko, Queen of WaHimiko, Queen of Wa
Yata no Kagami (+20 Culture per Age at the start of every Celebration)Reach Level 2 with Himiko, High ShamanHimiko, High Shaman
Sakaki Branch (+25 percent Production towards constructing Happiness Buildings)Reach Level 5 with Himiko, High ShamanHimiko, High Shaman
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Kusanagi no Tsurugi (+3 Culture and -1 Science per Age on Happiness Buildings)Reach Level 9 with Himiko, High ShamanHimiko, High Shaman
Traveller’s Sandals (Gain 10 of the corresponding yield whenever you spend an Attribute Point)Reach Level 2 with Ibn BattutaIbn Battuta
Merchant’s Saddle (+1 Movement and Sight for Scouts, Merchants, and Settlers)Reach Level 5 with Ibn BattutaIbn Battuta
The Rihla (+1 Culture, Gold, Happiness, and Science per turn per Age for each Attribute Tree in which you have points)Reach Level 9 with Ibn BattutaIbn Battuta
Queen’s Jewelry (+2 Gold on Natural Wonders)Reach Level 2 with IsabellaIsabella
Ballestilla (+1 Sight for Naval Units)Reach Level 5 with IsabellaIsabella
Padrón Real (+100 percent yields on Natural Wonders, if you are working the most Natural Wonder tiles +2 Combat Strength for Naval Units if you are not)Reach Level 9 with IsabellaIsabella
Forget-me-not (Gain 10 Happiness per Age for completing Narrative Events)Reach Level 2 with José RizalJosé Rizal
Ophthalmoscope (+25 percent Celebration duration)Reach Level 5 with José RizalJosé Rizal
Noli Me Tángere (+10 percent to Science, Culture, and Gold for each Legacy Path completed in this Age)Reach Level 9 with José RizalJosé Rizal
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Noli Me Tángere (+10 percent to Science, Culture, and Gold for each Legacy Path completed in this Age)Reach Level 9 with José RizalJosé Rizal
Letter to Adrienne (+2 Happiness per Age for each Social Policy slotted in your Government)Reach Level 2 with LafayetteLafayette
Hermione Model (+1 Movement to all Naval Units)Reach Level 5 with LafayetteLafayette
Tricolor Cockade (+2 Culture and Happiness per Age in the Capital for every Tradition, but not Policy, slotted into your Government)Reach Level 9 with LafayetteLafayette
Discorsi Sopra Livio (Costs opponents 50 percent more Influence to reject your Diplomatic Actions)Reach Level 2 with MachiavelliMachiavelli
Dell’Arte della Guerra (+5 Gold per Sanction you have active per Age)Reach Level 5 with MachiavelliMachiavelli
Il Principe (Declaring a Formal War decreases relationship with all untargeted Civilizations by 25)Reach Level 9 with MachiavelliMachiavelli
Portrait of Josephine (+2 Gold per Age for every Leader you are Unfriendly or Hostile with)Reach Level 2 with Napoleon, EmperorNapoleon, Emperor
Green Colonel’s Jacket (+1 Gold per Age per Trade Route doubled if you have the highest number of Trade Routes)Reach Level 5 with Napoleon, EmperorNapoleon, Emperor
Crown of Napoleon (Gain 100 Gold per Age when a Formal War is declared against you)Reach Level 9 with Napoleon, EmperorNapoleon, Emperor
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Artilleryman’s Gloves (+1 Culture per Age for every Army Commander Level)Reach Level 2 with Napoleon, RevolutionaryNapoleon, Revolutionary
Bicorne Hat (+1 Movement for Infantry Units)Reach Level 5 with Napoleon, RevolutionaryNapoleon, Revolutionary
Legion d’honneur Grand Eagle and Cross (Units in a Command Radius heal +10 HP after defeating an enemy Unit)Reach Level 9 with Napoleon, RevolutionaryNapoleon, Revolutionary
Topayauri (+1 Food per Age in Districts adjacent to Mountains)Reach Level 2 with PachacutiPachacuti
All-T’oqapu Tunic (+3 Sight for Scouts adjacent to Mountains)Reach Level 5 with PachacutiPachacuti
Mascapaycha (+1 Gold and Food from Specialists in tiles adjacent to Mountains)Reach Level 9 with PachacutiPachacuti
Poteskwate (+1 Food per Age in Settlements for each City-State you are Suzerain of)Reach Level 2 with TecumsehTecumseh
Warclub (+1 Combat Strength for all Units for every City-State you are Suzerain of)Reach Level 5 with TecumsehTecumseh
Wampum Belt (+1 Production per Age in Settlements for each City-State you are Suzerain of)Reach Level 9 with TecumsehTecumseh
Kiem (+1 Science for every Commander Level)Reach Level 2 with Trung TacTrung Tac
Memento PerkHow To UnlockLeader
Ankus (+1 free War Support on all wars)Reach Level 5 with Trung TacTrung Tac
Dong Son Drum (Declaring war against another Civilization grants a Celebration)Reach Level 9 with Trung TacTrung Tac
Scythian Battle-Axe (+1 Gold per Age for every Commander XP earned)Reach Level 2 with Xerxes, King of KingsXerxes, King of Kings
Lotus Blossom (+4 percent of your Gold income as additional Science and Culture)Reach Level 5 with Xerxes, King of KingsXerxes, King of Kings
Golden Sceptre (+3 Gold per Age for each other Civilization’s Settlement you have conquered)Reach Level 9 with Xerxes, King of KingsXerxes, King of Kings
Incense Censer (+2 Culture per Age for every active Trade Route)Reach Level 2 with Xerxes, the AchaemenidXerxes, the Achaemenid
Gold Fluted Phiale (+1 Trade Route Limit with all other Leaders)Reach Level 5 with Xerxes, the AchaemenidXerxes, the Achaemenid
Chalcedony Seal (+3 Culture and Gold for Unique Buildings and Improvements if you have three or more Unique Buildings or Improvements)Reach Level 9 with Xerxes, the AchaemenidXerxes, the Achaemenid

Mementos give your Leader a special ability that can really help you out in the game if you use it wisely. You’ll get the hang of how they work pretty quickly once you unlock your first Memento slot. Also, it’s worth knowing that you can turn Mementos on or off in multiplayer games. This helps keep things balanced and fair for everyone playing.

Harry S
Harry S
Harry Smith has played video games since the early 2000s, starting with the original CoD and Doom 3. He has spent countless hours playing games of varying genres. His deep understanding of modern game mechanics puts him in the prime position to understand the gaming industry and write intuitive guides.Before founding Patch Crazy, Harry S freelanced for 10 years, working for several gaming publications.


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