In R.E.P.O., there’s a wide variety of items and weapons you can use to enhance your runs and improve your overall performance. Choosing the right tools can make a significant difference in how smoothly your gameplay unfolds. To help you make the most of your experience, here’s a detailed list of all the items available in R.E.P.O. along with their functions and how they can give you an edge during your runs.
Each Drone has a unique effect when used and will occupy space in your inventory while also consuming stamina—so consider how it might affect your ability to sprint away from monsters before using it.
All Drones and Their Uses
Zero Gravity Drone: $24K
Ideal for slowing down incoming threats—it locks onto the nearest object or organism and reduces their movement by making them buoyant.
Feather Drone: $16K
Allows the player to jump higher.
Roll Drone: $10K
Enables the player to roll on the ground after a Tumble Launch.
Indestructible Drone: $28K
Makes one item indestructible, useful for protecting high-value items.
Recharge Drone: $4–5K
Restores power to items that need recharging.
Service Station Upgrades
Upgrades bought at the Service Station are consumable by the player. After purchase, they appear in your R.E.P.O. truck when you start the next level. Once used, they provide stat boosts specific to the item and can be either single-use or permanent.
All Upgrades and Their Uses
Stamina: $2K
Permanently increases stamina by 10 points.
Sprint: $6K–$8K
Permanently boosts sprint speed by 20%.
Strength: $6K–$8K
Permanently increases strength, allowing you to pick up heavier items.
Health: $6K–$8K
Permanently raises maximum health by 20 HP.
Range: $6K–$8K
Permanently increases the range for picking up items.
Radar: $10K–$12K
Permanently reveals other players on the map.
Extra Jump: $12K
Permanently allows you to jump twice instead of once.
Tumble Launch: $4K–$5K
Permanently increases the distance of your tumble launch.
Map Player Count: $11K
Permanently lets you track your teammates’ positions; keep upgrading until the whole team is visible.
Small Health Pack: $3K–$5K
Restores 25 HP (single-use).
Medium Health Pack: $6K–$10K
Restores 50 HP (single-use).
Large Health Pack: $9–12K
Restores 100 HP (single-use).
Melee Weapons
Like throwable weapons and sprinting, melee weapons temporarily reduce the player’s stamina and need to be recharged in the R.E.P.O. truck using Energy Crystals. Some weapons are more effective against specific monsters, but be cautious—some may also cause damage to you and your team.
All Melee Weapons and Their Uses
Frying Pan: $24K–$27K
Swing it to strike monsters.
Sledge Hammer: $44K–$48K
Swing horizontally or while spinning to knock back surrounding monsters.
Inflatable Hammer: $9K
Deals explosive damage when it hits a flat surface, causing a knockback effect on the user.
Baseball Bat: $24K–$29K
A melee weapon with improved handling and faster attack speed.
Sword: $25K–$26K
A melee weapon that cannot have its range increased using the scroll wheel.
Gun: $46K
Fire at enemies—accuracy decreases when firing continuously without pauses.
Tranq Gun: $17K
Temporarily puts monsters to sleep.
Shotgun: $92K
Press “E” to fire—has unlimited ammo, but the third shot causes the shotgun to swing behind you.
These throwable weapons consume some of the player’s stamina when used and need to be recharged with Energy Crystals once their energy runs out. The R.E.P.O. truck comes with one crystal installed, giving you some initial power, but the weapons aren’t built to last forever—so make sure to stock up.
All Throwables and Their Uses
Grenade: $3K
Press “E” to pull the pin and throw it at your enemy.
Stun Grenade: $3K
Throw at a target to stun the enemy upon explosion. Causes no damage.
Shockwave Grenade: $3K
Throw at a target to stun and damage the enemy upon explosion.
Human Grenade: $2K
Available in the Secret Shop—creates a more precise explosion that deals less damage than a regular Grenade.
Duct Taped Grenades: $2K
Available in the Secret Shop—multiple Human Grenades taped together, causing wide-range damage.
Explosive Mine: $3K
Place on the ground—it explodes when stepped on. It will beep while activating, and a red beam signals it’s armed.
Stun Mine: $3K
Place on the ground—it stuns anything that steps on it for about five seconds.
Shockwave Mine: $3K
Place on the ground—works like the Shockwave Grenade, delivering both a stun and damage upon activation.
Zero Gravity Orb: $44K–$46K
Throw at a target to create a dome where everything inside experiences zero gravity.
Energy Crystals are undoubtedly the most important utility item, as they’re essential for recharging weapons in the R.E.P.O. truck after use. However, there’s also a variety of other useful items to take advantage of.
All Utility Items and Their Uses
Extraction Tracker: $5K–$7K
Tracks the location of the next extraction point.
Valuable Tracker: $15K
Locates the nearest valuable item.
Energy Crystal: $7K–$9K
Adds an Energy Container to the R.E.P.O. truck, used for recharging tools.
Rubber Duck: $16K
A throwable explosive that bounces off surfaces. It can harm the thrower if it bounces back.
C.A.R.T.: $41K–$45K
Provides an extra C.A.R.T., useful when playing with multiple players.
Pocket C.A.R.T.: $17K–$18K
A smaller C.A.R.T. that fits into tight spaces and is ideal for carrying high-value items.
An item’s effectiveness depends on the situation and the type of monster you’re facing. However, as you become familiar with the locations and enemies, selecting the right combination should become easy—provided you have the funds.
Note: After completing a level, you can visit the Service Station to purchase items using the money earned from selling items collected in the previous level. However, keep in mind that the game always rounds down your earnings to the nearest thousand, so plan accordingly when hauling your scrap.