Fishing in Monster Hunter Wilds offers a relaxing yet rewarding break from the thrill of hunting large monsters. Whether you’re aiming to complete Kanya’s quests or simply seeking valuable materials, mastering the art of angling is crucial. This guide offers step-by-step instructions for catching particular fish, from the rare Goldenfish to the shy Gravid Bowfin, the troublesome “Whopper” class species, and the mysterious Grand Escunite. Special bait and approaches are necessary for each fish, and the knowledge of their favorite haunts and habits is the key to a successful catch. So, take up your rod, bait your hook, and plunge into the peaceful world of Monster Hunter Wilds angling.
How to catch Goldenfish
At the start of the game, you only have one type of bait, the Common Wood Minnow. It works well enough for catching a variety of fish, but it’s not always the fastest way to snag the one you’re after. Thankfully, Kanya gives you two extra bait options for this quest: the Golden Bughead and the Emerald Jitterbait.
If you’re after Goldenfish, the Golden Bughead is your best bet. To equip it, pull out your Fishing Rod, hold L1/LB, and scroll through your bait options, it works just like switching Bow Coatings. Once you’ve got the right bait selected, aim and cast your line. Goldenfish aren’t too fussy; they usually dart toward the bait as soon as it’s close. You might catch a few Goldenfry too, they’re not part of the quest, but they drop valuable materials you can sell.
If the fish don’t bite right away, try giving the rod a little wiggle or slowly reel the bait closer to them, sometimes a bit of movement grabs their attention. When a Goldenfish takes the bait, keep a steady hand and reel it in smoothly to secure your catch.
Goldenfish Location
Goldenfish are in all corners of the game, but if you are on Kanya’s fishing quests, then your best bet would be the Scarlet Forest. It is teeming with life, but particularly aquatic life, so it is a great place to search for Goldenfish. You can explore other regions if you want, but the Scarlet Forest is the most reliable place to find them.
According to Kanya and the quest details, Goldenfish prefer cooler, darker environments, so you’re more likely to spot them in caves rather than open water. They stick to these shadowy spots, staying hidden away from brighter areas.
You can explore other regions if you want, but the Scarlet Forest is the most reliable place to find them.
According to Kanya and the quest details, Goldenfish prefer cooler, darker environments, so you’re more likely to spot them in caves rather than open water. They stick to these shadowy spots, staying hidden away from brighter areas.
In the Scarlet Forest, the most consistent and easy-to-reach location for Goldenfish is in Area 12, just south of the Wudwud Hideout. To get there, head south from the hideout and look for a cave tucked behind a waterfall. Once inside, check the deeper, shaded parts of the cave’s waters, that’s where the Goldenfish like to hang out. With the right bait and a bit of patience, you’ll have no trouble reeling one in for Kanya’s quest!
How to catch Gravid Bowfin
Gravid Bowfins are particularly drawn to the Emerald Jitterbait but are more reserved than other species. To increase your chances of landing one, cast near them and reel slowly, stopping every now and then. This constant method is more effective than flicking or skipping the bait. When a Gravid Bowfin bites, simply pull the trigger, and you’ve got it, your prize!
To switch lures, hold L1 on PS5, LB on Xbox, or CTRL on PC. Then press Triangle or X on PS5, Y or A on Xbox, or use the arrow keys on PC to scroll through your bait options.
When fishing for Gravid Bowfins, patience is key. They’re not as eager as other fish, so don’t be surprised if you have to reel in a few others before a Gravid finally takes the bait.
For a slow reel, gently move the Left Stick up and down on PS5 and Xbox, or use W and S on PC. The moment you feel a bite, quickly press R2 on PS5, RT on Xbox, or Left Mouse Button on PC to reel it in. With a bit of persistence, you’ll land yourself a Gravid Bowfin in no time.
Gravid Bowfin Location
The Gravid Bowfin can show up in every region, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to catch. They have a low spawn rate no matter where you look, so you’ll need a bit of luck and plenty of patience. These fish tend to stick to open water and swim deeper than most, making them tricky to spot. Since they’re red, the best time to search for them is during Plenty weather in the Scarlet Forest, the red water during other weather conditions can blend with their color, making them almost invisible.
To boost your chances, look for them when the weather is Plenty and the time is either dawn or dusk. You can find Gravid Bowfins in the Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest, Oilwell Basin, Iceshard Cliffs, and the Ruins of Wyveria.
In the Windward Plains, check Area 13, it’s fairly easy to reach by either passing through the underground caves that open up there or crossing the sand dunes.
Though they’re rare, there’s no clear pattern for when or where they’ll spawn, it seems pretty random. If you’re in the Scarlet Forest Camp, there’s a fishing spot nearby where Kanya is often seen fishing, and it’s one of the better places to try your luck for a Gravid Bowfin. It might take some time, but with the right bait and a bit of persistence, you’ll eventually reel one in!
How to catch Whopper
To start fishing, equip your fishing rod by holding the left bumper on your controller and selecting it from the item wheel. Then, cycle through your lures until you find the Starduster Rig, the one Kanya gave you.
When you spot a Whopper in the water and it bites, you’ll feel the tug on your line. To stop it from snapping, move your line in the same direction the Whopper is pulling. Keep following its movements, it’ll eventually get tired. You’ll know it’s worn out when it pauses for a moment.
But stay sharp, Whoppers can jump out of the water to try and break free. If they leap, quickly move your line in the direction they’re jumping and use the reel-in command to hold them steady. This not only keeps them from escaping but also tires them out even more.
Once the Whopper stops struggling, start reeling it in using your directional controls, just like you would for a fast or slow reel. But don’t relax too much! If the Whopper regains its strength, you’ll have to wear it down again before pulling it in further.
If you’re struggling to catch one, here’s a helpful trick: if you’ve unlocked decoration melding, craft a level one Ranger jewel and slot it to activate the Outdoorsman skill — it makes fishing a little easier.
Whopper Location
If you’re ready to start your hunt, the best spot is at the top level of the Scarlet Forest, especially in Area 17. Head past the ruins, and you’ll come across deeper waters, a perfect place to fish.
The current conditions in the Scarlet Forest can affect what shows up and how many big fish, or “whoppers,” you’ll find. Keep an eye out for large splashes forming in circles, that’s a clear sign fish are gathering, making it a prime spot to cast your line. It’s even easier to spot when you see Harpios circling above and diving into the water, they’re after the same fish you are!
Just to clear things up: a “whopper” isn’t one specific type of fish. In Monster Hunter Wilds, it’s a general term for the bigger fish that trigger a special minigame when you catch them, like the Gajau, Speartuna, and Great Trevally. So, if you see those telltale splashes or diving Harpios, grab your rod and get ready, there’s a whopper waiting for you!
How to catch Grand Escunite
They are quite difficult to catch while fishing for grand escunites, or even normal escunites, as their movements are so erratic. They move in the direction of their shells, but when grabbing food, they employ their tentacles, thus making it complicated to determine their destination. It presents an additional challenge in catching them.
To increase your chances, attempt to position your tentacle jig near the grand escunite. Once in place, employ a slow reel to maintain the bait in their line of sight. They are not as attracted to bait as other fish, so patience is essential when attempting to entice them.
Even when they notice the bait, they don’t rush to bite. They often hover around it for a while, seemingly unsure, which can be a bit frustrating if you’re expecting a quick catch. The trick is to stay still and keep your movements subtle, sudden actions might scare them off.
On the bright side, grand escunites aren’t the strongest swimmers. If one shows interest in your bait, you’ll have plenty of time to adjust your approach without spooking it. With enough patience and careful handling, you’ll eventually reel one in.
Grand Escunite Location
Grand escunites are rare creatures found only in the Scarlet Forest, and the best time to spot them is at night. While it’s not required, fishing during Plenty weather increases your chances since these glowing animals stand out more in the dark, making them easier to spot.
If you’re on the hunt for grand escunites, there are a few key places to check, but always after sunset. You might find them in the pond near the pop-up camp at Area 8: Underground Lake or along the shores of Area 17: Great Lake.
That said, your best bet is the deep waters between Areas 12 and 13, just northwest of the Northeast camp in Area 12. This spot almost always has grand escunites, and thanks to their natural glow, they’re pretty hard to miss once you’re in the right place.