In Monster Hunter Wilds, Rosso plays a crucial role in the “Born from the Flame” main quest. You’ll find him in the Windward Plains after completing “Long-forgotten Flame.” This guide will help you locate Rosso, navigate the Windward Plains, and prepare for the challenges ahead in your journey.
Born From the Flame Walkthrough
With the threat to Azuz resolved, the expedition team reflects on their recent findings: the possibly man-made Landspine and its likely role in shaping the region’s unique ecological cycle. They return to the initial Base Camp to plan their next steps.
Talk with the Guildmates
Back at the Oilwell Basin, you’ll have the option to speak with six of your companions. Start with Alma and Nata near your tent—they discuss the people of Azuz. Next, head to the Smithy, where Gemma is in good spirits following recent events. To her left, you’ll find Werner, who isn’t exactly being pleasant.
Then, visit Erik in the tent near yours. Finally, wrap up your conversations with Olivia, who is stationed at the front of the tent.
Talk to Rosso
Before leaving, take note of Roqul, who stands next to a forge. He introduces two new mechanics: the Smelting Foundry and Festival Shares. The Smelting Foundry allows you to use monster parts to create armor spheres. Each part contributes points, and you’ll need a specific amount to craft a sphere.
As for Festival Shares, be sure to check in with Roqul occasionally to receive free crafting materials. When you’re ready to depart, open the World Map and select your first destination, Windward Plains. Rosso can be found in the main Commander tent near the entrance.
Before speaking with him, visit Gemma—she’ll give you your first Mantle, the Rocksteady Mantle, and introduce you to Decorations. She’ll also provide the Shockproof Jewel [1]. Once that’s done, meet with Rosso to discuss the next plan, speaking with him will trigger a cutscene, after which Chapter 3 – The Faithful Keepers will begin.
Note: Mantles provide unique effects when equipped, functioning as Essential Tools. They can offer benefits such as health recovery or reduced detectability. For instance, the Rocksteady Mantle decreases damage taken and prevents flinching when hit.