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HomeGuidesAvowed Belenna Location and Missing Rangers Quest Guide

Avowed Belenna Location and Missing Rangers Quest Guide

Early in your journey through Fior in Avowed, you can undertake the side quest “Missing Rangers”. Two dedicated rangers have been secretly slipping away together, sparking rumours that they might be eloping. While this isn’t stated outright, there are strong hints of a romantic connection between them. However, they’ve been gone for a while now, and Lieutenant Fidelio is growing increasingly concerned for their safety.

You can start this side quest as soon as you arrive in Fior mes Invierno. Head to the bar in town, where you’ll spot the blue quest marker for Avowed’s Missing Rangers. If you’re having trouble completing the quest, we’ve got you covered.

How to Initiate the Missing Rangers Side Quest 

Upon arriving in Fior mes Iverno, make your way to the Bone & Boar tavern and find Lieutenant Fidelio at one of the tables. Though clearly intoxicated, he appears troubled. If you press him for details, he’ll reveal that two of his rangers haven’t returned from their latest patrol. It’s widely suspected that the pair are romantically involved, and Fidelio is worried about their safety.

If you agree to help find them, he’ll tell you that their last known patrol route was around the lake northwest of Fior and this will trigger the beginning of the Missing Rangers side quest for you.

How to Locate Belenna And Get Her Badge

Next, you’ll need to track down Lieutenant Fidelio’s missing rangers. Despite the assumptions, they aren’t together, so you’ll have to visit multiple locations. Start by finding Belenna.

You can find Belenna at a riverside camp in the Grim Wetlands, northwest of Fior mes Iverno. Her camp is located roughly halfway between the Riverbed Party Camp and the Overgrown Godless Tower to the west.

When you approach her, speak with her. Unfortunately, she won’t be very helpful—your party suspects she’s been affected by the Dreamscourge. During her ramblings, you have the opportunity to offer to find Adelarro, but first, you must decide what to do with her.

You can tell her you’ll search for Adelarro as long as she stays put, inform her that you’ll let Fidelio know where she is, encourage her to return to town to meet with animancers, instruct her to flee into the woods, or offer to end her suffering. Regardless of your choice, Belenna remains unresponsive and simply asks where Adelarro is. You can either spare her the truth by lying or reveal that he has been lost to the Dreamscourge. As the conversation concludes, she hands you Belenna’s Badge to deliver to Fidelio at the Bone & Boar and tells you that Adelarro is somewhere upriver.

How to Locate Adelarro And Get His Badge

Adelarro can be found at the Moldering Godless Ruins, located on the western bank of the river, north of Belenna’s camp. When you arrive, you’ll discover that he has fallen to the Dreamscourge—and he’s not alone. A group of infected rangers will be with him.

You’ll need to clear the area of hostiles. Once the threat is eliminated, loot Adelarro’s corpse to obtain Adelarro’s Badge. Be sure to check inside the main ruin as well, where you’ll find some notes and a treasure chest containing 13 Golden Scelling, Tanned Hide, Vessel Flesh, and 3 Hardwood Branch.

Talk to Lieutenant Fidelio

With both rangers found and their badges in hand, you can now return to Fidelio in Fior mes Iverno to deliver the news. You’ll have to tell him that Adelarro is dead, while Belenna is still alive—but your choice of words about Belenna will slightly affect your rewards.

  • “I told her to come back…” – Fidelio will panic at first but will ultimately accept your decision.
  • “Still wandering…” – Fidelio will leave town to search for her. Choosing this option also grants you a unique ring.

Either choice will conclude the side quest.


  • If you tell Fidelio that Belenna is coming back to town: You’ll receive XP and 550 Skeyt.
  • If you say she’s still wandering: Fidelio will leave town to search for her, and you’ll receive XP, 550 Skeyt, and the Peerless Marksman Ring..

The Missing Rangers side quest in Avowed offers an engaging mix of exploration, combat, and decision-making. Your choices impact Fidelio’s fate and your rewards, adding depth to the story. Whether you send Belenna back or let Fidelio search for her, this quest provides meaningful consequences and valuable loot for your journey.



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