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NYT Crossword January 17 2025 Answers (1/17/25)

Our guide to the NYT Crossword for January 17, 2025, is here to assist you in completing today’s puzzle if you’re feeling stuck on any clues. The NYT Crossword is a daily challenge that tests solvers’ vocabulary and general knowledge. Known for its tricky clues and clever wordplay, it’s one of the most popular crosswords worldwide. You can find it in the print edition of The New York Times or access it online.


NYT Crossword January 17, 2025 Answers

If you’re looking for help with the NYT Crossword on 1/17/25, we’ve compiled all the clues below, so you can easily find the answers you need. Simply search for the clue and select it to see the answer. We’ve organised it this way so if you’re only looking for a few clues, you won’t spoil the rest of the puzzle.

1A Introductory course NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Introductory (adjective)

  • Serving as a foundation or starting point
  • Acting as an introduction or prelude



Hint 2: Course (noun)

  • A general direction or pathway
  • (In construction) a layer of brickwork or stonework

6A Exchange letters NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Letters (noun)

  • Academic achievement
  • Literary culture



Hint 2: Exchange (verb)

  • Swap or substitute with something of a similar kind or category
  • Give and receive reciprocally

9A Venue for the sale of the town of Buford, Wyo., in 2012 (price: $900,000) NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Price (noun)

  • The value determined by what must be given, done, or endured to acquire something
  • The characteristic of having material worth, often represented by the amount of money it would fetch if sold



Hint 2: Price (verb)

  • Find out or discover the cost
  • Set or determine the cost

13A What you might get after being taken for a ride NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Being (noun)

  • The condition or fact of existing
  • A living entity capable of acting or functioning independently



Hint 2: After (adverb)

  • Occurring at a time following a specified reference point

16A Hint NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Hint (noun)

  • A subtle suggestion
  • A barely noticeable amount



Hint 2: Hint (verb)

  • Give a suggestion or clue; imply subtly

17A Jörmungandr, in Norse mythology NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Mythology (noun)

  • The collection of myths; the body of stories connected to a culture, institution, or individual
  • The study of myths



Hint 2: Norse (adjective)

  • Pertaining to Norway, its people, culture, or language
  • Relating to Scandinavia, its peoples, or cultures

18A ___ option NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Option (noun)

  • The process of making a choice or selection
  • A choice among several possibilities, with only one being able to be selected



19A Narrow passage: Abbr. NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Passage (noun)

  • The enactment of a law by a legislative body
  • A physical transition from one place or stage to another



Hint 2: Narrow (verb)

  • Become tight or constricted
  • Focus more on a specific area of activity or field of study

20A Affixes, in a way NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Anagram – Rearrange the letters below to solve today’s answer;




21A Unprincipled NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Unprincipled (adjective)

  • Lacking integrity or ethical standards
  • Devoid of principles or moral values



23A Midrange performer NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • The highest vocal range for an adult male singer
  • The lowest vocal range for a female singer



Hint 2: (Adjective)

Referring to the lowest female voice

Referring to the highest male voice, with a range above that of tenor

24A Shattering results NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Shattering (noun)

  • The process of breaking something into small fragments



Hint 2: Shattering (adjective)

  • Loud enough to seem as though it could break something; violently shaking or clattering

25A So-so at best NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: So-so (adverb)

  • In a satisfactory, though unremarkable, manner



Hint 2: So-so (adjective)

  • Neither particularly good nor bad

29A Buff marsh resident NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Buff (verb)

  • Hit or strike repeatedly
  • Polish and make smooth or shiny



Hint 2: Buff (noun)

  • A tool made of soft material attached to a block, used for polishing (such as in manicuring)
  • A medium to dark tan colour

30A Budget alternative NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Budget (noun)

  • A summary of planned expenses along with strategies for covering them
  • A specific amount of money designated for a particular purpose



Hint 2: Budget (verb)

  • Create or plan a budget

31A Saucer contents, in brief NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Saucer (noun)

  • An object with a round shape, similar to a flat circular plate
  • A directional antenna featuring a parabolic reflector for microwave or radio frequency radiation



Hint 2: Contents (noun)

  • A list of divisions (such as chapters or articles) and their starting pages
  • (Usually plural) All items included in a collection or contained within something

34A Industrial Revolution and others NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Industrial (adjective)

  • Related to or employed in industry
  • Characterised by highly developed industries



Hint 2: Revolution (noun)

  • A full rotation (axial or orbital)
  • A profound and wide-ranging change in thinking or behaviour

35A First Pixar film with a female protagonist NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Female (adjective)

  • Pertaining to or characteristic of a woman
  • Referring to the sex (in plants or animals) that produces fertilisable gametes (ova) for reproduction



Hint 2: Female (noun)

  • An individual of the sex capable of bearing offspring
  • An animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilised by male gametes (spermatozoa)

36A Fulminate NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Fulminate (verb)

  • Criticise harshly
  • Cause to explode violently with a loud noise



Hint 2: Fulminate (noun)

  • A salt or ester derived from fulminic acid

37A Cubby hole? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Cubby (noun)

  • A small, private room or space



Hint 2: Hole (noun)

  • An informal term for a challenging or difficult situation
  • A single playing segment (from tee to green) on a golf course

38A Playwright/screenwriter Douglas Carter ___ NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Screenwriter (noun)

  • A person who writes screenplays



Hint 2: Playwright (noun)

  • A person who writes plays

39A First capital of Alaska NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Capital (noun)

  • The top section of a column that supports the entablature
  • The federal government of the United States



Hint 2: Capital (adjective)

  • Uppercase
  • Of the highest quality or excellent

40A One method of payment NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Payment (noun)

  • The act of providing money in exchange for goods or services
  • An act of reciprocation; giving something in return



Hint 2: Method (noun)

  • An acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky, where the actor draws on personal emotions or experiences to connect with the character
  • A way of doing something, particularly a structured approach, often involving logical steps

43A Pickle NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Pickle (noun)

  • An informal term for a challenging or troublesome situation
  • Vegetables (typically cucumbers) preserved in brine or vinegar



Hint 2: Pickle (verb)

  • Preserve in a pickling solution

44A Actress Melissa Joan ___ NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Melissa (noun)

  • A genus of Old World mints in the Labiatae family



Hint 2: Actress (noun)

  • A female performer or actor

45A Sauce made of seeds NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Made (adjective)

  • Created through a manufacturing process
  • Successful or certain to succeed



Hint 2: Sauce (verb)

  • Enhance the flavour or excitement of; make more intriguing
  • Behave boldly or disrespectfully toward

46A Company behind Sonic the Hedgehog NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Hedgehog (noun)

  • A small nocturnal mammal from the Old World, covered with hair and protective spines
  • A relatively large rodent with sharp, erectile bristles mixed with its fur



Hint 2: Company (noun)

  • A visitor for social or business purposes
  • The state of being in the presence of someone

47A Blubber NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Blubber (verb)

  • Cry or sob loudly while sniffling
  • Whine or cry with snuffling sounds



Hint 2: Blubber (noun)

  • Excess body fat
  • A thick layer of fat beneath the skin of whales and other large marine mammals, used for insulation and as a source of oil

50A 2011 hit by Jay-Z and Kanye West that samples a 1966 soul performance NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Performance (noun)

  • A theatrical or musical presentation
  • The process or way in which something functions or operates



51A Very NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Unhealthiness (noun)

  • A condition where one is unable to function normally or without discomfort



Hint 2: Retrovert (verb)

  • Return to a previous state or position

54A Bit of a subway station wall NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Wall (noun)

  • A barrier or embankment constructed around an area for protection
  • (In anatomy) A layer or membrane that encloses a structure



Hint 2: Wall (verb)

  • Enclose or fortify by building a wall around

55A “That’ll do” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Answers used in the past:

  • CLOSEENOUGH (11 letters)
  • STOP (4 letters)
  • NOMORE (6 letters)



56A Split things, sometimes NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Things (noun)

  • Any movable belongings, particularly items of clothing.



Hint 2: Split (adjective)

  • Having been divided or torn apart; lacking unity, especially when referring to wood that has been cut or ripped along the grain.

57A Some printer purchases, for short NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Printer (noun)

  • A person whose job involves printing.
  • A device used for printing.



Hint 2: Short (adjective)

  • Insufficient in quantity to fulfill a need.
  • Characterised by abrupt or impolite brevity.

58A Ping maker NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Maker (noun)

  • A company involved in the production of a specific product.
  • Terms used to refer to the Judeo-Christian God.



Hint 2: Ping (noun)

  • A river in western Thailand, a key tributary of the Chao Phraya.
  • A sharp, high-pitched, resonant sound, such as a sonar echo or a bullet striking metal.

1D Work (out) NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Work (verb)

  • To make something uniform.
  • To function as intended when applied.



Hint 2: Work (noun)

  • The process of engaging the mind in learning and understanding a subject, particularly through reading.
  • The job or profession for which one is paid.

2D Provide crooked support for NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Provide (verb)

  • To give something that is useful or necessary.
  • To supply the means for subsistence; to earn a living.



Hint 2: Crooked (adjective)

  • Having an irregular shape or outline.
  • Having a rounded back and shoulders; not standing upright.

3D Shakespearean counterpart to Logan on “Succession” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Succession (noun)

  • A series of events or things occurring one after another in time.
  • The transfer of property through inheritance or a will.



Hint 2: Counterpart (noun)

  • An identical or duplicate copy.
  • A person or thing that serves the same function or shares similar characteristics as another.

4D Ready to fight NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Ready (adjective)

  • Quick to understand and respond with sensitivity.
  • Fully prepared or in the right condition for immediate action, use, or progress.



Hint 2: Ready (verb)

  • To prepare or equip something in advance for a specific purpose or event.
  • To make food ready for consumption by applying heat.

5D Bead NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Bead (noun)

  • A small, spherical shape.
  • A beaded trim or molding used to decorate or edge furniture.



Hint 2: Bead (verb)

  • To decorate by sewing beads onto something.
  • To form into beads, as with water or sweat.

6D “Take your time!” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Time (noun)

  • A specific point in time indicated by a clock.
  • Rhythm created by dividing time into equal durations.



Hint 2: Time (verb)

  • To measure the duration of an event, action, or the performance of a person within a set period.
  • To adjust so that a force is applied, and an action happens at the desired moment.

7D Worst possible circumstances, with “the” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Circumstances (noun)

  • Your overall condition or situation in life, encompassing everything that occurs to you.
  • A person’s financial state, whether good or bad.



Hint 2: Possible (adjective)

  • Existing as a possibility.
  • Capable of happening or existing.

8D Horizontal line, in Chinese writing NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Horizontal (adjective)

  • Parallel to or within the plane of the horizon or a baseline.



Hint 2: Horizontal (noun)

  • An object or element that is oriented horizontally.

9D “More!” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: More (adjective)

  • (Comparative of “much” used with mass nouns) Indicating a greater size, amount, extent, or degree.
  • (Comparative of “many” used with count nouns) Indicating a greater number.



Hint 2: More (noun)

  • An English statesman who opposed Henry VIII’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and executed; remembered for his concept of Utopia, the ideal state.

10D Positions of governance NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Governance (noun)

  • The individuals (or committees or departments) who form an entity responsible for administering something.
  • The process of governing; the exercise of authority.



11D It shows the lay of the land NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Land (noun)

  • The material in the Earth’s top layer where plants can grow, especially concerning its quality or use.
  • The territory inhabited by a nation.



Hint 2: Land (verb)

  • To reach or come to a stop.
  • To bring something into a different state.

12D Big whoop NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Whoop (verb)

  • To cough in a sudden, spasmodic manner.
  • To shout out with joy or enthusiasm.



Hint 2: Whoop (noun)

  • A loud, hooting cry expressing exultation or excitement.

14D Borg who co-founded the Institute for Women in Technology NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Technology (noun)

  • The field concerned with applying scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.
  • Machinery and equipment developed through engineering or other applied sciences.



Hint 2: Institute (verb)

  • To establish or lay the foundation for.
  • To present or initiate in a court of law.

15D Kenneth who wrote “The Wind in the Willows” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Noun)

  • An English author, born in Scotland, known for writing children’s stories (1859-1932).



22D Speedy shark NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Shark (noun)

  • Any of various elongated, mostly marine carnivorous fish with asymmetrical tails and tough skin covered in small, tooth-like scales.
  • A person who is ruthless, greedy, and dishonest.



Hint 2: Shark (verb)

  • To hunt sharks.
  • To engage in trickery or deceit, often in a deceptive or manipulative way.

23D Father of Phobos and Deimos NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Phobos (noun)

  • The larger of Mars’ two moons.



Hint 2: Deimos (noun)

  • The outer of Mars’ two small moons.

24D Features of some monks and punks NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Punks (noun)

  • A youth subculture that emerged in the late 1970s, closely tied to punk rock music. It was partly a reaction against the hippie subculture. The style was unconventional and often shocking, featuring clothing like plastic garbage bags or old school uniforms, with brightly dyed hair, typically styled in Mohican cuts or spiked into vibrant plumes.



25D It’s a must NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Must (noun)

  • The characteristic of having an old, stale, or mouldy smell or taste.
  • A necessary or essential item.



Hint 2: Must (adjective)

  • Strongly recommended or essential.

26D Fantasy creature NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Creature (noun)

  • A person who is controlled by others and used to carry out unpleasant or dishonest tasks.
  • A human being; “wight” is an old-fashioned term.



Hint 2: Fantasy (noun)

  • Imagination that is not limited by reality.
  • Something widely believed but false.

27D Relative minor? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Relative (noun)

  • An animal or plant that is related to another, either by common descent or membership in the same genus.
  • A person connected by blood or marriage.



Hint 2: Relative (adjective)

  • Properly associated in size, degree, or other measurable characteristics, usually followed by “to.”
  • Measured by comparison, not absolute or complete.

28D Way of looking at things NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Looking (adjective)

  • Appearing in a specified way, often used in combining forms.



Hint 2: Looking (noun)

  • The act of directing one’s eyes toward something in order to perceive it visually.
  • The act of searching or scanning visually.

32D ___ bar NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Bar (noun)

  • A portable .30 caliber automatic rifle, operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine, used by U.S. troops during World War I, World War II, and the Korean War.
  • The group of individuals legally qualified to practice law in a specific jurisdiction.



Hint 2: Bar (verb)

  • To prevent entry or keep someone out.
  • To make something unsuitable for passage.

33D Louver NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Louver (noun)

  • A slat or set of parallel slats in a door or window designed to allow air to enter while keeping out rain.



35D Alarm sound option on a smartphone NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Alarm (noun)

  • A feeling of fear caused by the awareness of danger.
  • A clock designed to wake someone at a preset time.



Hint 2: Alarm (verb)

  • To warn or alert someone to danger, prompting readiness.
  • To cause a feeling of apprehension or surprise, often unpleasant.

36D Hoot NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Hoot (noun)

  • Something of little worth.
  • A cry or noise made to show disapproval or contempt.



Hint 2: Hoot (verb)

  • To make a loud, clamorous shout.
  • To produce the characteristic sound of owls.

38D Milling byproduct NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Milling (noun)

  • The corrugated edge of a coin.



Hint 2: Byproduct (noun)

  • A secondary or often unexpected result.
  • A product created during the production of something else.

39D Unfortunate twists NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Unfortunate (adjective)

  • Not promising; indicating bad luck.
  • Not blessed by fortune; marked by or resulting in misfortune.



Hint 2: Unfortunate (noun)

  • A person who experiences misfortune.

41D Blooms for van Gogh NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Gogh (noun)

  • A Dutch Post-Impressionist painter, renowned for his use of colour (1853-1890).



42D Quarter back? NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Quarter (verb)

  • To execute a person by pulling them apart with four horses tied to their limbs.
  • To provide housing or accommodation for military personnel.



Hint 2: Quarter (noun)

  • One of four equal parts.
  • The rear section of a ship.

43D Smooth kind of finish NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Smooth (adjective)

  • (In music) Played without breaks between notes; seamless and connected.
  • (Of a body of water) Calm, without disturbance from large waves.



Hint 2: Smooth (verb)

  • To polish or make a surface shine.
  • To make something smooth or more even, often by rubbing.

45D Schlep NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Schlep (noun)

  • (Yiddish) A clumsy or foolish person.
  • A long, tedious, or difficult journey.



Hint 2: Schlep (verb)

  • To drag or pull something heavily, as if against resistance.

46D Point on a bus route NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Bus (noun)

  • An old, unreliable car.
  • A vehicle designed to carry many passengers, typically used for public transportation.



Hint 2: Bus (verb)

  • To clear used dishes from the table in a restaurant.
  • To travel by bus.

47D Floor NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Floor (noun)

  • The lower horizontal surface inside a room, hallway, tent, or similar structure.
  • A lower boundary or limit.



Hint 2: Floor (verb)

  • To greatly surprise or astonish someone.
  • To knock someone down with force.

48D ___ Tokarczuk, winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Literature (noun)

  • The study of written works from a humanistic perspective.
  • Creative writing that holds recognized artistic value.



Hint 2: Winner (noun)

  • A person known for a history of successes.
  • The contestant who emerges victorious in a contest.

49D Big name in paint NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Paint (noun)

  • A substance used to coat surfaces for protection or decoration, typically a mixture of pigment in a liquid that dries to form a hard finish.
  • A type of makeup, often a pink or red powder, applied to the cheeks.



Hint 2: Paint (verb)

  • To apply a liquid substance, such as linseed oil, to a surface (e.g., painting the gutters).
  • To cover a surface with paint.

52D “How gorgeous!” NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: (Verb)

  • To express admiration or pleasure by saying “ooh” or “aah.”



53D Adverb much used by Goldilocks NYT Crossword Clue

Hint 1: Goldilocks (noun)

  • An early-flowering perennial plant native to southern and southeastern Europe, with flower heads resembling those of goldenrod.



Hint 2: Adverb (noun)

  • A word that modifies something other than a noun.
  • A word class that qualifies verbs, adjectives, or clauses.


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