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HomeGuidesHow to Get and Use Guns in REPO

How to Get and Use Guns in REPO

Guns in REPO are a game changer but aren’t automatic to use and buy. First, you will be running from monsters and hiding, but as you learn their patterns, you’ll need something to protect yourself. Guns are the best to use, but they’re in short supply, expensive, and require some tactics to use effectively. This guide will teach you how to get guns in REPO, how they work, and what to expect when using them to fight.

How to Get Guns in REPO

At the start of REPO, you’ll mostly be running and hiding from Monsters. But as you get familiar with their behavior, you’ll learn how to avoid them, and even take them down. To do that, you’ll need weapons, and the best option is firearms. Remember the only means to acquire guns in REPO is from buying them from the Service Station.

Between rounds, players can visit this shop to buy different items and upgrades, including guns. But here’s the catch, guns rarely appear in the shop’s inventory, and when they do, they’re quite expensive. You’ll likely have to save up for several rounds without spending anything to afford one.

Every gun has varying damage values too, and others won’t even deal damage to enemies. To better assist you in deciding if they are worth your coins, here’s a compilation of all the guns you can get in REPO:

  • Tranq Gun – $16,000

Puts enemies to sleep for a short time, making it great for dealing with fast and powerful monsters.

  • Gun – $47,000

A typical weapon with average damage, but not much accuracy because of aiming problems.

  • Shotgun – $91,000

Very powerful when close, dealing incredible damage. The only catch is that it possesses heavy recoil, so be prepared for the recoil. Great to use to slay monsters.

How to Use Guns in REPO

Working with guns in REPO is slightly different due to the special controls. You can’t simply grab a shotgun and go around shooting everything in your way. Instead, you must collect and hold the gun just like any other item. To shoot, you must press the E key.

There isn’t an aiming system either in REPO, so you need to get close in order to land shots. Guns also don’t consume normal ammo, guns have a limited charge. To charge them, you need to utilize a Charging Station or a Recharge Drone. Rather than bullets, you will have to purchase Energy Crystals and pray you have enough to carry on.

Damsel in her own distress, abodes in her imaginary world, and enchanted by the magical realms of Elden Ring. A professional overthinker who loves to weave captivating stories, and is fascinated by the art of doing nothing. When not lost in thought, paints canvases that echo her wildest daydreams!


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